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Is it possible to have anal sex without lubricant?

Now, I know obviously that would hurt like hell for the person being penetrated, but if it was rape and the rapist wanted to cause as much pain as possible...Well, would it hurt the person penetrating as well, or would he get his penis stuck?

I'm probably not going to ever write this into a story, but if I do, the rapist will be punished. tongue.gif Mostly it's just something I've been wondering about lately.

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Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi

It's possible. I actually know a friend who's first time trying anal was lubeless (...idiot...). She said it was still a lot of fun regardless, but hurt like a bitch after the fact and she bled a little.

Furthurmore, how do you think prison rape happens? They don't lube you up first, that for sure (okay, I would think they wouldn't. Perhaps a little saliva?).

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Guest Jackie_Boi

O_O...I always assumed it wasn't possible. Like, it only happens in fiction or something...

I'd think you'd have to use SOMETHING. Like spit or something. That's the only way I see it happening.

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Yeah, and well, if you were having vaginal sex before the anal (obviously not after...ickeh!) I would assume that would provide lube. I don't think ANYONE should try it without any though...*shudders*

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Now, to be mesmerized by DarkVamp's Avatar... /drool

laugh.gif Yeah, I had about the same reaction. wink.gif I think it's the hips... or maybe it's the boobs.... think.gif hips or boobs... huh.gif or both.... unsure.gif

From a purely medical perspective, there's no natural lubrication in that area, that's why all the anal how-to articles recommend lots and lots of lube. I'm sure it would be excruciating for the person receiving, especially if they're all tensed up as would be expected in a rape type situation. However, I have no idea if it would be impossible, or if there would be a chance of the aggressor getting his dick stuck, more than likely he wouldn't be able to get it in very far, if at all. Of course, that's just my self-educated guess.... whistle.gif

If you have never seen the movie The Prince of Tides there is an anal rape scene in it (very disturbing to watch as the victim is a young boy) and the man that did it didn't use anything, just whipped it out and shoved it in. Of course, again, not real life sooo....

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Idle thought: I'm wondering if perhaps a bit of lube would have to be used simply because the dry cock going into an unlubed arse would get hurt as well. Granted, I don't have a penis, but I imagine the need for lubrication goes both ways. I don't think, in a rape situation that a lot of lube would be used, just enough to get it in without excurciating pain for the rapist. I assume if this is like rough prison sex enough of a pounding will probably cause bleeding....

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