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Battle Of The Sexes

Guest Agaib

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well, even between two of the same sex in a sexual relationship, one becomes the male role, the other, the female, so the sterotype would still exist, nes pas? There are homosexuals who are obvious "bottoms" or females, while in a f/f relationship, one woman is more "butch" than the other, taking on the male role.

I don't think we can escape it. (Just pointing it out, not trying to judge or anything, but the roles seem to be taken on in one way or other anyway.)

looking at f/m relationships, there are some where the relationship is reversed as well, where, the woman "wears the pants" in the family. Perhaps it is simply a reflection of the potential power that women have. Perhaps some women are stronger than others.

Perhaps sterotypes are defined by the work we perform. A woman who fixes the gutters, patches the roof, etc, while the man vacuums the floors and does the dishes is the relationship my sister and brother in law share, however, I would not think of my sister as less feminine or of my brother in law as less masculine (he can play a mean riff as well.)

In my family, my sister was closer to my father than me or my other sister were, so she learned a lot of guy stuff from him, and in my brother in law's family, he was very close to his mother, who valued a neat house, so he naturally enjoys that part of the house duties. Perhaps, it is a balance that is struck at the beginning of a relationship.

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I like to say there a three kinds of relationships when it comes to gender roles. When it comes to domestic issues anyway.

Equal relationship: I've seen a few, somtimes both the man and the woman share the load (or equally shove it onto eachother)

One Dominant Relationship: One has most of the "authority" in the house

My Relationship; See above and take it a few steps further.

In any case, our society encourages the men to try and take the Dominant position but it's obvious that isn't the case. Some women like having a Dominant person arond (ex: My girlfriend). Of course the same works for men. Really when it comes to stuff like this the only difference between the two genders is trends. Either gender can fill any role really. If it's possible, it happpens.

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