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Happy Holidays


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Guest Yhitzak

Wow. I think this is the first place that I've been to (whether in reality or the 'net) that the word 'holiday' is used. Thanks everyone for acknowleging that this is a season of *many* holidays, not just those celebrated by monotheistic religions. Makes me feel not so alone being a pagan smile.gif

But I can't help but ask... does anyone else feel totally weird around the first of January? Like their personal clock has like... stuck, or something? I always get thrown off, since I (like others smile.gif celebrate the new year on the first of November.

Anywho, happy holidays from me, as well. What a lovely sentiment, that!

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I don't feel weirded out, but then again I celebrate it on January 1st. Sometimes, I feel weirded out on Eid-ul-Fitr. In a sense, we consider it the beginning of a new year (even if it's only a new month on the Muslim calendar). Then again, being able to eat all day after an entire month of fasting would throw anyone's personal clock off. All I can say is, just kick back, relax, and enjoy the fact that you're getting a free vacation.

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