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Well, folks, to the great joy of my mother, my husband's mother, my husband and of course me, we are expecting our first baby! Can you beleive it? I can't! laugh.gif Another generation of AFFers has begun! I just couldn't keep this one to myself, and btw, if any of you have any advice for me, I won't turn it away! wink.gif

Guest Madapple

Wow, Daz!



Get good pre-natal care.

take your vitamins

have a pack of saltines at the ready, always.

Take pictures. one day your "lil'dazzler" will want to see them.

Make time for yourself

Enjoy every minute. It really does go very quickly.

In case it's twins, and I know this because I have twins:

There is life after twins!


Congrats, I have two myself. A 9 year old, getting ready to turn 10, and a 2 year old. Sometimes it's hard, but they're worth it. You should really take lamaze classes. It really helps. It did for me anyway.


wow... dazzledfirestar is going to be a mommy huh? I'm happy for you.

I'm sure you'll make a great mother. Just don't introduce them to AFF too early tongue.gif

Guest Zimarah

Congratulations Daz! I don't have any yet myself, so I can't give you much advice, but good luck!

Guest echtrae

Congrats Daz. Nanaea and I have three. They can be fun and trouble, all at the same time. So just try to enjoy it. biggrin.gif

That's my plan, Trae! biggrin.gif Or at least it will be when I stop feeling like I'm going to throw up all the time! laugh.gif

Try lemony stuff. Citrusy stuff helped me alot, even just the scent, that and having something to suck on, like those cherry throat drops, worked wonders.

Guest Madapple

You know an old hospital trick for alleviating nausea is the smell of alcohol prep pads. I don't know what it is about them.

Also, a lot of nauseated mom's-to-be are given warm, flat coke with their saltines.



Congrats, x-men fan!

The thing I found (there were many) that allevieated nausea was avoiding vitmins with extra iron. My sister in law was adamant about taking her supplement, but after suffering from nausea for so long, she finally took my advice and broke the pill in half (that's all she would concede), and voila, instant cure!

Unless you're anemic, chose a vitamin supplement without iron in it.

Also, Ive heard, that iron interferes with the body's ability to absorb vit E, which is an Essential vitamin for pregnant moms (as is folic acid)

Honestly, if you have a good diet, I wouldn't recommend any supplement whatsoever, all this potent stuff can be hard on the liver and kidneys right when you are going to be putting stress on them by developing a real live human.

Sorry, I guess I'm ranting. Calcium will go right through you if you don't take Magnesium and Vit D. (God, I can't stop!) Please, someone hit me on the head!

Anyway Daz, get lots of rest. If you feel like crashing at 2 o'clock, do it.


*whacks StoryJunkie on the head with a metal pipe*

umm. Was that too much?

*tries to drag StoryJunkie's limp body to hospital*

I just get carried away somtimes you know...


*slaps Agaib upside the head*

That only makes things worse!

*sighs* You stay by the body while I get some big strong medical security guys to carry her in. When you see them approach, run.

And don't make that mistake again.

As for pregnancy, I've got nothing for personal experience. Just try to relax, keep the kitchen fully stocked, and make sure you get plenty of food, exercise and rest. Try to avoid stress and devote your time to activities that relax you. Meditation doesn't work for everyone. Maybe writing in a nice, quiet room is your thing.

I think fluid intake is something to watch out for. Try to avoid caffeine and diuretics. Stick to water (but not the flavored bottles), juice, and milk. Ooh, and chocolate berry smoothies really did the trick for my cousin when she was pregnant both times.

Well, that's all I can think of. Congrats!


*regains consciousness a brief moment*

*raises arm shakily in air*

"Chocolate has tonnes of magnesium..."

*Lapses back into unconciousness*

(Maybe you didn't hit me hard enough, Agaib!)

(aside): That was a metric tonne, btw


Right Eve, water is very important. Dehydration can make morning sickness worse, and it's a vicious cycle, the sicker you get the more dehydrated you become. So make sure you get lots of fluids. Small, frequent sips of room temperature water if you just can't tollerate anything else. Or, if water makes you gag, try some herbal tea. Mint is great for upset stomachs, so are ginger and papaya.


You guys are so the best! biggrin.gif So far all the advice you've given me is working... accept that bit about the flat warm coke... I'm not going anywhere near that! laugh.gif

Oh and SJ, I've never been one for suppliments and such, and I've been eating a well rounded diet for a while now, so I think I'll be good! smile.gif

And Eve, I'll definately be trying anything chocolate and berry! No need to tell me twice! laugh.gif


smile.gif Thanks! I was just going to say that accupressure on the foot while you're pregnant might be something to avoid. My husband used to be almost vicious when it came to foot massages, esp when he found a tender point, and I read somewhere that for pregnant women (and children under a certain age, (I think it was 5)) accupressure on the foot should not be performed. I suppose, though, that a simple and gentle massage would be okay.

(Sheesh! I'm such a know it all, don't you just hate it?) *looks around for Agaib*


I've never personally been a fan of hard core foot rubbing in general(one of the joys of very sensitive feet), so I don't think that's going to be a problem. But good to know. And no, SJ I don't hate that you're a know-it-all! Where else would Iget all this fabulous info? biggrin.gif

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