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I got the warning about fixing my disclaimer, and I did what I was told, but my story was hidden anyway. I rewrote the disclaimer using the suggested language, so I'm not really sure why it wasn't good enough. Please tell me what I have to do to get it restored.

Thank you.


This is what you have

I am not JKR. I do not own these characters, or the fandom from which they come. I am making no money

This part is the problem

I do not own these characters, or the fandom from which they come.

First, you don't need to name the characters broadly or in any other sense here. Secondly, you have to the name the fandom itself which you're writing ABOUT.

For example, if you changed it to

I do not own these characters, or the Potterverse.

that would be acceptable. As you can see, it clearly names the fandom you're writing about.

  • 3 weeks later...

Same issue as the OP. Strangely, I was still able to add a chapter to the story in question ("Solo Shots" in the X-Men/Marvel section), despite its hidden status. I would very much like to know what needs to happen to make the story visible again. Thank you.

I don't own any part of the Marvel Universe, including the characters within. I am not affiliated with Marvel, or Activision, in any way. I make no money for writing this collection of stories.

My question for you on the above, is which part of the Marvel Universe are you writing about? What game title are you referencing? That's what we look for. For example, if you're writing X-Men and something else, you'd change it to I don't own XMen or (whatever the game title is).

  • 1 month later...

That depends....if there are no other TOS violations in your story, then we should have no reason to delete. However, a story may also be hidden, and eventually deleted, if there are any items in the guidelines of which an author is in violation. If you are ever unsure of what is allowed in your story, feel free to ask.


The problem was that you were demanding reviews in your story. You were sent a notice on Sept 10th about the issue. Since it wasn't fixed the story was hidden on Sept 19th. As the issue was still not resolved after that the story was finally deleted on Oct 17th.

You can reupload the story and there won't be a problem as long as you don't have the review demands in it or anything else that is a violation of TOS.

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