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What Is Slash?

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Guest lightgoddess

Recently, I posted this story on one of the slash sites that I'm on and the webmistress informed me that it was not slash (or pre-slash), so I needed to take it down. Now, while I had no problem removing it, I'm confused. And, to make things clear, I did remove it as soon as I received the email, and harbor no ill feelings toward the site (it's one of my faves), but I'm still confused. I purposely left it open-ended to write a companion piece regarding the characters healing, which I had planned on posting in the next few days until my computer decided to eat the story. angry.gif

Now, to my question, can a story be slash without being slashy enough?? Isn't slash a m/m relationship? Are there certain characteristics that it must have to be considered slash? Sorry, I've never been told that my slash stories weren't and I'm confused...


I think you have every right to be confused. I personally believe that there's been a bit of misinformation somewhere because I could clearly see a m/m relationship in that story and, the last time I checked, that's what slash is all about in its various and colourful forms. wink.gif

If this still bothers you, you could always try to send the webmistress in question a polite e-mail and inquire why she chose to make that particular judgment.

Guest lightgoddess

Well, it's not so much that it bothers me as that it confuses me. I've got several stories up in that particular archive that are similar with the way the pairing is represented, meaning that it's brought up at the very, very end because the story predominantly deals with one character in the pairing.

Mostly, I was just curious if maybe I was seeing something in my stories that no one else was. smile.gif


I read it, and it looks like slash to me. I wouldn't think it would need sex to be if the relationship is insinuated. Maybe she thought it needed sex.gif , who knows. Cool one shot by the way. I don't usually read Harry Potter fan fics. Don't know why. I love the books and like the movies.

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