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Vague Request, Luna Story

Guest Mark

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Hi, as the title states this is a very vague description of a fic I'm looking for and I don't hold out much hope for finding it, but it doesn't hurt to try.

I think the story starred Luna, though I'm not certain of this, and I only really remember one scene. Luna is on her way to the Ravenclaw common room after a sexual encounter in either the Astronomy Tower or Room of Requirement (pretty sure it was the former) and she comes across a second or first year who notices she has cum in her hair/on her face. She then gives him a blowjob, I think to keep him quiet.

Vague I know, but I would be incredibly grateful if anyone has any idea of what I'm thinking of. Also, any other fics involving Luna would be great, the only one I know for sure is Luna Lovegood: The Early Years.


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Don't know of the one you're searching for, but SalonKitty has been writing an excellent Luna/Harry (and others) fic called Girls&Boys. Like the summary says, it's mostly those two, but they do get around a lot. She hasn't updated in a while though. :(


Edit: She also completed a 34 chapter Harry/Luna fic called Mad Snorkacks and Englishmen.


Edited by WesleyY7
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