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Story is Missing

Guest cherryflavored

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Guest cherryflavored

Was told to post here:

CherryFlavored is my pen name. I wrote a story, under the name "Dominated" in the InuYasha > Inu/Kag forums and it's somehow now missing. When looking for it in the author panel I can go as far as hitting "edit story" before it redirects me right back to the previous page. When looking at the archives themselves under this specific selection, the story also does not show up. I may be writing in the wrong section here, but maybe someone could assist me?

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The problem with the disclaimer is that when you fixed the profit, you removed the fandom disclaim and made it a generic character disclaim.

It reads

I do not own any of the characters within this story or make any profit by posting this story, all belong to Rumiko Takahashi.

What it should say instead, is -

I do not own InuYasha or make any profit by posting this story.

As soon as you edit the disclaimer in the story properties and fix that, let us know, and it can be unhidden at that point.

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Your story has been hidden for a disclaimer issue. You should have received an email alerting you to this, but just in case, let me explain the issue.

Your disclaimer does not clearly state the fandom that you are disclaiming. It is not enough to disclaimer the characters, either. You need to disclaim the entire fandom, by name. For example:

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters. I do not make any money from this fan fiction.

Once you have corrected the disclaimer, which you can do from the Author Panel (edit story, then edit details), let us know either here or via email to tos_team@adult-fanfiction.org so we can check the correction and unhide your story.

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