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Problems with search function

Guest GuiltyAsCharged

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Guest GuiltyAsCharged

Hi there. I just came over here to search for a story I read about in a newspaper article. Even if I didn't find that special one, I found several other interesting stories, but I'd still like to read the story as for which I came here. Now I can't find it, nor can I search in a certain subdomain as requested. The story could be deleted, but I made a test and searched for a story which is definitely to be seen right now and I can't find it though, while I got results for other stories in several categories containing the keyword I used. Could it be I'm just too gormless to use the search function properly (even if I thought my English isn't too bad it may be just a lack of language skills) or could it be due to the fact that my only opportunity to get into the web is just with this annoying mobile at present time?

Is there any chance to search other way for a fic?

I'm sorry if this may be a dumb post or has been asked before, but I really browsed the forum and got no answers.

Thanks in advance!

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Guest GuiltyAsCharged

I did, but there only appeared other stories with the keyword in their titles. I'm glad to say I found the story I came here for at last, though. Still a bit puzzled because I can't choose a subdomain to search in and wonder if it may be a sort of a technical problem, have to check out on a PC.

Thanks for your answer. I have one last question, don't know if it's correct to post it here regarding the fact that the topic has been moved: Is there any chance to contact an author by email when the address is hidden or is it only possible with a review? I actually don't know if there's just no chance due to the divergent surface of mobiles. I just found an author who hasn't written for a long while and just wanted to ask if there may be coming more some time (and to show my appreciation as well).

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You would navigate to the subdomain from the main page before beginning the search. Once in the search window, there is no option to navigate to a different subdomain.

As to emailing an author, unless they have made their email public, you are best leaving a review. Many authors elect to receive email notification of reviews, allowing them to see reviews promptly. Even if this is not the case, the author will hopefully encounter the review and still enjoy knowing that their story is appreciated even after some time has passed since they published it.

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