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Searching for a Draco/Hermione fic (actually two)

Guest Tae

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The first fic I'm looking for is a Hermione loses her memories fic.

I just remember that in the first chapter she is in bed and thinks she's with Ron and that she and Draco already have one daughter, Rose, who is sleeping over at the elder Malfoys. I believe that she's pregnant and there are scenes of her having flashbaks including one where she and Draco are fighting and that's how she reveals her pregnancy. I think there was a flashback of her jumping on a bed as well.

The second is a Draco holds Hermione captive fic. All I remember is that later in the fic Draco also kidnaps Teddy Lupin so that he can be their "son" and that Hermione loses hope when Teddy starts calling Draco "daddy". Also (I believe this may be in the last chapter) there is a scene where Teddy is playing blocks in the hallway and is scolded by Hermione who then realizes that Draco has left their front door open. Hermione is free to escape with Teddy but chooses not to.

That's all I can remember. Hopefully it's enough to get someone to point in the right direction to finding these fics. Of the two the second is of the most "importance" because I really wish to read it again as it was a finished piece while the first fic is/was a WIP. Thank you in advance for the help! :)

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