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I am a female writer attempting to write some sex scenes from the male POV. I'd like to be more descriptive in relating what my character experiences during sex, especially when receiving a "blow job." angel.gif

Of course, my first stop on the research train was asking my husband. He was unable to describe it for me. So I tried doing some Google searches and searching the forums here. Still nothing helpful. huh.gif

For those of you who are equipped, or who have gotten your information from a reputable source (i.e. a male who has actually received oral sex), can you describe how it feels? How does it feel compared to other types of sexual activities? blush.gif

So far all I have come up with is:

"It feels good."

"It feels like a hand job, only wetter." -- Don't know what a hand job feels like from the male POV either. dry.gif

"I can't really describe it."


Well, probably feels like what you're nipples getting sucked on feels like. In other words, it depends on whose giving it. How muc pressure is being applied, is the tongue involved, are maybe the teeth part of the game? Different strokes for different folks, and from there it just gets kinky.

Posted (edited)

For me, light sucking/licking is just a soothing, relaxing sensation, much like lightly dragging your nails down my back slowly. You can do it all night and I won't come, hell there is a good chance I won't even be hard, but I would be perfectly willing to sit there and just enjoy the sensation.

A more agressive approach can be more intense, think flashes of fire going off on my dick and that sensation traveling to my head. You do it hard enough and those flashes can become more pronounced and almost painful.

The next part I don't think will be very helpful to you because I am not sure how many men are like me; I don't have a hair trigger (probably because of masturbating too much), so just the act of you bobbing up and down on my dick won't get it to ejaculate. Sex for me is more mental (I used to say sex was 80% in your head, 10% visual stimulation and 10% physical action) and oral sex is especially, hence I need more then what I feel as your mouth is bobbing up and down.

Last thing I can share with you revolved around a cutie I spent time with in college. The way she practiced 'safe sex" would be for me to ejaculate in her mouth. She would put a hoover lock on my spewing dick that was just out of this world. The fact that I was past the point of no return made her sucking action feel very localized and intense. As to how I would describe that, I guess I would go with someone zapping the tip of my dick with an electric cattle prod but only instead of pain, it was pure pleasure. Yes, I miss that girl. Well, at least her mouth.

(Note: Above is not meant to be a bragging, just the opposite, I haven't had a decent hummer in almost 20 years. Girlfriends and wives would get frustrated with me because they couldn't make me spuge the way they could their previous boyfriends.)

Edited by PariahSolo

Thanks PariahSolo, that's the best verbal/written response I've gotten out of anyone so far. I was beginning to think it was something that couldn't be described. biggrin.gif

I'm sorry to hear it's been so long since you've had a good one, PS. Most "givers" male or female have two hands as well as mouth and tongue. There's more to "head" than just bobbing up and down. devil.gif BTW, my husband doesn't exactly have a "hair trigger" either. blush.gif

Thanks also foeofthelance for giving it a shot as well.

I do hope to get a few more responses--get some different takes on the subject.

Anyone else want to take a stab at it?



This is gonna be fun. well what a guy feels when hes getting some head. At first you feel a little tingle down there, the warmth of the girls mouth adn the wetness.

As things develop ou start feeling a sensation building up all around your body, you know when your tired and your laying on the bed you feel like a numbness, a good numbnes around your body. The sexual version of that. At a point it feels so good that gets me a little out of myself, ill proly startgrabbing her hair or something like that and then ill start directing the action or instructing her what to do. Unless she already knows.

Then we gotta move on to something else because its rare for me to climax like that no matter how good it feels. or might take too long.

If you need an orgasm scene well. By that time id be out of control, a little too out of control. I might get a little rough sometimes and then i get sleepy and go to sleep unless she an keep me awake. sex.gif


Who could resist a topic like this? I mean really?

Twenty years of giving or getting oral sex is bound to have gathered some perspectice ;-) To be honest, I didn't mean to fic pimp, but read pretty much any fic I've written, and there will be some oral sex somewhere. For the perspective of the person recieving oral sex, I' suggest late in Redeem Me, Scratching The Itch, The Heat Series (stories 3 and 4), The Third, or Secondhand Robes The Epilogue. Those at least had moments where the sensation of recieving a BJ was covered to some degree.

That aside, when I write sex, I have the good fortune to be writing from memory, some of them fairly recent, but mostly fond memories of some of the most amazing people. A couple of old flames in particular left quite a mark on me, and I on them. At least all that effort added up to being able to write slash goodness well :-)

Hope the stories help, and good luck! Samayel tongue.gif

  • 2 months later...

Hmm...How could one possibly describe it without sounding like a summer rerun or a faceless documentary?

For starters, I don't know how it can be described as a wetter version of a handjob, because I don't think it feels that way at all. A handjob covers a lot more of the surface of the penis (touch-wise), and gives a warm, dry, most often soothing sensation, depending on the speed and pressure with which the handjob is applied.

A blowjob, however, has a few more things to consider. Often, there is less surface contact (lips along the shaft of the penis and tongue underneath. I don't want to generalize, but in my experience cheeks don't play a very big part in skin-to-skin contact.) and has an all-encompassing, if you will, warm, moist heat from the woman's mouth. I should note (I speak for myself when I mention the following) that the ridge at the back of the head of the penis is very sensitive. When touched, it's a jolt of pain followed by a wave of sensation.

That's all I could come up with. I know it's not much, but I recalled all of this from memory and tried to put it into terms as close to technical as possible. I hope this helps.


Ok, this isn't shi talking, but her cousin. It's like being surrounded by heat and water with a light pressure on the most sensitive part of your body. And some guys *cough* like me *cough* enjoy to have their urethra played with, but I don't see a lot of it in fanfiction. I think that's because girls try to imagine what it would be like for them, but physiologically, it is much different for guys.



"Adult talk ahead...If this offends you, please skip..."

As a female myself who has asked my husband this question (and he just made the ermm.gif face too and didn't know how to explain it) But I am persistant and a first class interrogationer...(Muhahahha).

What I would do (as a fellow female) is describe how it feels to have your clitoris sucked and tongued. Science says that a mans forskin, helmet and underside of his cock is as sensitive as a womans clitoris (NOT the labia) and the more erect his cock gets the more sensitive it gets (just as our clits get more sensitive when they start getting 'hard', filling with blood and getting more juices flowing).

Most men I have given BJ's too, say they that the sucking and tonguing around the frenem and underside is the MOST enjoyable and gives them the same feeling as when they are thrusting inside their partner. Some men like their balls sucked some hate it. Most men do NOT like teeth laid anywhere on their aroused cock and say it is uncomfortable to downright painful (think of a man CHOMPING on your clit)

Men say when they get ready to come, that they feel not only a PULL inside their lower gut, but that the balls get tighter, closer to the body and begin to set up a reaction of a sense of building to something within them. The best part is being "milked" (the coming and having that steady pressure on their cock milking their semen out) That to THEM what the 'waves' that hit us females as we come are like.

Granted, everyone is different wink.gif I am just putting down what I know from my husband of 24 years of marriage and also recalling from all the men I dated before I met and married my husband.

Sorry if this sounds a bit like a TLC or medical show description but I hope it helps. All you have to do is fill in the colorful words and such inbetween...(Again, think of how it feels for YOU to come <if you are clitorial stimulated!> the throbbing, the waves of pleasure, if you can get your partner to suck your clitoris that will give you a really good basis to go from there.

I'm sorry to hear it's been so long since you've had a good one, PS. Most "givers" male or female have two hands as well as mouth and tongue. There's more to "head" than just bobbing up and down. devil.gif

True, but most of the incidents I've heard, the girl usually doesn't like having the guy's hands on her head...especially if she has little experience giving head.

And Kanashii, you're on the ball; the underside of the cock's tip is indeed very sensitive. Stimulated properly, that can make a man weak in the knees. On a few occasions I've had to stop the girl for a second so I could sit down and not fall on her (and I'm a bigger guy, so all my weight crashing down would be no bueno).

What you said about approaching climax is pretty spot-on as well. For me, though, the pulling and tightening is kind of a slow build-up; makes it feel like it's lasting longer, too. It may happen slowly for others, it may happen all at once. Everyone's different in that field.

True, but most of the incidents I've heard, the girl usually doesn't like having the guy's hands on her head...especially if she has little experience giving head.

The key word in the original quote was "giver". Girls can give a handjob at the same time, play with the testicles etc. Guys can finger, stroke the small of the back, tease nipples, etc. admittedly the hardest part is ignoring whatever it is your partner might be up to, but with good practice comes great ability.

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