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Hi there,

Vixen here, the writer of Serpent's Tongues and Lion's Tails.

I don't know if any of my readers are on this forum or not but I wanted to leave a small note.

Sorry for the delay in update. As you've probably guessed it's now up to a very important chapter and I kinda left it on a cliffy but I had no intention of being away so long. You can catch updates and explanations, discussions ect over at my blog- http://serpentstonguesandlionstails.blogspot.com/

I have not just stopped. I have been away and in two days time I have an exhibition of my own to run and set up BUT after these two days I will be speed typing away again to get you that all important update.

Many thanks to all of you for your support and AMAZING reviews. They really took my breath away- such a boost to get a move on with it ;)

Special thanks to SlytherinGoddess who beta reads my fic and also to Withdrawnred over at Hawthorn and Vine for the grammatical corrections.


BTW I AM LOOKING FOR SOMEONE TO MAKE ME A DRAMIONE VIDEO FOR YOUTUBE.... ANYONE? :( I would love it if you could contact me : Gryffindorgirl2010@hotmail.co.uk

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