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Posted (edited)

re: "Diamond Takes it Rough"

  Tomcat said:

Very interesting tale of revenge, lust and self discovery. Scootaloo would take matters into her own hooves to set things right as part of the CmC. It is also fun to see the deeper desires of certain fillies to come on out unexpectantly. A nice little CmC themed story altogether. I'd like to see what if Sweetie Belle would've done in a situation like this. Anyway, great work!

Thanks. Revenge was my main focus, so tough little Scootaloo doing the abuse seemed like the right way to go. But now somepony will have to help Diamond Tiara with her PTSD. Still, it could have been much worse for her...

Sweetie Belle: Now I think you have to stand still so I can hit you. Now, do I use my forehooves first or should I try a rear kick? Well, when I tried to help apple-buck I didn't do so good, and Rarity will kill me if I mess up my pedicure... (*She thrusts her horn into Diamond Tiara's chest!*) Okay, now don't do it again, okay? ... Okay? Why aren't you answering me!

  Anon said:

I have read quite a few clop fics, but this one is certainly the best! Do you have any plans on writing anything involving DT again? I would like to see one with Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom, or a sequel with Scoot and Diamond in better terms, doing something mutually consensual.

I've been hoping to write a follow-up, pretty much along what you're saying, but my muse must have fallen off a cliff or something back in June. I've been dead in the water for months now, but I do keep notes when stuff comes to mind.

Thanks for the feedback.

Edited by FairySlayer
Posted (edited)

re: "Confound Those Cutie Marks"

  Tomcat said:

Who would've knew that Cutie Marks are erotic to ponies? Great seeing Rarity having a little fun with Twilight and I like the surprise ending to this nice story. Keep it up!

The idea of erogenous cutie marks came up during one of TwilightFlopple's discussions and I ran with it. Twilight Sparkle is better off learning the facts of life from a good friend and experienced mare.

Sweetie Belle was there because, well, there always needs to be a tweest! :D

Edited by FairySlayer
Posted (edited)

re: "My Absolute Mostest Horriblest Day EVER!," as told by Pinkie Pie

  Tomcat said:

A bit dark, but it was good with Luna showing her true colors in her bid to take over Equestria through Pinkie Pie's eyes. You got her randomness perfectly. And it's great seeing Spike become the hero here. Good work!

There's nothing Spike wouldn't do to protect his mother figure (even if they act like siblings sometimes). gRiMdark through Pinkie Pie's words seemed like too good an idea to ignore. :)

Edited by FairySlayer
Posted (edited)

re: "Candy, Little Girl"

  Inumaru12 said:

Wow, this is just wow at times. Especially with how messed up this is, I love how Perry is trying his very best to save Candace. I hope to read more.


Perry's a great pet. :) With any luck I'll get back to writing more. It's been way too long.

Edited by FairySlayer
  • 3 months later...
Guest alfonso umanzor r.

me gusta este fic espero que alla mas de este tipo u75 mi correo nuevo es arbegas175@hotmail.com

  • 1 year later...
Posted (edited)

re: "The Dark Side of the Bright Side"

  'Vladivar_Greygoose said:

A very interesting take on the series. (I'm taking a guess here: is the "hairy guy" in bed with Iris Ron Jeremy?)

Thanks. And while there were a few cameos hidden in there, that wasn't one of them. Oops, I should have just said 'yes' but that wouldn't be fair. Oh well. :)

However there was one Nickelodeon character, one Disney, and a nod to my editor (who doesn't have a funny-shaped head).

Edited by FairySlayer
Posted (edited)

re: "A Slick Tradition"

  GeorgeGlass said:

Now THIS is how you get kids involved in scouting. :)

Nice vignette. I like the fact that you made sure to include some description of each Fireside Girl in case the reader doesn't remember which is which. And cute li'l Gretchen is the perfect object for a girls-on-girl orgasm ritual.

Thanks. Too bad they can't use it in the recruitment media. Then again, there's at least one group that accuses the Girl Scouts (or a subgroup) of strongly promoting lesbianism. I'd add "believe it or not" except that it really isn't so surprising.

Since it was for one of the weekly challenges I felt that a description was necessary, even if it reduced the amount of action I could include in a thousand words or less. I did eventually clean up and expand it a little, though the one here is the original since updating it would be unfair. Still, the soul of it is here. Gretchen is such a cutie that I couldn't help but use her. Also, I studied their patches quite a bit to figure out the likely pecking order. I'm still not sure why Holly's major patches are in a different order than the other girls' (triangle above circle) but oh well. I don't want to get too caught up in any head canon.

BTW, I listened to your "Truth or Dare 2.0" last night but had accidentally forgot to include parts 3-5, so that's now encoded and on my player. With any luck I'll get to hear the rest of that lovely story tonight. :) (Good thing I double-checked before posting my comments!)

Edited by FairySlayer

Then again, there's at least one group that accuses the Girl Scouts (or a subgroup) of strongly promoting lesbianism. I'd add "believe it or not" except that it really isn't so surprising.

Probably the same people who accuse the Girl Scouts of promoting contraception and abortion. Ironically, if they were more successful with the lesbianism thing, they wouldn't have to worry about the other stuff. :)


BTW, I listened to your "Truth or Dare 2.0" last night but had accidentally forgot to include parts 3-5, so that's now encoded and on my player. With any luck I'll get to hear the rest of that lovely story tonight. :) (Good thing I double-checked before posting my comments!)

Cool! I'm planning to ready your YIN YANG YO! fic next. I used to love that show.

Regarding the player: Do you have some sort of visual impairment, or just a long commute?

  On 7/31/2013 at 2:47 AM, GeorgeGlass said:

Probably the same people who accuse the Girl Scouts of promoting contraception and abortion. Ironically, if they were more successful with the lesbianism thing, they wouldn't have to worry about the other stuff. :)

Cool! I'm planning to ready your YIN YANG YO! fic next. I used to love that show.

Regarding the player: Do you have some sort of visual impairment, or just a long commute?

Heh, you're right on about the first point. Some people just like to find conspiracies even when they don't exist, yet sadly there are enough isolated incidents for these people to point to that they can make broader accusations or, er, "ask important questions" about stuff. Worse, when true cover-ups come to light these folks can go into a frenzy. Not a totally bad thing unless they take it to Candace levels. ;)

Yes! "Payback's a Pussy" was one of my favorite stories to write and still makes me laugh. (Okay, to some people that would be a bad sign.) "Cakewalk on the Catwalk" was pretty close too, so

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Okay, now is the time to get something to drink or whatever before slamming into my wall of text, espousing the wonders of my Transylvanian robot girl voice whom I call "Darlacula" (or just "Darla" for short).

The text-to-speech (TTS) thing, yes, there are several good reasons that work for me:

The biggest benefit is that I can do it while commuting or going for long walks. I'd rather get the exercise than use public transportation, and I try to walk 6½ to 10 miles a night (when weather and health permit it). Walking is about the only exercise I can do these days so it's very important to me. Having a matchbox-sized device with 40-50 hours of podcasts and fanfics on it means I won't get bored or feel like I'm wasting a few hours when I go.

Better yet, this is all without the whole entire Internet staring at me from (at least) two screens, begging me to procrastinate. ;) I get to concentrate on the story, fully. Also, if I'm listening to something I really enjoy that will encourage me to maybe make and extra lap or two, a few more miles.

Sure, my eyes have never been happy reading straight-through on monitors for long periods unless, for some reason, I'm proofreading. In the past few years my vision has gotten worse, but nothing that glasses can't mostly fix. I can feign-proofread some stories unless the mechanics or formatting are horrible, and since we're talking fanfiction... (Now when I proofread for real though, a follow-up with TTS is amazing at finding all of the typos, etc. It's literally cringe-inducing to hear that stuff! Even after two people make several passes it still finds problems.)

Now, the whole proofreading issue versus reading books and computer screens seemed to be that I was a slow reader. However, after tuning my TTS to 191 words per minute I realized that I was reading way too quickly basically just running my eyes over the words. I had to keep re-reading everything because my brain didn't have time to absorb anything. DUH-ME. It seems 191 is on the high-side of perfect, letting me get the full meaning of the story and its details while helping me keep up a decent walking rate. An exaggerated pitch-boost setting is like an extra crack of the whip too.

It's also taught me to slow down when I'm reading for real, which has been a big help. Funny how that stuff happens.

Oh, and if there were ever interest in offering my own stories as MP3s, my software is compatible with a markup language that's amenable to "dramatic readings" ... kind'a. Here is one example clip (2:30 - 879Kb), but you have to scroll down to find the free ("Slow") download option and uncheck the box to let it use its own download manager (probably not outright malware but not something you'd want to install anyway).

Heh, if only I could write this much for an actual story every night! Anyway, thanks again and take care.


Okay, I thought I already had a reply thread for "Payback's a Pussy" which is odd since this is one my own favorite stories. Though it's been a few years for some of these the least I can do is acknowledge the thanks. :)

  Shiro_Wolfman_k said:


You know, this is almost canon, the dialogs, the scenes and funny humor was what make me love this little fiction, you really did a good job in there.

Thank you, this story has at least put a smile upon my face whit is humor, the sex was good, but the humor was amazing.

You're very welcome. This was probably my most fun writing experience ever. Everything snapped into place so perfectly at the time that I was concerned that I was lost in some kind of head canon at the time, but fortunately not. No need to be with a show that funny. :)

  biostar123 said:


This story was great. The plot and sex scenes were well written and funny.

I facepalmed when Yang said his battle cry when he orgasmed.

Hope to see a sequel.

Facepalmed lightly or painfully? Hopefully with a bit of a laugh to in either case. Not sure that a sequel was ever on my mind, but I did have other YYY! story ideas. Nothing nearly as good though, so better to let this be my tribute to the show. :)

  norri said:


one of my favs

Great to hear, er, read. Again, for sheer joy of writing the story it's my favorite too. :)

  GeorgeGlass said:


Where do I begin? Not to my surprise, you really captured both the humor of the show and the voices of the characters. And any deviations are immediately explained (my favorite being Yan saying "Sorry" to Yin, followed by "Now that I have a girlfriend something tells me that I'll be saying that a lot").

Other miscellaneous things I liked (prepare for a long list):

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But really, marvelous.

Like in my (way long overdue) comment to SWk, it was almost weird, and maybe even euphoric in a way, to simply musing how I'd like to see the Chung Pow Kitties "showing off their rock-star sides more" by having a wild party with Yang. I haven't watched the show or read the fanfic in a while, but he's about the only male whom I'd want to see with the girls and who wouldn't be destroyed by them. Dave would be a scratching post; Coop would be dinner

Odd, I could have sworn someone else mentioned the Ferengi reference too, but now I can't find it in my records. Still, I'll accept that it probably could be better and in-world. At the time (and even after racking my brains today) it seemed the clearest way to explain the extremity of the situation. ;) Oddly enough, I paused writing this to watch "Slumber Party of Doom" (to get Paige and Katie's names) and they had a meta-reference to Scooby Doo though the Shaggy and Scooby substitutes were watching YYY! and not the other way around.

My concern, still, is that I wrote it past the end, at least with Lena's sex scene, so I'm not sure if the story ended properly, (...). An implied beating, made worse by Yin's antics, could have left even me wanting more so then I'd have to write it. :) Still, glad you're as happy with it as I am. Thanks.


If you're saying you think the story should have ended before the sex scene with Lena, then I would have to disagree. That scene was completely necessary, or I would have been left thinking, "So is Yang leaving Lena for

  Reveal hidden contents
  On 8/5/2013 at 2:28 AM, GeorgeGlass said:

If you're saying you think the story should have ended before the sex scene with Lena, then I would have to disagree. That scene was completely necessary, or I would have been left thinking, "So is Yang leaving Lena for [spoiler], or what"?

Well, that makes me feel a lot better then. Thanks. :) Besides, since Lena is such a horndog er, -bear that she'll practically force him to get it on with them again so she can join the fun too. :)
Posted (edited)

re: "The Dark Side of the Bright Side"

  coldfang66 said:


This was amazingly good. Ruby's attitude of being both happy with her lot in life mixed with her fear of what could happen if she displeased Skullboy gave the story such a great atmosphere. The uncertainty really helps build the excitement when reading, making it that much more enjoyable. I absolutely love this story and can't wait to read the rest of it.

Thank you. I hope that you find the rest of it (at least) as good as you've read so far. :)

Edited by FairySlayer
Posted (edited)

re: "Candy, Little Girl"

  geekguy said:


I want to see this story finished. I want to see Lawrence get what's coming to him (some how, at the hands of whatever P&F are putting together with without alerting Lynn. Or maybe she should find out and get a kick in herself!)

I'm 100% with you on your first and second points, but I won't say anything that may spoil the rest. :) It's been way too long that I've been stuck, especially since one of the two "unsolvable" problems was actually solved in December. Writing new stuff has been difficult for a few years, but I'm making a push to get over that. No promises, but I'm being proactive as I can.

  GeorgeGlass said:


I knew that this story would be disturbing, but I didn't know how much. Egads.

Miscellaneous comments:

--The one particularly gratifying sexual bit was

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Well, they can't all be winners. Actually I'm surprised that you gave this one a second look because your writing is all about loving, kindness, wish fulfillment, and sure, not always gentle, but if it's rough it's the good kind of rough. Sorry I don't have the amnesiainator blueprints to share, but with time any mental agony will fade.

WOW! I'm going to go ... on the graves of every English teacher I had before high school. They used to beat the "It's lie, not LAY!" stuff into us so much, but when it came to maybe explaining why we may be confused they came up short. My editor is always telling me use "lay" instead of "lie" no matter what simply because it sounds better, and now maybe I will. :)

Good catch on how Heinz addresses Perry. Err, Perry the Platypus. That quirk never caught my attention in all the years the show was being aired. (I think it's still in production, but as for when Disney actually airs any new episodes I have no clue.) In the same vain, I believe that in one episode Vanessa chided him for calling himself "Doctor" since he got it at a yard sale, and I remember him holding it up with the little price tag on a string still attached.

Regardless, Perry never mistook er, Perry the Platypus never mistook Heinz for an actual doctor or even a pharmacist. Just a lonely and very determined guy looking for purpose and validation. Whatever that means. ;)

Glad you at least liked the primary antagonist catching The True Evil One unawares* and making her play that game. Suddenly I worry that it got a little "Lifetime-y" there since the timing is too perfect and his "reasoning" works on TTEO. However if you liked it (and many others do too) then I won't worry. :)

Thanks for the notes and tips. :)

* Since I had the dictionary open anyway I double-checked and now know I should be using that adverb more. :)

Edited by FairySlayer

Pittwitch, can I borrow your brainbleach for a minute? I think it will do the trick.

FairySlayer, the tricky bit about "lie" and "lay" is that "lie" is the intransitive verb (because only you can lie down; you can't lie something else down) and "lay" is the transitive verb (because you can only lay other things down) BUT "lay" is ALSO the past tense of "lie." Oh, this random word goulash we call English.

And yes, PHINEAS AND FERB is still in production, and it's as good as ever! (Although I might change my mind next week, depending on how the could-go-horribly-wrong P&F/Marvel crossover ep turns out.)


GeorgeGlass - I keep vats of it. Take as much as you want/need. :D

  On 8/11/2013 at 12:28 AM, pittwitch said:

Where have you been!?!


Mostly at deviantART, but after my writing inspiration fizzled then my commenting went next. There had been a few fits and starts, but things may be picking up again. Let's see what happens next: that part of my life hasn't been written yet.

:hug: right back at'cha!

  On 8/11/2013 at 2:09 AM, GeorgeGlass said:

Pittwitch, can I borrow your brainbleach for a minute? I think it will do the trick.

FairySlayer, the tricky bit about "lie" and "lay" is that "lie" is the intransitive verb (because only you can lie down; you can't lie something else down) and "lay" is the transitive verb (because you can only lay other things down) BUT "lay" is ALSO the past tense of "lie." Oh, this random word goulash we call English.

And yes, PHINEAS AND FERB is still in production, and it's as good as ever! (Although I might change my mind next week, depending on how the could-go-horribly-wrong P&F/Marvel crossover ep turns out.)

The worst part is that I'm so pedantic, mainly from years of tech writing and proofreading. I've seen all of the common mistakes so often over the years. However, now that I'm much older my brain jumps a little at even the possibility, usually throwing in one of the wrong words for a split second or two and interrupting the flow. That's another reason for moving to text-to-speech since I can just take in the story without any of that. :)

Rumor has it that in the Marvel episode Phineas and Ferb build a special pair of water skis to help them jump up into the battle, which (for extra drama) takes place above a sharknado. Okay, I made that up just now, but these kinds of crossovers are even more contrived than some of the ones I've written. (Fortunately even the Internet forgot them because they were just that bad.)

What's odd is that Power Pack has been teamed up with so many other Marvel superheroes, which works of course, but wouldn't they also be the absolute mostest bestest superheroes EVER to team up with the kids from Danville?

At least the upcoming Star Wars "crossover" is really just another one of their re-imagining things, like the Middle Ages or other fantasy setting episodes. (I'm not going to link the article about its announcement at Comic-Con because, bleh, it's loaded with spoilers. Pass me that brain bleach when you're done with it.)

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

re: "How to Make OUT WITH Friends and INSEMINATE People"

  Ron said:


I loved it all I hope that there's a sequel to it so I can see what happens next to them all

It's been a very long time, but someday the Atomic Betty spark may hit me again. Betty definitely deserves some relief too, and maybe I shouldn't have left her hanging. Thanks for commenting. :) Edited by FairySlayer
  • 10 months later...
Posted (edited)

These are my replies to reviews for the Gravity Falls lemon "The Secrets of My Sis" (reviews).



Sexy! I loved it!

Excellent. Glad to hear it. :)



I FINALLY got a chance to read this, and it was well worth the wait. I loved the running jokes (cake, "wash the pig"), and you write marvelous Mabel-speak; I especially liked "ostrichsized" and her phonetic spelling of "hieroglyphics." And her taunting of Gideon was great. (Frankly, if I heard her describe that Dipper-sex scenario the way she does in the story, even _I_ would be thinking, "Gosh, when she puts it that way, I think I WOULD like to fuck Dipper in the ass.")

I'm curious, though; does "QQQ" signify anything in particular, or was that just Mabel being her unique self?

I was momentarily confused when Wendy told Stan that she was having "women problems"; for a second, I thought she was admitting to the seemingly torrid affair described at the beginning of the story. Given that she's talking to--and trying to fool--an old man, I'd think she would choose an old-fashioned expression, like "female troubles."

Other favorite bits: "Calculating Route," "happy tunnel" (that's a new one on me, and as a fellow writer of...whatever you call this, I'm always glad to have another vagina metaphor in the armamentarium), the significance of Stan's fez, and the completely well-reasoned rationale for the ending. Which, BTW, was very satisfying.

IMO, you're two for two on Gravity Falls stories. May the goddess Bastet smile upon you. :)

(There's a pun about "yarn" and "yarns" in there somewhere, but I can't quite make it come together.)

Thanks for the nice words, and I'm truly glad you enjoyed it. If you're interested, I commissioned some fanart for the story (warning: underage): Pines twins in their Bastet costumes; Dipper watching Tambry and Wendy play; and the twins' consummation.

QQQ is supposed to mean kisses with serious tongue. It seemed like a good idea at the time. :) The "women problems" and "female troubles" have always seemed about the same to me... but now I really do see your point: a man saying "women problems" means there's something happening in the relationship. I'll be more careful next time.

Oh! But only seemingly torrid? ;)

Admittedly Mabel's teasing of Gideon was perhaps a little easier to come up with than expected... Though dangling it in front of Gideon's face at the end was even more fun for all kinds of reasons. Good to know that you like the colorful terms for body parts, as I know some people prefer keeping the terms straightforward. (It's fair enough.) Wendy's "wash the pig" line almost got pulled but Evil Fairy thought it was worth keeping. As for the premise of an ancient and incestuous family, it does seem a little too perfect, doesn't it?

Anyway, now that I've made fun of The Secrets of Isis it's time to move onto something a bit more recent... like maybe Ark II (danged hippies!). :P

Edited by FairySlayer

Wow--I remember watching The Secrets of Isis, but I had forgotten its name. What a reference!

Love the commissioned pics. Padoga draws GF characters really well; I've got him on my watch list, too.

Wendy's "wash the pig" line almost got pulled but Evil Fairy thought it was worth keeping.

Seems like Evil Fairy is worth listening to (despite the evil--or maybe because of it). Her "Riley's Replacement" has been on my list of stories I've been meaning to read for like a year now.

As for Ark II...I thought we as a generation had mutually agreed never to speak of it again. :)

  On 8/10/2014 at 2:24 PM, GeorgeGlass said:

Seems like Evil Fairy is worth listening to (despite the evil--or maybe because of it). Her "Riley's Replacement" has been on my list of stories I've been meaning to read for like a year now.

Evil Fairy is absolutely a major source of good (yet still evil) writing and editing advice. :) "Riley's Replacement" is a fantastic story and very intense, yet it also has some good subtleties to it.

Okay, now it's my turn to listen to a certain Phineas and Ferb story I just noticed. Maybe it'll help me forget about Ark II. ;)

  • 6 months later...

These are my replies to reviews for "Bell of the Ball" (story) - (reviews), a flashfic follow-up to the Gravity Falls episode "Northwest Mansion Noir."

  'Belfry said:

Great One-shot!

Thank you. And with a username like yours you should be able to ring her bell much more powerfully. :)

  'Anon said:

Almost exactly how I thought the episode should have ended for those two. By far my favorite Gravity Falls pairing.

It only makes sense, after all. I'm glad you liked it.

  'Jam said:

The episode I've been waiting for, the pairing I wanna see. I hope there will more of that pairing in the show's episodes and stories such as yours.
Great one-shot! Hope to read more:)

I hope to write more too. Let's see what kind of fun the next episodes bring, though there will probably be a few more sexual episodes in my head too. :)

  'BlueArrow said:

I know this is a oneshot, a damn good one by the way, but I wouldn't mind more bell ringing in the future.

I'm sure both Dipper and Pacifica hope to ring the bell every chance they get. At some though point Mabel is going to get tired of listening to them play with his dingaling all the time.

Posted (edited)

re: "Bell of the Ball"

  'GeorgeGlass said:

Fun story, and totally plausible in the context of the episode that inspired it. I really liked some of your descriptive language (eg, "...her beautiful gown in a pool around her as she sobbed"), and the sex scene is nicely hot. Good use of the bell, too. I noticed a few minor punctuation issues (eg, a couple of sentences that seemed to call for a question mark but ended with a period), but no serious language problems. Very nicely done.

Punctuation? Oops. That's one thing text-to-speech can't help with enough, I guess. Still I'm glad you enjoyed the imagery and the little tale itself. Maybe we'll learn more about the bell as the series progresses (hopefully before season 3, which will be in 2018 I guess.) Maybe there are even more fun things to do with it. Thanks.

Edited by FairySlayer
  • 1 month later...
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