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rofl.gif That is so true! Popular Shakespearean plays have been re-made so often that there are way too many people out there who don't recognize a play in its original context any more.

I remember when we were doing Romeo and Juliet in high school. The students were gob-smacked that there were no guns, the play took place in Italy, and that there was absolutely no mention of Leo DiCaprio or Alicia Silverstone. That was just so sad and so funny at the same time.

Although, I wouldn't mind seeing an all-female cast performing The Two Gentlemen of Verona or Twelfth Night. Now that would be interesting.

  EveKnight75 said:
I remember when we were doing Romeo and Juliet in high school. The students were gob-smacked that there were no guns, the play took place in Italy, and that there was absolutely no mention of Leo DiCaprio or Alicia Silverstone. That was just so sad and so funny at the same time.

I never really thought about how pervasive that is until I read the article. When I watch a film version, it's usually pretty faithful to the setting/time. Fortunately, when I was a freshman in HS, we had to read Romeo & Juliet and watched the Zefferelli film version, with the brief flashes of nudity left in tact. I don't think I'd enjoy, say, a MacBeth with AK47s and grenade launchers, although I did enjoy Kurasawa's samurai re-telling, Throne of Blood.

  EveKnight75 said:
The students were gob-smacked that there were no guns, the play took place in Italy, and that there was absolutely no mention of Leo DiCaprio or Alicia Silverstone.

I think you meant Claire Danes. wink.gif


I generally don't mind "re-imagined" versions of Shakespeare, as long as they're well done. Romeo and Juliet with Mr. DiCaprio is not, btw in that catagory as far as I am concerned. Ethan Hawke did a version of Hamlet five or six years ago. Its cut down quite a bit, but it is very very good.

That being said, it makes me want to cry to know that so many people have no idea what these wonderful works were originally. *sigh*

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