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animagus fictions

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Hi I am looking for a fic or two

It is about The gang becoming animangus. To find out what they are Sirius tells them that there is a potion/spell that they can use that will help them figure out what type of animal they are going to be. Hermione is a fox and Draco a cat and they are together. Luna and Neville are together as well.

There is another one I am looking for, Neville is a tree animangus which is really rare. Please help :)

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I know of a few where they use a potion to gain their Animagus forms... but I can't remember the titles or where I read them, sorry! I do know of one though that is a time-travel fic, where Harry and his friends are Animagus. Um, I know that; Ron is a Black-Panther, Ginny is a Cat, Hermione is a White-Owl and I think Harry is a fox. In this story Harry and his friends wind up in the past and become friends with Lily and The Marauders. It's also both Het and Slash... Let me know if you'd like to read it and I'll track it down! :D

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Yeah that sounds good. The one where neville turns into a tree is a fix i read a long time ago. I can remember that when he turns into a tree he can take the place of another tree in another part of the world. The have to bring in a person to help train him as it is a unique magic. I really want to read this fiction again but I cannot remember who wrote it or what the title is I do know that Harry, Hermione, Draco all have forms but Ron doesn't. But if you can post that story I would be happy to read it.

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That does sound interesting... sorry I've never read it! The story I mentioned has a sequel and I'll post the link to both. Here's a heads-up though... The Author tends to over explain or have the characters repeat themselves during a conversation. They also sometimes get the time lines off by a bit, but as long as you're paying attention, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. I really hope you enjoy both of these and the links below should take you to them no problem! :D

1) The quartet meet Lily and the Marauders

This story is 31 chapters long and leaves off when the Quartet return to their time.


2) The Quartet and The Marauders: The new time line.

And this one is 12 chapters and picks up with them reappearing in 1997.


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