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Basic Wants - Chapter 14: Peace

DesertRoseFallen: I love this story and how it is going. I hope Harry gets checked out soon and it's what I think it is. I miss Fen!! Please update soon!

Thank you! I think I made all of you wait more than long enough so both Madam Pomfrey and Fenrir will be in the next chapter! Hope you’ll like it…

Kera-Izaki: Yea~ Another chapter :3 I liked this one ^^ Though I'm really missing Fernir! D: I wonder if Harry will find out he's pregers with, or without him? I think it would be soooooo funny if Harry found out, and desended one Fernir like a halk n it pray... I can see it now...

Fernir sat around the fire, cahting with the pack, and witing for Harry to return. He had missed him, and his furs felt empty and cold with out Harry. As he fantised about what he would do t his beauty when he got back, and onmus feeling crept up behind him. The tempture seemed to drop, and a shadow feel over him.

He only got one moer tense breath before-


Or something like that, lol XD

Lovely little scene, though it’s not quite what is going to happen... I hope you’ll like my version as well... And don’t worry, Fenrir will be in the next chapter...

chris7100: Ack - Harry's pregnant!?! Bet Fenrir's gonna go crazy possessive/protective when he finds out. Also guessing that Harry won't respond well. More please!

Huh, Fenrir going crazy? Might happen. And Harry’s only seventeen, I doubt very much that he’ll be over the moon...

mithrilandtj: Good chapter. There...I've reviewed

Yes, and with so much enthusiasm...

brunehilda: good job. i liked it. i wish it had been a bit longer, i can't wait for poppy and fenrir to be back in and for harry to find out why he's sick

Thank you... I’m afraid the next chapter will be a bit on the short side as well, but, thinking positive, Fenrir and Madam Pomfrey are both in it...

Madam Coffee Kitty: You are a wonderful writer and this is just as great a story as your others. I am sorry to admit to being one of those who is reading this story and not reviewing. I want you to know that whether or not I review, I really love this story. I frequently check for updates and am always happy to find another new chapter or two. This is one of the best Fenrir/Harry stories out there and it does deserve way more reviews than it is receiving. I will try to remember to review each chapter from now on. I wish you good luck, good health, and happy writing!!

Not to worry, I’m just happy to know that you read and enjoy the story... Thank you very much!

This was a very good chapter. I think I know what is wrong with our little Harry! *giggle* I really do hope that Harry is able to reconcile his feeling for Sirius; Sirius is one of my favorite characters and it broke my heart hearing what he went through in Azkaban. I had forgot that he had even been in there. I enjoyed David's interaction with Draco even though it ended with a bad panic attack. I hope that David is able to find someone that will take it slow for him. He definitely needs to be very slowly eased into a relationship of any kind and Draco just doesn't posses that kind of patience. I can't wait to read the next chapter because I enjoyed this one alot. I wish you good luck, good health, and happy writing!

Thank you! I quite like Sirius as a character as well, but I think Harry will need a bit more time to forgive him...

Oh wow! I think Draco is serious! Maybe he does posses the patience and care to be what David needs. I hope he takes Harry's instructions to heart, if Harry can even convince David to give Draco another chance. I wonder when Harry will find out for sure that he has a very special condition. He keeps putting off his dang appointment with Poppy! I agree with Harry, can't wait to see Fenrir again either! I also can't wait to see Fenrir and the packs (and everyone's really) reaction to Harry's special contition. I really enjoyed this chapter and I can't wait to read more. I wish you good luck, good health, and happy writing!

I think Draco is very convinced that he does and he wants to help David. That doesn’t necessarily mean that he will be good for David... Harry will be visiting Madam Pomfrey in the next chapter, so there...

mrequecky: Haha, I still liked it, although it was rather short :D

Thank you! Some chapters just want to end where they end...

Shigure-san: I'm reviewing! :D lol I really liked this story's predeccessor and I am liking this one, I love the character of David and I hope he does get with draco in the end, he seems like he needs a nice little blond as recompense for his suffering lol X3

I love your style and your harry is a perfect image of what he should be after what he's been through. I love it and i love your fenrir. Only downside to this story is there isn't much Harry/Fenrir interaction. I dont just mean smut but i do like your smut scenes too lol ;) But I'd like to see more interaction cause otherwise it kind of make the chapters where there isnt any seem like 'fillers' as it were. I like the other things, such as voldemort's reign and how harry is helping there and of course David and Draco but I think a bit more harry/fenrir in each chapter would balance it out more :) Loving the story though, cant wait to see where it takes us next ^_^ Please finish this btw cause all my favourite harry/fenrir stories that are WIP just get left :(

Thank you, I’m glad you like both stories... That were my thoughts as well. Draco might not be the most mature or patient person, but he possesses a kind of innocence that I think will be good for David... I’ll try to put more Fenrir in the coming chapters, and more interaction between him and Harry as well... And I have every intention of finishing this story...

Althydia: Another interesting chapter. I liked the interaction between Harry and Voldemort, and I was also very happy that Harry finally ate something. I was starting to think that he never ate anything and survived on magic only! Also glad you mentioned Dobby, I love him (it was so sad when he died in canon); he is one of the rare characters that you can keep the same as in canon: completely devoted to Harry Potter. Also, Draco Malfoy seems to have acquired a bigger part now (and isn't finding the right clothes to wear at the first try just so Malfoy?), I'd love to see how he'll manage (or not) wooing David... And now I can't wait for the next chapter: Pomfrey and Fenrir at last! Harry missing Fenrir for a bit in this chapter was very cute too - although he still couldn't admit his feelings for him completely, but I understand that it's part of the story. I had a question though: if Harry is indeed pregnant, how come Fenrir and Remus couldn't smell it? Werewolves should have a very keen sense of smell and would be able to detect changes in one's scent (like being pregnant), right?

Thank you. I think in general Harry isn’t really concerned with food... I was really sad at who had to die in the last book. It seemed like the first to go where those who had nothing to do with the war itself... It’s very true what you pointed out, but...

“Half an hour,” Harry grumbled. “I must smell horrible.”

Fenrir sniffed demonstratively, but then shrugged. “You smell different, but still delicious.”

“You mean I smell like sweat and the herbal tea Remus forced down my throat.” Harry scowled. “Oh, yes, I’m sure I smell just like an angel’s breath.” (10. Health)

See, I thought of that as well…

poisonous_passion: YOU!!!

owe me a keypad!


Well, your German Chancellor goes by nearly the same name as one of my uncles. I nearly died in a laughing fit when I imagined him having tea with Voldemort and a pregnant, bored Harry. Imagining this, I actually spilled half a cup of tea all over my keyboard and it died a gruesome death, the poor thing! Just so you know! You can truly claim now that your stories influence the life of people all around the world ;)

l like "Basic Wants" because you have the rare gift to write on different levels and because it includes a variety of characters and problems. Its a feat you can find in printed books, but very seldom in fanfiction-writing. I am aware that it needs time for multi-layered story like this to develop, although I am eternally grateful that the next chapter promises a big BANG! ;)

The interaction between Voldemort and Harry is hilarious. It was a little shock at first to read how much Voldemort accepts Harry´s insolent commentary because most authors go over board with that kind of thing. I am amazed that you managed not to overdo it, in fact, you frequently make me smile with their banter.

David is a very likeable character, despite his darker side. I can´t wait to see what may or may not happen between him and Draco.

Did I mention how awesome I find it when the werewolf pack goes all animal-like? I mean these little everyday things like sniffing, nosebutting and sleeping in a great heap together. I so hope the weather gets colder so they all HAVE TO cuddle. Awwww... ;D

I soooo whished there would be more of that.

Now, why have I only reviewed once so far? Because I am lazy. I hereby publicly admit it. Some things I want to say need to stew for a while and I know myself - when I start to write, well, you see how long this review has gotten. And I need twice the time as a native speaker because I try to do my best with all the grammar etc.

Now that you have my honest justification ;) feel reassured that I always read and enjoy your story. I will try my hardest to review more frequently now. :) Promise. For the time being, let me congratulate for a job well done!

Ouch, I had strained my wrist once so, since I couldn’t find an ice pack, I put snow in a plastic bag and the plastic bag on my wrist. Then I started working on my laptop, the snow melted, ran out of the plastic bag and on my keypad. Result: ‘*äf jfweo 20 iioäü+# or something of the likes. Very inconvenient, so you have my sympathy for your keyboard...

Thank you very much! I’m glad you enjoy the story, and don’t worry, the promised bang is on its way... I think Voldemort understands Harry and why he acts like he does. They’ve been at war for as long as Harry can remember; it can’t be easy to suddenly find themselves on the same side... I’m afraid it’s getting warmer already, but I kind of like creating werewolf piles as well, so I’ll see what I can do...

I understand that. It’s a lot easier for me to write in English than if I were to write in German because I would immediately notice if something sounded even slightly weird and I would torture my brain for a better solution. Writing in English is much easier, just express what you want to say with your limited vocabulary and then move on... So, while I will certainly enjoy reading your reviews (especially if they’re as long as this one), feel free to stew for a while...

AgainAndAgain: I love that story. I'm curious what will happen when Harry mets Poppy. David is a great charcter! I hope he will be able to open up to Draco. Please update soon!

Thank you! I hope you’ll like the next chapter...

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Basic Wants - Chapter 15: Conceivability

Marishka: Hmm... So Harry will die from the baby turning into a tiny-tiny-tiny werewolf inside of him?

It was a bit rushed, considering how much time you spent on and emotion you gave to everything else, you gave the most interesting plot so little focus. There should have been a bit more with Poppy, and so... and more of Harry's reactions. Ah well, I do love your story still though. :)

Hm, might be. As for it being rushed, I don't know. It didn't feel rushed to me, but that might just be me being biased. The next chapter will focus a little more on Harry's emotions and thoughts so I hope that'll make up for it... Thank you!

shadow: poor harry

is the full moon going to affect the baby?

Read to find out! Thanks for reviewing!

mithrilandtj: Wait... the fetus is going to change? Is that 100% sure or just maybe? What if the baby isn't fully infected? In canon, Teddy (Tonks & Remus's son) was only 1/2 werewolf & apparently didn't change, just got restless during the full moon

I know. That's why I reminded you all that this isn't canon :). You'll have to read the next chapter to find out, but I think it's safe to say that Fenrir thinks so...

Althydia: No, not a cliffhanger now! Wow, I do hope the next chapter will be up soon, because that was one big surprise! And Harry even was reasonable enough to tell Fenrir. Poor Harry... I hope that Fenrir and him will reconcile soon and that Harry will be able to keep the baby, even though it seems quite dangerous, for some still mysterious reason... And where is Remus when you need him? I loved how Harry was protective of his baby even through his shock, although he's still thinking of Fenrir and himself as only sex buddies. But maybe the situation was not ideal to think of his lover in a positive light (way to fuck things up Fenrir!) and I guess hormones may also be at play? Oh and by the way, you got me about the smell; I had actually forgotten about that part ;) I really can't wait for the next chapter!

You call that a cliffhanger? I wonder how you would have reacted if I had cut the chapter one paragraph earlier, as I had intended originally... I think Harry doesn't want to think of Fenrir as more than fuck buddies because then he would have to admit to having feelings for the werewolf and that would make him vulnerable... Thank you!

Dragon: Okay so the preggers thing just knocked me in the head, I'm sittin' here just a readin' and then...WHAM! Holy shit!

Wow Harry's havin a pup. Or if he gets the chance because something bad is going to happen...

Maybe Remus will get to Harry first and smell the slight problem.

Enjoyed the chapter


:lol: You didn't suspect? I'm not sure if Remus would smell anything different, considering that Harry has been pregnant for over two month and if he hasn't before, why would he now? Thank you!

Cella: so exciting! and poor harry! I can't wait to find out what the hell fenrir is actually talking about!

Thank you. You'll find out soon, but first Fenrir has to save his Harry...

Kera-Izaki: Damn, I know what will happe if they don't get rid of the baby in time (words like 'beng riped apart from teh inside out' come to mind) But still, I can't wait for the next chapter! ^^ And and, I know their gonna keep the baby (I doubt you get rid of it) but I really makes a wonder how it's gonna go down! >,

Can't wait for next week! ;D


Guess I wasn't as sneaky as I hoped to be, oh well... Nah, I won't get rid of it. After all the time I spent building up to this, I want to have some fun with this... Thanks!

DTDY: I find it interesting and can't wait for the confrontation between harry and fenrir

Thank you! Confrontation heading your way...

90McPhee: Great new twist, can't wait to see where it goes (though I am a sucker for a happy ending, so I'm hopeful... :D ). As far as reviewing every chapter... I love your story, that's why I keep reading it, but I don't always have time to review when a new chapter is posted. I often read the stories I like most on here in a few spare minutes here and there, between the many, MANY demands of RL. Just wanted you to know, just because I don't review every time doesn't mean I don't like the story, just means I'm too freaking busy to sit and read at a leisurely (horrible spelling attempt) pace, let alone sit write a response after. I review when I can, which is rarely, but I DO when I CAN. I hope you keep writing with confidence (and updating!).

Thanks for sharing your work, and I look forward to reading more. ^_~

Thank you! I love happy endings as well, so don't worry too much... And thanks for your explanation. I understand that real life can be stressful, mine is too, so I don't expect reviews every chapter. But I'd really appreciate a short comment every once in a while :)

Duzzie: OMMGG XD !!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't belive the last chapter. I thought he was going to say something about misunderstanding what he was saying until I read about the full moon part. =) Good Job Go chase him Fen

Well, there has been a misunderstanding, but I'm afraid Fenrir was very serious about Harry getting rid of their child...

Anon: I was so excited about this chapter comming up that I couldn't read the last two chapters.

And it didn't disappoint.

I'm curious to know what's going to happen to Harry.

Will Fenrir make it in time?

Will he talk some sense into Harry?

Does Harry really have to give up his child?

I will be staying tuned to find out.

Wait, so you skipped two chapters? That's... mean *pout*. I put a lot of work in them so go read them! Thank you, your questions will be answered in the next chapter...

Shigure-san: I'm so glad you intend to finish this story :D Especially since MPREG and Fenrir/harry stories rarely get finished lol.

So looking forward to all the turns this story is going to take, i love your writing style. ^_^

Really? I didn't know that... Thank you!

qwerty: I wonder what's gonna happened: Will the fetus attempt to transform or something thereby killing Harry? Is that the reason why Fenrir said to abort? Hmmm

Good chapter

Something like that... Read to find out... Thank you!

Madam Coffee Kitty: Oh no!! What are they going to do? Will the baby hurt Harry when the full moon hits? Will Fenrir convince Harry to give up the baby or will there be another twist; and why the heck didn't Madam Pomphrey tell him the risks of having a werewolf's baby if there are any? So many question and absolutely no answers! I can't wait for the next chapter. I really enjoyed this one and I wish you good luck and much inspiration on the next chapter, good health, and happy writing! Oh, I also wonder what Remus' reaction will be to Harry's situation.

Well, there'll be a lot of answers (not all of them, though) in the next chapter so since I won't spoil the surprise, I won't answer them here... Thank you!

coopershawk: It's a good story. I like Basic Wants more than the first story in this series. The plot in Basic Wants has captured my interest and I want to see where you go with it. Thanks for writing these stories.

Thank you. I really didn't want Basic Needs to grow beyond those five chapters, so I had to concentrate on the one storyline. It's not as complex as Basic Wants... Thank you!

domi(n)ique1: so for the love of god let harry be okay besides harry should be fine he already spent two full moon's with child want my next fix soon

Hm, yes, but if you'll remember those two full moons, Harry was kind of preoccupied (first because he had been tortured and then because the pack attacked him), so maybe he just didn't notice that something was wrong?

Anon: Can't wait to find out what happens!! Update soon!! :)

Hope you'll like the next chapter!

pat: awesome the action is getting more and more thrilling in my opinion :D although i would preffer the chapters to be lengthed but wouldn't every1 like that ;>

Thank you! And the next chapter will be a lot longer so I hope you'll enjoy it...

Quik2Anger: OMG I need an update. What's going to happen to Harry. Agh! The suspense!

The update is on it's way. Thanks for the review!

Posted (edited)

Basic Wants - Chapter 16: Plan B, Option C

Althydia: Nice and long chapter. I'm glad Harry survived and that things between Fenrir and him are better now (although I look forward to the mood swings and horniness too!). It was good to have some explanations about the pregnancy and the circumstances surrounding it (poor Remus embarrassed to give 'the talk' to Harry!), and Sirius had a nice part to play too. And Dobby returned! Now I wonder how Voldemort will react to the pregnancy and I hope that they'll be able to find a good specialist about it. Wouldn't it be normal that some healers specialise in lycanthropy and male pregnancy in the Wizarding World, just like there are many fields of study and medicine in the Muggle World? (that's one of the things we don't see enough in Rowling's books, in my opinion) Harry would certainly be a good case study for those experts... I really hope he and Fenrir can keep their baby (I'd love to see Fenrir act all fatherly with a little baby/puppy - and for Harry to see that too!).

Thanks, I hope you won't be too disappointed at the shortness of the next chapter... Do you really think there will be much of change in Harry's behaviour? :) I mean, he's already pretty moody, and Fenrir seems to bring out the horny teenager in him... I do believe that healers in the wizarding world specialise in a certain area, but I'm not sure if lycantrophy would be very popular, considering the negative attitude most wizards have towards werewolves. And male pregnancies are pretty rare... But I'll try to find a good healer for Harry, don't worry... Thanks for reviewing!

Kera-Izaki: Yeaz! I love how long this chapter was, lol XD And and, Mabye you can use a Baby-WolfBane potion or somthing? :/ I just hope next month isn't this bad, lol XD

Sorry to say, the next one will be a lot shorter... Baby-Wolfsbane Potion, I like the sound of that :D. I can just imagine Snape's mouth twisting around the name...

nyks: I just finished reading first Basic Needs and now Basic Wants and found them well written. Good job! :) Can't wait to read what happens to Harry and his baby. I hope he gets to keep it. ^^ And hopefully it gets easier on Harry. :)

Thank you! I'm glad you like the stories!

mithrilandtj: Well if this pregnancy is going to work at all it seems like Harry needs to change BEFORE the baby on full moons

That would be advisable, yes :)

Lina: LOL, a few surprises indeed. I can't wait to see how they deal with Harry's pregnancy next month, one thing I know for sure however is that at least the pack should see him with a bit more respect....I hope

Hm, yes, the attitude of the pack will shift with Harry's pregnancy... Hope you'll like it...

Evil Cliffhanger Lady: I can't believe I missed five updates! How the hell did I do that?

Anyway, wow. I'm loving this still. Don't worry, it turned out plenty dramatic. I love it when Harry and Fenrir fight, you get the flow going perfectly. Waiting eagerly for the next update.


Five! I'm appalled! Thank you, I'm glad you didn't miss the drama... Hope you won't miss the next chapter. I update every Saturday, that shouldn't be too difficult to keep track of :)

dragonstar01: awesome! Can't wait for more!

Thank you!

Rose Creighton: I love your story... and you should totally update... cuz cuz... I don't like not knowing what happens next... x_X lol... You're an amazing writer... so I'm sorry I don't review more often... its more of reading... then having to get back to real life... lol.... GREAT JOB, UPDATE SOON

Thank you... :lol: Hope you'll like the next chapter...

mrequecky: Yay, great chapter!

Thank you. And I just updated, so I hope you'll like the next chapter as well!

Edited by Dinkel

Basic Wants - Chapter 17: Sanity

Kera-Izaki: Nother chapter *do do do dodi do* *happy dance* lol XD And is the paient Rabistion?

I'm glad my updates make you so happy... Good guess.

mithrilandtj: Regulas Black. Sirius' brother

No, not really, but I like the suggestion...

Schan: I'm voting for Frank Longbottom

Thanks, but it's not Frank Longbottom, though that option would have had a lot of potential as well...

Althydia: Just to hazard a guess: is the other patient Regulus Black? And is he going to be important for the plot?

The odds seem to be stacked against Harry keeping the baby... :( But I'm glad he's waiting to have more information before taking a decision, and that he wants Fenrir's opinion too. In the meantime, Harry's pregnancy seems to make Fenrir even more protective and possessive of him - what does Harry think of that? (although in this chapter he seemed to have a positive reaction to it) And you're right: Harry is rather moody - pregnant or not. And rude with Voldemort (that's funny too). Also, I hadn't expected a Lestrange as the healer chosen for Harry, but it seemed logical to involve Severus. His interactions with Harry's 'crew' should be interesting too...

Thank you for the fast coming chapters, and I can't wait to read the next one!

No, it isn't. And important for the plot? I'm not really sure yet, but I don't think it will develop into more than a little side-story... Yes, Harry wants Fenrir's opinion, but what he will do with it is quite another question... I think a part of Harry will always be happy about Fenrir's protectiveness and even his possessiveness because it means that Fenrir cares (even if Harry finds that hard to accept), but I also think that he won't be able to tolerate it for long before his wish for independence and self-reliance gets in the way... Thank you for reviewing!

Evil Cliffhanger Lady: Woot, more!

Not gonna guess who the patient is, since I haven't actually finished the sixth book or read the seventh. *shrug* I didn't like 'em, so stopped reading. Liking this fic more than the actual canon from around book five.

I'm guessing that Harry's gonna keep the kid. His family instincts are just too strong to choose to kill it. And now I'm thinking of a teenage girl bringing her boyfriend home:

"This is my Dad, Harry Potter, the Saviour and all that. This is my other Dad, Fenrir Greyback, werewolf alpha and all-round monster. This is my Grandfather, Dark Lord Voldemort. And this... wait, where'd he go?"

"Your boyfriend ran away in terror, sweetie."

"Damn. Lost another one."

Hee. At any rate, still enjoying immensely.

I didn't much like the sixth book, but the seventh book, while not my favourite, wasn't bad. Still, I only read them once so I don't know them all that well and tend to ignore them :-). This story is AU after the fifth book as well... Thanks for reviewing and that nice little scene...

dragonstar01: Totally looking forward to see how Rudolphus develops :D

Thank you, hope you'll like it...

mrequecky: Hm, I'd guess it's Rabastan, I could see Rudolphus taking care of his little brother :D Hence, the specialisation into mind illnesses.

I loved the chapter, like totally looooved!

Good guess, very good indeed... Thank you!

Shigure-san: Another great chapter :) I'm so intrigued, I'm lost in your story to the point where when I get to the end of the chapter I'm like nuuuuuuu lol. More more! encore! XD

Cant wait to see the Henrir puppy lol XD xxx

Thank you! :-D Hope you'll like the next chapter, but you'll have to wait a bit longer until you get to meet Fenrir and Harry's child...

Quik2Anger: Ooh Ooh Ooh! I bet it's his brother Rabastran. Ha! slash-y incest! Yay!

Yes, it's Rabastan, though I didn't really mean to imply an incestous relationship... Oops...

NickyNakole: My guess is that it is Regulus Black! Sirius' little brother! I might be wrong but lets see. :) I am in love with this story! Poor Harry having to deal with having a little Were growing in him and all the drama surrounding him.

Nope, it's not... Thank you! But drama makes the story more interesting, don't you think?


Unintentionally Yours

pinkrosestar1: amazing story, grammer all right but i notice that you put what twice in a couple of your sentences, but other than that the story is pretty good.

Thank you. I've been meaning to edit this story for a long time, but I never got round to actually doing it... *sigh*


Basic Wants - Chapter 18: Knowledge

dominique: love it i still want hary to at least live and have his baby that cool

Thank you. I'm really not a fan of unhappy endings so I don't think that I'll let Harry die...

Killare Bet: Harry should cut Fenrir some slack. He can't seem to do anything right, poor wolfie.

So, are they going to be mates or something? It seems quite more serious than just lovers by now. It'd be Awesome if they were soulmates ;D

Lovely chapter!

Well, I think Harry is a bit on edge right now so he might snap at Fenrir even if Fenrir didn't do anything wrong... I think there's a mention of "mates" in the next chapter, but I think that's just the werewolf equivalent of "partners", just as "pack" is a synonym for "family". It doesn't refer to soulmates... Thank you!

mrequecky: Loved the chap! I wonder, if Harry uses his own magic to do the bubble, he should be fine, right? But the child might see the healer's magic as a foreign danger?

Thank you! Harry's magic will definitely come into play, but Rudolphus will still make himself useful...

Shigure-san: Loving this :D I look forward to every new chapter and cant wait to see where you take this X3 that sex scene was very steamy I must say! I enjoyed it immensely. And i love the mention of Draco and David again :D teehee. As well as Harry/fenrir time :D Just love it all!!!! Cant wait for more


x chuu x

Thank you! Seems I have you hooked :)...

Althydia: Really great chapter! I loved having everyone's reactions on the pregnancy's dangers, and Harry going for it. I really really hope that Harry can keep his baby, so that we can see him and Fenrir as parents (I loved Fenrir's "goodnight stories" to Chetan, by the way - not sure Harry would approve for their baby, though). After all, Harry is quite special and his magic has always protected him so far, so it should help here too, right? And shouldn't Snape and Rodolphus be looking for ways to help (besides the bubble - which made me wonder how they are going to do it, since Fenrir and Remus will probably want to be with Harry at that time)? I can't wait to see the next full moon... And the pregnancy should also have an effect on the pack's reactions to Harry too, as we already saw with Maya.

The sex scene was great too, with feelings showing a bit more between the two lovers... I love Fenrir's protectiveness! Also, well done for managing to include David's date with Draco; will Dobby make an appearance next? (maybe his magic can also help Harry?)

Thank you! Harry's magic will definitely give the solution its only little twist, but Snape and especially Rudolphus will help as well... The pack's reactions will be in the next chapter, hope you'll like... Dobby, hm, I'm not sure. I don't think he'll be in the next few chapters...

DTDY: I really like this story.

Thanks. I'm glad to hear that...


Winter and Ice

S&M: I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed this fic. Not only was it heatwarming and a little heartbreaking but it was also realistic and (surprise!) somewhat canonical. No one was hideously out of character or completely flanderized to the point of being unrecognizable. Their relationship feels real. Like if the books ever followed these sequence of events, this has a strong possibility of being the outcome. I say this because that's what I appreciate about good fanfiction - the ability to still think of something new for the characters without derailing their basic personalities for the plot. I've recently gotten into the Lucius/Harry pairing and your work was a fresh breeze on a still hot day. I truly enjoyed it and I look forward to reading other things you have written.


P.S. I also liked the realistic depiction of the rape of Harry and what that does to your perception of sex and relationships. I liked how it completely unsettled Harry and fractured his sense of self and his already tenuous hold on the world around him, personified by his blindness. Sex is one of the most intimate acts for humans and to have it defiled by the loss of choice screws with your head for more than writers, or just about anyone else who isn't a victim, give it credit. As somewhat of a victim myself, it lifts my spirits to see someone else get it right for once. :)

:) Well, I don't know about the characters being in character. Sometimes, I think I lost the red line, but I still appreciate your review! I'm also not sure what to say about your P.S. only that I'm sorry and that I'm glad you enjoyed the story, nonetheless...

jujukitty: very good story, i've thoroughly enjoyed it. and the characters with all their flaws and positives, you did a great job!

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!


Unintentionally Yours

ShadowCat13: I don't normally read this pairing (unless it's a harry Voldemorts prisoner/slave fic). I'm really glad I took the time to read this though. It was really well done and creative. I never got bored even once with it. I was sad when Harry lost his first child but I understood why it had to happen. I was glad that in the end he's pregnant again :)

Anyway I really liked it and will likely read all your other's too.

I'm glad too that you gave the story a chance :). Thank you for taking the time to review and I'm glad you enjoyed the story!

  • 2 weeks later...

Basic Wants - Chapter 19: Education

Althydia: Yay, another chapter!

It was nice to see the pack accept Harry, but damn Harry's misplaced pride, Lin needs to be punished! I do hope that Fenrir will find out and deal with it, also because Harry keeps scolding him about being honest with him, but Harry himself is not really honest with Fenrir - and with a very important thing too. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong but I get the feeling that werewolves work on very strict rules and hierarchy (like wolves), and Harry is kinda like the Alpha's mate - his pregnant mate too - so Lin's offense is even bigger and if she's not punished it would go against their rules and disrupt the hierarchy: Lin could think she can get away with it and Fenrir's power would be undermined if he can't deal out a fitting punishment against his mate's aggressor (which is also an offense to him)... Don't know if you agree, but that's how it felt for me. Plus, I don't know how Harry would hide the bruises and pains, and I suppose Lin would have left her scent on Harry, and the pack's hostile reactions to Lin (those who know) would be very big clues... right?

Okay, now that the rant is out of the way: I really liked how Harry was still not ready to completely forgive what Sirius did - it woud have looked very unlogical if he suddenly started to act with Sirius as if nothing happened... And it gives more time to Harry to spend with Remus: their father-son relationship makes me feel all warm and mushy inside!

Also, Fenrir's secret is finally revealed to Harry! And Fenrir's reaction to learning to read and write was just so in character for him - would Harry be more successful in teaching him if he always promised sexual intercourse as a prize? They might both benefit from it too... The other pack members' will to read and write was nice too, and it made Fenrir show his possessive side again! He's even jealous of Remus, what is Harry going to do with him?... But Harry also showed his need for Fenrir's attention at the beginning of the chapter! :)

Oh and last time I also forgot to mention that I find your take on Harry's pregnancy from Fenrir very original: I don't think I've ever read a story dealing with the negative effects of a werewolf pregnancy like yours does. :)

Now will the next chapter be back at the castle or still among the pack - or both?...

No, I agree with you that Lin's misdemeanour has consequences for the pack dynamics as well, but Harry isn't used to relying on others and in his mind, what happened between him and Lin should stay between them... But if he'll really be able to keep that a secret is another question...

Oh, I'm sure, Fenrir will find a way to combine his studying with sexual favours :)

Thanks, I'm glad you appreciate my idea of a werewolf pregnancy... Hope you'll like the next chapter!

Evil Cliffhanger Lady: Hee, Harry's mood swings are amusing. As is the dynamic between Fenrir and Harry - instead of the usual D/s relationship, it's constantly changing. I don't think Fen will ever be submissive exactly, but he's learning to do as Harry says. Sometimes.

I've noticed that you do a very good job with the continuity, making sure that the little details add up. So well done - too many good stories are ruined by the details being off.

I don't think Harry will learn to be submissive, either... Thank you, I'll try to connect all the dots...

mrequecky: Wow, loved this update! Teaching Fenrir how to read must be hard enough, bur writing? oh oh :D

Thanks... Harry certainly has his hands full with his new student...

le: As allways I love it.

I love Fenrirs whole 'growl, Im the big, bad werewolf'

keep up the good work

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy Fenrir's attitude...

Kera-Izaki: Yea~ It' good to see Fen and Harry getting along again! I was begining to worry, with all the fights that've been going on lately! :/ Hope yo able to get up another capter next week.



Oh, there'll be more fights to come. That's just the way they work... Sorry, for the long wait!

bloodravyn: gah!

Lin needs to DIE!

But... Don't you think that's a bit drastic?


Basic Wants - Chapter 20: More

cynaga: Quite romantic! And surprisingly satisfying...

I guess it is :D... Thank you!

lonelyreverance: i can't thank you enough for updating during this trialing time of nano. when all you want is a break you emerge to find that the fanfiction that is worth reading has ground to a hault... this was wonderful. i love this pairing and very few ever try it. can't wait for more

Well, I'm glad you enjoy the story and I hope that I'll be able to update on time from now on... Thank you!

dominique: i so want harry to beable to have his baby that will be sweet it appears that harry needs to change into a wolf before the full moon so the baby can feel back beside in real wolfies they don't hurt their mums

No, but real wolves have a pregnancy time of barely two months and when the little cubs are born they are blind, deaf and toothless. Harry's baby will continue to grow inside his belly like it would on the outside and it will only grow more dangerous...

Jenova625: GAH--I'm loving this a lot!

Geez--can Harry be any more stubborn? >_

I could try to make him even more stubborn, if you'd like :P

Evil Cliffhanger Lady: Despite the Drama Llamas wandering around, this chapter made me laugh. It's a good balance of the serious discussion that they needed to have, and some lighter moments to keep people reading. Well done.

And yes, you were missed. Good to have you back.

Thank you, that's good to know! And I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. I always appreciate laughter...

Althydia: Yay, another chapter! Which I really liked, thank you. Lin got punished and Fenrir's way of making up with Harry was great. He finally had his serious talk with Harry! :) Harry is still stubborn and insecure, but I think that living and having a baby together, plus sharing this level of intimacy is already more than just sex and friendship... in my opinion anyway. And Fenrir showed an impressive level of maturity while dealing with Harry (he even suggested he use magic!), he seems to be better at controlling his temper too, whereas Harry's hormones seem to be acting up: he seemed to change moods very quickly in this chapter (but maybe I'm seeing too much in this?). By the way, wasn't he supposed to tell his healer about any pains? Bad boy... I guess his next appointment is soon, though (and the others will probably be abe to tell the healer about it if he doesn't)? I also hope that Harry's nausea doesn't stay for the whole pregnancy; he's already not eating much even though he has to feed another body now... (poor Harry - he's going to get thinner instead of fatter!)

I might be tempted to agree with you, but I think Harry's reasoning is that defining their relationship as "sex and friendship" is a whole lot safer than the alternative... Hm, yes, Fenrir suggested magic, but his word choice still reveals his prejudices against wizards... Harry's mood swings, I'm afraid they're only going to get worse, which of course has to do with the pregnancy but also with his own insecurities and fears.... Thanks for the review!

Dark Illusions: i think it was absence that makes the heart grows fonder... but being absent too long isn't good either (so picky! lol) great chapter! so we finally look into Harry's trust issues, was wondering when that might come up. Good lord Fenrir, you and your anger management issues, but i have to say, he is getting better at it.

I just hope that this baby isn't going to be the death of Harry, i don't think that he can have another kid after this one though, with the damage it seems to be doing to his system. (although i don't think he would want another kid anyways, think of all the things he'd have to go through... morning sickness, mood swings, cravings, though the last two will probably be more fenrir's problem than harry's lol) anyways! looking forward to the next chapter^^ update soon!

Hm, you might be right... About time, wasn't it? Though, I was still quite unsure if them actually talking about their issues fit with their personalities...

shellyfish: wow, ich hab grad die story inklusive prequel durch und bin begeistert! nagut, vllt auch in bisschen frustriert, weil harrys und fenrirs beziehung nur sehr schleppend voran geht, aber damit muss ich leben. und grad hab ich gemerkt, dass dein letztes update erst gestern war und ich noch fast ne woche bis zum nächstn kapitel warten muss... verdammt! schreib schön fleißig! und bis bald!

Danke schön! Freut mich, dass dir die Geschichten gefallen und ich kann dich beruhigen, ich find die beiden Sturköpfe manchmal auch recht frustrierend :) Mal schauen, ob sich das irgendwann legt...

Cathartes: This is a really interesting story, you do a good job of keeping the characters off-balance. Thanks for sharing!

Thanks! I'm glad you like the story...


Basic Wants- Chapter 21: Normality

mithrilandtj: Good chapter

Thank you!

dominique: oh how sweet i do hope that harry is able to keep his baby and help with rudolphers brother like he help david yeah love it

Thank you! And I'm sure Harry will help any way he can...

Evil Cliffhanger Lady: Hee, poor Harry. Once again his magic does something weird - but at least this time it's beneficial to him, right? There's times when he doesn't seem emotionally ready to have a kid, but then he makes the decisions that will benefit the child the most. Kid's gonna have an interesting childhood.

And yay for the pack starting to accept/resign themselves to Harry - I'm guessing that's why Chetan's there, showing his support.

You know, it's a great feeling when I read something in a review that foreshadows something that will happen later because it means that I somehow managed to convey exactly what I was meaning to convey :). Thank you for that...

Althydia: Cool, we got to see the second full moon (and the end of some suspense)! Harry is special indeed, and in full mood swings mode... Fenrir will have some nice fun for the next few months. ;) But I guess he will also have to admit that magic can be good too (at least Harry's). And did it look like Voldemort cared a bit more than he let on?

So Rudolphus' mysterious patient is revealed; will Harry also have an influence on his health, as with David? Harry and his saviour complex couldn't really leave it alone, right? But it's not true that Fenrir doesn't need him, if the werewolf sees him as his mate! Well, that's Harry and his stubborn insecurities, I guess. Speaking of which, David is slowly getting over his own with Draco (but also adding others?). Good for him.

Not much of Remus and Fenrir in this chapter, but Hedwig returns! Also, will Harry and Fenrir be able to keep a picture of their baby's ultrasound? (I just had a very adorable image of Fenrir coveting it and showing it proudly to the other wolves :) ) And will we know the sex of the baby in the next chapter? I'd imagine a boy would be less puzzling for them, but I don't have a preference. And will Harry be lactating? (I also had an image of Harry feeding his baby in his wolf form - because how will he feed the baby on full moon nights?)

I really can't wait for the next chapter...

Voldemort certainly cares about Harry, in his own way, if only because Harry has proven to be his equal, but I think he really doesn't know how to deal with that... Harry's hero complex will not allow him to not help Rabastan so the question isn't really if he will, but how... About Harry lactating, I really hadn't thought about that yet, but you raise a valid question. I'll have to figure something out :)Thanks for your review!

mrequecky: Oi,what a lovely chapter!!!

Lol, thanks.

Jess: You, without a doubt, have made me love this pairing so much. This story twists into a world that is so different and out of the norm of what I usually read in this fandom. I have to say, as much as I started reading this Fenrir and Harry, I am so loving the relationship between Voldemort and Harry in this, it's killing me! In a good way of course.

Thank you, I'm glad I could convert you... I reallly like Voldemort in the next chapter, so I hope you will, too...

Be My Yaoi: OMG It's flipping brilliant! Can't wait for the next chapter!

Thank you! Hope you'll enjoy the next chapter as well...

AgainAndAgain: I can't tell you how amazing this story is. It's just awesome. I love the interactions betweeen Fenrir and Harry and between Harry and Voldemort and I just love David. And now after your last chapters I fell in love with Lestrange. God he is great. Please write more about him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Write more at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WRITE!!!!!!!!!! WRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You did a pretty good job, though :)... Rudolphus will be a constant in the story, and I'll also include some more information about his brother and his recovery, so I hope you'll like that... Guess, I'd better post the next chapter soon before you destroy the !-key on your keyboard...

rose: Great story! I really like the interaction between Harry and Fenrir. I love when Harry is spirited and stubborn, and I think it is so funny when he talks back to Voldermort. I have also always had a soft spot for MPreg, especially when it isn't completely silly. I hope that Harry's baby will be born healthy, and I really look forward to the next chapter. Thank you for sharing!

Thank you... I hope you'll like the next chapter, too. Enjoy!


Basic Wants - Chapter 22: Impartiality

dominique1: i so want harry to keep and have his baby and i want the the rude to help his bro love it

Well, I don't promise anything, but that might just happen...

anarkangel: I have been enjoying your stories. The pairing is a seldom used one and works well. I am always amazed at how one series could spark so many different alternate worlds/stories. Keep up the good work:) I look forward to the next chapter. ~anarkangel

Thank you! I think that's the great thing about the Harry Potter books, that there so many interesting characters and so many possibilities to let loose your imagination...

mithrilandtj: Is someone in a review deficit? ;D --It doesn't surprise me that Bellatrix is a bitch (what else is new?). Fenrir, I think, needs a few calming potions to chill the hell out and stop snarling at the "mother" of his child.

Yes, constantly!:D I'm not sure if calming potions would do the trick, but a fair dose of self-awareness would be nice...

Althydia: Fenrir really did it this time, hitting Harry just where it hurts, but Harry does raise a valid point that Fenrir has to work on. Poor baby won't have it very easy with both parents having issues. What a rollercoaster of emotions between them in this chapter! I do hope they make up soon, after Fenrir has had some serious thinking, though. He still seems to put his needs before Harry's, whereas Harry seems to think of the baby's needs first (which is quite endearing too - who would have thought he would have such strong maternal instincts already?).

Thank you for showing more of Remus/Harry fatherly goodness too, and for bringing back Hedwig! But poor Hagrid... That's one character I really can't imagine would think Harry a killer and betray him actually.

And about Rabastan: did Bellatrix curse him because her husband was more interested in his brother than her? I hope she gets punished. She's a total nutcase and probably too uncontrollable anyway. And Fenrir was actually helpful in this case (even though unwillingly).

Chetan was nice too, and his reaction is very relevant and reflective of the way he was raised by Fenrir. Fenrir really has a lot of things to learn if he wants to participate in his child's raising...

Will they start looking for a name for the baby soon (after the current issues are dealt with)?

Last note: Voldemort's relationship with Harry definitely seems to be evolving if he can admit personal things like he did to Harry (albeit in parseltongue)...

Thank you for the chapter and see you next time! (will you also write new reasons we should review next time? That was fun:) )

I'm not sure if Fenrir puts his needs first (that wouldn't be very Alpha-worthy behaviour), but I think he assumes that he knows what Harry needs and wants when really he doesn't...

Hagrid is certainly a very gentle and trusting soul, but he is also unwaveringly loyal to Dumbledore, which might not have worked in Harry's favour when he was accused of having killed his relatives...

Bellatrix' motives will come to light eventually, though you do raise a fair point...

I think for Chetan, this situation with Harry is particularly difficult because he has no real experience of life outside of the pack and now Fenrir wants him to care for a human, even though Fenrir always told him that humans can't be trusted. I think if Fenrir were to talk with Chetan, he would realise how hypocritical his behaviour really is...

The baby's name will be discussed, but not for a while (Fenrir already knows that he'll be calling the baby cub, so I doubt he has much interest in that particular topic)...

No, no new reasons. I can't think of any more right now, but I'm glad you liked them...

Evil Cliffhanger Lady: I think I kinda love your Voldemort. Snarky and evil, but still kinda cool. And learning, which I think was a problem with the original - he never seemed to learn, just fixated on one idea and wouldn't let go. Yours is much more adaptable, making him much more likely to take over the world eventually.

Love the story, and love all the characters. Keep up the good work.


I think Voldemort is remembering his life as Tom Riddle. You know, powerful, cunning, manipulative, ambitious, but also charismatic and charming... And he realised that the wizarding world is much more likely to accept him if he has Harry on his side... Thank you, I'll try!

dragonstar01: love it! Can't wait for more!!

Thank you. Hope you'll like the next chapter!

Raven: Reviews or not I have enjoyed the first installment of this story and was pleased that you chose to continue on with it. I actually have your stories bookmarked.

Thank you! I didn't know you could bookmark stories on affnet...

Linika: I liked the list :D though I'm havng trouble writing because I just painted my nails *pout*

this is one of my favourite stories and I always get so happy when I see a new chapter :) I like how Harry and Fenrir blow up at eachother all thetime, and how they solve their problems. I don't know what I'd do if they didn't. I'm hoping for that happy loving end :3

Oh, I know how that is. I'm always to impatient, though... Thank you! I think fighting, making up and fighting again is just part of who Fenrir and Harry are...

Madam Coffee Kitty: Hello again! Wow I can't believe I allowed myself to get so behind in reading your story! Well, I want you to know that I enjoyed all...what was it, like four chapters that I had to catch up to your updates. I am very pleased that Harry's magic is protecting him and his baby and that Fenrir is 'trying' to be more understanding of Harry's feelings. I also think that Fenrir being ticklish is absolutely cute and hilarious! I like that David is getting better and his relationship with Draco is improving, but I would like a more in-depth look at their progress. Since Harry is taking another break for Fenrir and staying at the castle, it should be easier for you to give us a more in-depth look at the dynamics of David and Draco's relationship. Well, I can't wait to read the next chapter! I wish you good luck, good health, and happy writing! Oh and happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you! You'll get a closer look at Draco and David's relationship in the next chapter, so I hope you'll like it.. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too, so it's a bit belated...

mrequecky: I guess I'm a very boring reviwer, but I loved the chap :D

Fenrir and Harry just are a constant communication problem :D

Ah, no, you're not that bad :) At least you're a faithful reviewer so that always gives me a good feeling to read your comment... That they are, that they are...

tsukinatora: Ok, you made it, I'm reviewing. Now let's get into bussiness.... NOOOOOOOOO, IT'S NOT POSSIBLE THAT I'VE ALREADY FINISHED WITH THIS FIIIIIICCCCC!!!!!!!!! ;_; I WANT MORE!!!!! Sorry about my hysteria attack. Seriously, the story is great. You hooked me up and I didn't review before because I like to review when I finish to read the stories and since I started to read this one on Monday......But now I'm here to tell you that eventhough I enjoy the bickering among Harry and Fen I think Fen deserves more respect from Harry. I hope you think about it. Thanks for writting. ( I'd like another chap soon, please ;))

Yay! I'm good!... But don't you think that Harry deserves a bit more respect from Fenrir as well? Another chap is on it's way, hope you'll like it and thank you!



LadyGrelka: I am a bit confused. In this chapter Harry dose not seem to know about James, Sirius and Peter being animagi. Also in a previous chapter it seemed that Harry had never met Sirius in his own time.

Yes, that's true. But when I put AU as a warning, I actually meant it ;)... I'm sure, if you read on, you'll find out why Harry doesn't know some things...

  • 1 month later...

Basic Wants - Chapter 23: Understanding

I finally got around to answering your reviews - sorry for the delay! The review replies to chapter 24 should be up soon as well and then I'll update the story asap. I had planned to upload chapter 25 the day after Christmas, but my internet at home did not like this site :angry:. Anyway, to your reviews...

Althydia: Thank you for not letting us wait too long for Fenrir and Harry's reconciliation! And finishing with some hotness... :) I guess it will still be a bit complicated between the two of them (particularly with Harry's hormones involved), but at least some steps have been taken in the right direction (although I'm still not sure Fenrir fully understands the problem). Oh and Fenrir's letter was so sweet - I'm glad Harry remembered it and was moved!

Also, Harry and Sirius keep on bonding more and more, without Remus present this time. Too bad it was interrupted by the 'morning' sickness. The dinner looked good too - I feel for Harry. Hopefully it won't last for the whole pregnancy?

David and Draco are also taking steps in the right direction, and I must say I'm amazed by Draco's patience in your story. They still have a long way to go, though. Did David also mention how he met Harry as an Animagus in Azkaban? And isn't it funny that Harry protests when Draco scoops him up, but doesn't when it's Fenrir doing the carrying?

Quick but cute appearance from Hedwig too. Nice (although slightly yucky too).

No snow here yet, but I hear it's coming very soon. :)

Oh, it certainly will be difficult and complicated between those two also in future, don’t worry ;). I’m having too much fun with them…. I think Draco, like Harry, grew up and I think Malfoys are nothing if not persistent, so now that he has a goal (winning David over), he does everything to reach it… Yeah, Draco knows about Harry’s Animagus form, too. It wasn’t really a secret, seeing as Voldemort already knew and would not refrain from showing off with Harry’s, his heir’s, powers and abilities… Lol, I guess Harry’s willing to make some exceptions for Fenrir… Have you had any snow by now?

FruitCat: I love this story. Sometimes I get annoyed with how moody Harry can be, but I figure he has the right to be a little off, considering how much he's been through. Anyways, update soon, because this story is amazing.

Thank you, though I have to admit that I never really had the ambition to keep Harry absolutely in character. I like him moody (though I, too, sometimes get annoyed with him) and a bit bitchy…

Madam Coffee Kitty: Yay, I am happy that David is learning trust and gaining confidence in Draco. I am also happy that David finally told Draco about his experiences and fears. I can't wait to read what you make Harry's cravings out to be; it would be hilarious if he ended up craving chocolate covered rare stake or something like that, I would so crack up. I enjoyed Fenrir and Harry's reunion very much. I'm glad that Headwig is back, she is my favorite owl and I missed her.

Aww, you got snow fall where you are? I hope and wish for snow, but alas, I live in Sacramento California so no snow for me. *sigh* Anyway, I can't wait to read the next chapter. I wish you good luck, good health, and happy writing!

I haven’t really thought about Harry’s cravings yet, though as I am a firm vegetarian myself, I doubt I’ll make him eat rare steak (although the little werewolf would probably like that…). Yes, we have lots of snow. It’s fantastic, at least if you don’t have to go somewhere… Thank you and thanks for your review…

mrequecky: yay for snow :D and right on for Thanksgiving, too^^

loved the chapter, too :D

Thanksgiving, right. I had forgotten about that until I read it on my calendar… Thank you…

shellyfish: oje, du bist ja eine richtige heilige! (oder ein heiliger?? ich tippe mal auf ersteres, sorry, falls das dein ego ankratzt). wie auch immer: du musst heilig sein, wo du uns doch die möglichkeit gibst, durch reviews unser eingenes wohlbefinden zu steigern und uns auch noch in christlicher nächstenliebe zu üben! wie lange hast du gebraucht diese liste aufzustellen?

nun zur story: ich wiederhole mich zwar, aber die zwei machen mich wahnsinnig! dieses ständige hin und her, immer ist einer beleidigt. zieh das nicht mehr so lange raus, sonst wird es irgendwann langweilig und . harry und fenrir können sich ja nie länger als 5 minuten unterhalten, ohne dass sie sich wieder streiten.

und noch was allgemein: ich habe mittlerweile so ziemlich alle von deinen anderen stories gelesen und bin begeistert! was ich besonders bemerkenswert finde, ist, dass deine charaktere immer... anders bewertet werden? also, mal ist draco gut (winter and ice), mal schlecht (crepererum). das gleiche mit narcissa. die meisten autoren lassen ihre lieblingscharaktere immer ähnlich handeln, was auf die dauer langweilig wird. bei dir ist das nicht so. obwohl ich mich frage, woher deine vorliebe für rabastan und rudolphus kommt. sie werden ja in den büchern eigentlich nie näher beschrieben.

lg und bis zur nächsten review!

Heilige stimmt schon, also auch kein verletztes Ego :). Ja, ich bin schon sehr nett und für die Liste hab ich, glaub ich, so zwanzig Minuten gebraucht? Weiß nicht mehr genau und meine Arbeitsmoral ist auch derart, dass ich immer wieder gerne Pausen einlege, um was anderes zu machen...

Also dieses Hin-und-Her und die ewige Streiterei wird sich wohl noch etwas fortsetzen, erstens weil ich es sehr lustig zum Schreiben finde, zweitens weil die beiden einfach zu stur sind und nicht wirklich auf einander eingehen, und drittens weil sie selbst dann anfangen zu streiten, wenn ich das gar nicht vorhatte…

Mit der anderen Bewertung hast du schon Recht und ich glaub, dass liegt einfach daran, dass ich immer mit einer groben Idee anfang und mir dann überleg in welche Richtung sie sich entwickelt, wenn der eine Charakter freundlich bzw. feindlich ist. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich wirklich einen Lieblingscharakter hab (außer Harry) und ich finde, man kann ja auch die „bösen“ Charaktere durchaus mögen. Ich find Draco in Crepererum zum Beispiel toll, und Snape und Voldemort mag ich auch, wenn sie auf der falschen Seite stehen… Und Rudolphus und Rabastan sind einfach sehr praktisch, weil sie in den Büchern keine großen Rollen spielen, so dass ich sie mir praktisch selbst erfinden konnte. Das macht Spaß…

Aber jetzt hab ich ziemlich lang gelabert, tut mir leid, eigentlich wollt ich dir nur für deinen Kommentar danken… Danke!

jaaa, schnee! wir hatten auch welchen! aber er is schon wieder fast weg... schade... juhuu, make-up sex! sie mögen sich wieder! mal schauen, wie lange... ob gleich am anfang des nächsten kapitels fenrir wieder iwas unüberlegtes sagt und harry es in den falschen hals kriegt... ich bin gespannt... updaten! schneller! länger! mehr! los! bitte?

Bei uns wars auch ein ziemliches Hin-und-Her mit dem Schnee, aber am Ende hatten wir dann doch weiße Weihnachten, also bin ich zufrieden… Hoffe du hattest auch frohe Weihnachten…

Jenova625: Yay~ another awesome chapter~! :D

I love the way Draco is growing and how hard he's trying to win David ^.^

I really wish Harry would bitch a little less and acknowledge the vast support system he's got, heck even big, bad, Voldy lets him do whatever he wants and tries to make sure Harry's got the best pre-natal care possible. Some of Harry's snarky outbursts are understandable with the level of stress he's under with the baby and the way he's had self-suficiency drilled into him but really...some times they seem unwarranted, so they can get annoying. XP But other than that--this story is great! Keep up the awesome work~! ^_^

Thank you! I’m glad you like Draco… I can understand your frustration with Harry, sometimes he also annoys me. I realise that he’s rather bitchy and tends to fly off the handle rather quickly. I’m not sure all of it can be explained by the stress he’s under, his childhood, his past with the Order and Dumbledore – all I’m saying is that I can understand why he reacts the way he does, because that’s what I imagine such circumstances would provoke… I’m not sure I explained that well, but I hope you understand what I’m trying to say… Thank you!

Audrei: I love your fic, please up soon.

Thank you. I’ll update as soon as possible…


Basic Wants - Chapter 24: Reminders

shoes: i love how grumpy pregnant harry is :)

Thank you! I'm glad you like it...

Falcondncr: LOL I love the banter between those two! I hope you can update soon!

Thank you! I hope so, too...

mrequecky: Yay, loved again :D

Happy to hear/ read that...

Evil Cliffhanger Lady: *sniggering* That last line had me cracking up. Good thing the rest of the house are deep sleepers... Well done, and I look forward to seeing the next part when you get back.

:lol: Thanks, I had fun imagining Fenrir's face... Hope you'll like the next chapter!

Althydia: Very interesting chapter. We learn more about the characters' psyche and doubts. Also, it was nice that Harry tried to know more about Fenrir - nice bonding device. Too bad Fenrir was not very cooperative. He did show some patience and self-control, though, when dealing with a hormonal Harry. Who doesn't seem to realise that the mood swings are already there...

Thank you for raising those new issues, like the portal, etc. Next time we get the conversation between Harry and Voldemort? Do we also get the conversation between Healer Lestrange and Fenrir in Harry's absence? I can imagine it would be quite awkward... :)

I'm looking forward to the next chapter, but it will be okay to wait a bit if we know something good is at the end of the waiting period. That, and I completely understand the problem of procrastination. ;) Good luck with your work!

Thanks... I think Fenrir would have loved to bond with Harry in another way ;)... Hm, yes, there'll be conversations between Harry and Voldemort and Fenrir and Rudolphus. Hope you'll like them... Thanks, guess, what my new year's resolution will be? :)

Werewolf Mistress: Please update chapter 25 soon ^_^


I'll try to. Hope you'll like it...

back_rose: cant wait for the rest!!!

Thank you! The next chapter should be up soon...

Droopy Eyes: This is such an awesome story! I just discovered this fic yesterday due to a recommendation and I much say that person was right. I love how well written this fic is. It keeps you on the edge of your toes wanting more. Definitely the best Fenrir/Harry fic I have read!

Thank you, I'm glad you're enjoying it so far... And I guess, I owe that person my gratitude for pointing you in my direction :)... Now, I'm blushing...



mishap: No offense, but at this point I was almost hoping for SS/HP instead of SB/HP. Beside the fact that it was incredibly sad that Severus thought that there was no hope for him to have someone in his life Sirius was being an utter ass and the whole Godfather thing is a bit creepy especially as that is how Harry gets to know him first. Also considering how much trouble Harry gets into he needs someone to put a leash on him rather than someone who personality wise would get him into even worse trouble.

Ah well I knew it was SB/HP from the start.

None taken. I considered having a SS/HP pairing instead - not seriously, but the thought did cross my mind. But I'm just not really into that ship... And you think the godfather thing is creepy, but the whole teacher thing isn't :)? Besides, in this story, Harry never got to know Sirius as his godfather... Hope you're not too disappointed in any case... Thanks for reviewing!


Unintentionally Yours

RandomPersonInYourBushes: Is there a s sequel?! I want a sequel...it can be a oneshot! just about their life after and the baby...:) Loved the story! LOVED IT! You are an amazing writer and i love your Harry!

Nope, sorry there isn't, and I doubt there ever will be. But I'm glad you enjoyed the story!


Basic Wants - Chapter 25: Clarity

Bev: I am really enjoying this story, thanks for sharing it

Thank you, I'm glad you are. Hope you'll like the next chapter!

Altyhdia: Yay, a new chapter! Great gift for the new year!

I loved it, as usual. :) So, make-up sex in the next chapter, I presume? Which could also be Harry's way of thanking Fenrir for his gracious help in healing Rudolphus's brother...? I do think that Fenrir was actually a bit right in analysing Lestrange's motives (which are also understandable) but he shouldn't have called Harry weak... When will he learn? ;) How will he survive a few more months of mood swings like this?

Once again I liked the interaction between Voldemort and Harry: Voldemort seems to be more human with Harry but keeps his personality at the same time. Will he take precautions and alert the healer himself about Harry's magic and keep an eye on him when he goes to Diagon Alley, in case Harry chooses to ignore his advice? I hope you will show his trip too; that should be interesting. And the dinner with Draco and David! Will Harry go with Fenrir as a couple? :)

On a completely unrelated note: will Remus be in the next chapter? He should be quite worried by now...

And nice cameo by Snape: I like that he stays in character, particularly with Harry. It would be too weird if they suddenly started to like each other for no reason.

Anyway, thank you for this and Happy New Year to you too! And good luck for your resolutions. ;) Snow made things a bit tricky where I live and in my homeland, so I hope you didn't have any problems.

Can't wait for the next chapter...

No, no make-up sex. There'll be a little time leap... The trip to Diagon Alley, if it takes place, will be later on in the story, but Harry will have dinner with David and Draco in the next chapter... Remus will be in the next chapter, yes... Oh, we had quite a few problems with the snow (particularly in public transport), but by now everything has turned back to normal... Hope you'll like the next chapter, even though I have a feeling you'll be a little disappointed...

mdevries08: I started reading this story last night before bed and I finished it right after I woke up. It's just amazing! I love how much depth your characters have and how they interact with each other. I can't wait for the next update and I look forward to reading more of this story. I'll probably also check out your other stories because I really like your style of writing. Happy New Year!

Wow, I'm impressed! Thank you! I'm glad you liked the story and happy new year to you too :)


Care Less

Patricia: I loved it. I wish there was more about the next day/when the three got up to see the braclets fell off. Also to maybe tease Snape.

Thank you!

I'm glad you enjoyed it. For me, the story is finished, though, and everything else I'll leave up to your imagination :)


Basic Wants - Chapter 26: Fidelity

Althydia: O.O ... Talk about a change in the game! I do hope the next chapter will be up soon...

To be perfectly honest, I'm not a big fan of angst, so I'll hope for a happy ending, even though it seems quite far - and potentially hypothetical - in coming now. Still a bit shaken by this. I think I need to get it out of my system, so sorry and I still love your story. :)

I'm quite frustrated with Harry's attitude and disapprove of his behaviour. But did he really have sex with David? It's not clear yet. And I also think that David was very selfish - Draco too but I'm less surprised - didn't he think of the consequences for Harry if he's his friend? He couldn't have ignored that Harry was with very-possessive-werewolf-Fenrir, who WOULDN'T be pleased with this situation. Right? So I'm not too much in a hurry to see them again in the story for now.

It was even more painful when you showed the efforts of the whole pack to make a nice surprise for Harry, while Harry himself was maybe cheating on Fenrir at the same time. :(

Now what will happen to Harry and the baby? And to Harry and Fenrir's relationship? Is it even possible to salvage it after such a betrayal on both parts?

Oh the angst...

I'm afraid I like angst far too much to write a story without a fair dose of it, but I'm also ridiculously fond of happy endings, so I wouldn't despair just yet... David and Harry's motivations will be revealed in the next chapter (so yes, that means, David will be in it as well) and since I don't want to spoil anything, I'll leave it at that for now... But thanks for reviewing :D

dominique: i think harry should stay away from fin until the baby born and fin should really pay for being a ass hole

I'm not sure avoiding the problem (aka Fenrir) is the solution...

Kera-Izaki: Wow... Just, wow. I was not expecting that. And though I'm mad at Fen for indangering the baby, I sorta think he was in his rights. I mean, Harry just keeps trying to fck up their relationship, and Fen is just reacting like anyone who'd been hut would. I really congratlate you for having the guts to go there though! Please write more soon! ^^



Good, I'm glad I could surprise you... And I'm also glad that you feel for Fenrir as well because I think Harry isn't completely innocent in this whole mess, either....Thank you!

NickyNakole: Wait a second...okay Im good. Had to hold in tears for this chapter. Wow I really hope that Harry didnt go all the way with David. I have a thing about Harry always remaining true to his men. Just hoping it was some frottage. Anyways let me just say that I am in love with this story and hope this cliffhanger comes to an end soon.

Wow, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to make you cry... And what Harry did or didn't do with David will be in the next chapter, so I hope you won't be disappointed...

unneeded: oh damn, and they were doing so wel.

Maybe on the surface, but I think underneath they still had their fair share of problems...

le-chan: How could he!!! biting harry! omg, what will happen now. And what about the cheating??? omg, I so love and hate you right now!

I guess you'll have to read on to find that out... Thanks, maybe...

Ginger: Well, I had a long review written out for you, but my internet died down, deleting my writing and forcing me to start over. So I'll settle with NO, this doesn't work with you plotline and here's why:

- If David can't have sex with Draco, why would he be able to have sex with 2 people? even if he's comfortable with Harry, he's not even fully comfortable with him. He's a rapevictim and even Harry would see that it'd be a bad idea to agree to this stupid thought. (and really, your story WAS amazing, you don't need this CRAPPY plotline that has no way of working, for ANYONE. Especially not David, as this could just make it worse for him. Harry should say that they should explore on their own, but that he can sit guard, outside or inside, and help david by just being close by, should he feel too panicked and need to be calmed. it's absurd to think having Harry along with them would help any. Please, trust me on this. I know you love drama and angst, but I've been studying psychology for ten years and been a therapist for five, so believe me when I say that this wouldn't even be on the option list of things to do to help a rapevictim be more secure in their own sexuality again.)

And how could Harry turn into a person again? You've said he was biter cause he lost his animagus form on all nights but on the fullmoon. Was it the fullmoon? Was Fenrir a werewolf here? How come he could talk then? I mean, it would explain the anger burst (that even for him was OOC, considering everything), but nothing else.

Read your story, from the beginning. Do you see how ill this fits with the rest of the story and the characters developement? I mean, not even Harry with his helpfullness and habit of rushing into things would miss the fact that this was a BAD/HORRIBLE idea. And Draco.... as nice as he is to David, he would not drag Harry into this. Both Draco and Harry should help David by TALKING to him, not rush into something like this.

You can make the story brilliant again. Either this was all a bad dream, or Harry went home to TALK to Fenrir about it. It's OOC even for Harry to just have sex with them like that. Seriously. This doesn't work in any way for any one. Trust me. Do you want a story with an amazing plot and continuency, or do you want a story that got destroyed by a ill-fitting plotline that wouldn't even work? Come on. You're better than this and you know it.

Aw, I hate when that happens. I always try to save my messages first so that I can copy and paste them back in if that happens - but of course, one day I'll forget, and that will be exactly the day when the internet crashes... Unfair. And considering that you had to write your comment twice, I'm impressed at its length...

Anyway, to the actual content of your review: I guess you expect me to protest? But I don't feel the need to since I mostly agree with you. Just a few clarifications (everything else will be explained in the coming chapter):

- There was never talk of David sleeping with both Draco and Harry.

- Harry was warned off using his Animagus form since a human baby in a wolf's body doesn't seem like such a great mix. It doesn't mean, however, that he can't turn into his wolf form in emergencies. Thus, no, it wasn't the full moon.

- I do think Fenrir has quite a temper and a very possessive side. Harry cheating on him certainly didn't make him a very happy person.

- I'm not sure if you're suggesting that I rework the last chapter because that's something I don't plan to do. My last chapter fits into the plot (at least in my opinion) and I hope the next chapter will convince you as well...

Bev: Can't wait for the next chapter. Thanks for sharing this great story.

Thank you for reading it!


Well, that was clear :)

shellyfish: ich muss ehrlich zugeben, dass ich den einen, relevanten satz nicht richtig verstanden habe: "He asked me to go it with him" meintest du DO it with him? und hat harry es getan? oder hatte er es nur in zukunft vor? und was ist mit dem kind, wenn harry sich einfach in einen wolf verwandelt? hm, gutes kapitel, sehr gemein. ich liebe es, wenn harry ein wenig leiden muss. oder auch ein wenig mehr. gott, bin ich fies... schön brav am samstag updaten! wehe nich!

Jaa, meinte ich... Wegen der anderen Fragen musst du jedoch auf das nächste Kapitel warten. Da wird dann alles (oder zumindest einiges) erklärt... Ach, ich bin auch manchmal recht fies - aber nicht so fies, dass ich euch länger als eine Woche hängen lassen würde...



InsularFLY: why doesn't harry know Sirius :S He met him in third year. If sirius is his mate I thought the fact he was dead in Harry's time deleted it. What's going on? and if not, shouldn't he know his godfather if he knows remus?

I guess you'll have to read the rest of the story, but the simple answer is that this is an AU and that Sirius never escaped from Azkaban (I hope I didn't spoil anything). I hope you're still enjoying the story...


Basic Wants - Chapter 27: All the Facts

dominique: i think harry should not forgive greybeck i like that vodly was kind of sweet to harry i find that they make a better couple happy the baby is okay

You're not the only one who suggested that solution, but I hope you'll forgive me if I still want to give the Fenrir/Harry pairing another go...

unneeded: good grief what a mess. Fen really screwed it this time. I wonder how he'll make it up.

I'm still wondering about that as well :) Thanks for your review!

Marcus: Now that ALMOST made up for the crap in the previous chapter :-P but you're still not excused for putting me through that. I wasn't even able to review without cursing, so I decided to forgo it. But now that you fixed it, mostly at least, you get one. I admit I really wanted Fenrir to kill David and Draco, even going as far as going 'kill,kill,kill! Good doggie!' all through most of the chapter. I still dislike David immensly, but he got a LITTLE excused when he said sorry to Harry and explained why. Still would have cheered Fenrir on if he had killed him though. Only Fenrir wouldn't have had any chance with Harry then... Ah well. Really loved Voldemort in This chapter and Harry's escape to his body :) More voldy är fatherfigure to harry to the people, Please! He feels slightly like a protective father/uncle :) really like him here!

And david's explanation was rather believable as to How a real Rapevictim would react. Bad Draco. Still like neither of them and think they take TOO much space though.

Now, what will remus do when if finds out what happened? Can't wait for that :D

I'm sorry to hear that :). And I'm surprised that you don't seem overly upset with Fenrir, but I can work with that, don't worry... There'll definitely be more of Voldemort in future chapters (he won't be ignored), and sadly for you, Draco and David will also play major roles... Still, I hope you'll like the next chapter...

qwerty: Damn Fenrir. Just... damn.

Good chapter!

Hm, yes, he kind of messed up, didn't he? Thank you!

shellyfish: also ich denke, dass ich grade sehr gerne ein tasse kaffee trinken würde und dazu etwas eierlikörkuchen wäre sicher auch nicht schlecht. und danach abendessen kochen. hört sich doch toll an, oder?

ansonten denke ich darüber nach, dass ich dein neuestes kapitel toll finde! ein leidender harry, ein besessener voldemort (hat man in der konstellation auch eher selten), fenrir soo klein mit hut. super! leider war ich wieder viel zu schnell durch das kapitel durch. erstes kriterium bei mir ist immer, wie klein dieses scrollverschieberteil ist. desto kleiner, desto glücklicher macht es mich :)

allerdings fand ich etwas aus dem letzten kapitel ein wenig seltsam: erst hat fenrir nix seltsames gemerkt, und dann als er denk, harry hätte mit den beiden geschlafen, sagt er aufeinmal das er david und draco auf harry riecht. pure einbildung im eifer des gefechts? oder wollte er damit nur harry beleidigen?

bis nächste woche, schreib schön fleißig!

ps: der schnee ist weg! stattdessen haben wir grad richtig schönes hochwasser!

Oh ja, sehr lecker! Hab gestern meine letzten Plätzchen gegessen, aber weil ich vor Weihnachten eh nicht zum Backen gekommen bin, back ich vielleicht bald mal neue... Ach, dann fürchte ich, das neue Kapitel wird dich so ganz und gar nicht glücklich machen. 3000 Wörter. Ich hatte schon Kapitel, die waren doppelt so lang...

Yep, Einbildung und Eifersucht, und besonders nett war das, was er gesagt hat, ja auch nicht... Wahrscheinlich hat er durchaus David und Draco an Harry gerochen (schließlich haben sie ja zusammen gegessen) und dann hat seine Eifersucht den Geruch multipliziert...

Ja, Hochwasser, wenigstens wirkst so, als hätten sie in Deutschland soweit alles unter Kontrolle. Ist doch schon mal was... Aber ich fand den Schnee trotzdem schöner...

Althydia: I loved this chapter; thank you for not making us wait too long for an explanation of what really happened! I feel more hope now that you've said that you like happy endings, but I must say I really don't know how Fenrir can make it up to Harry and make Harry forgive and trust him... Maybe they should both start with some overdue counselling as a first step towards a potential reconciliation? Some type of therapy for Fenrir's prejudices and anger management, and Harry's trust issues? The latter is again very easily forgiving of David too, much more than he ever was of Fenrir, even though David was (and still is) a ruthless Death Eater (and even though David is a rape victim which makes Harry more indulgent with him, Fenrir has some good points for himself - like his caring of his pack - which David didn't seem to have before Azkaban), as you mentioned before. An explanation of what happened at that dinner in the next chapter will indeed be useful in this respect, because at the moment I kind of feel that the ones who started this mess (Draco and David) are let off hook the easiest...

Harry's rightful anger and punishment of Fenrir, and his fear for his baby were very well done, and would it be weird to say that I found Harry holding Voldemort's hand cute? Because I did. :) Harry's time away from the pack will probably benefit Voldemort too, who can continue Harry's 'education' as his heir. By the way, will we see some scenes outside the pack or castle soon? Harry might like a change of air to try and forget about a certain werewolf... Also, wouldn't Remus and Sirius be very worried for Harry by now? And will Harry resent that they didn't help him with Fenrir (like the rest of the pack, for that matter)? After all, Harry might still need someone who is a werewolf at his side to help him, since his baby will be half-werewolf.

Your story keeps entertaining and intriguing me... I very much look forward to the next chapter!

I think one of the reasons why Harry more readily forgives David is that he feels protective of the Death Eater while he (deep, deep, deep down) was counting on Fenrir to protect him. David's mistake is therefore only another point that proves how much he needs Harry's help while Fenrir's is seen as a betrayal...

Thank you, I'm glad you liked the Voldemort-Harry-interaction :). There will some scenes outside of the pack and castle, but not quite yet because I want to fix things between Fenrir and Harry first... Hope you'll like the next chapter and as always, thanks for your super-long review!

Audrei: Fenrir is so stupid, it was right to take hasty conclusion. And Voldemort so cute, holding Harry's hand.

Please uptade soon.

Well, it wasn't the first time Fenrir jumped to the wrong conclusion and I'm afraid it won't be the last time either. Thank you!

sutekh_nubt: Mhm, well... I have to say that this back and forth and being nice and not being nice to each other is kind of getting on my nerves. Sometimes I have the feeling that they don't get closer to each other, not really. You can't really call it (whatever it is that these two have) a relationship because their issues have issues and before these aren't cleared up, HP and FG won't be comfortable around each other - and I don't really see that coming at this point in the story. Will it get better (for them)?

I quite agree. I think it's time to move forward, that they talked about their issues and made a definite decision what they want from the other....

Kera-Izaki: Man, I really feel bad for Fen! Though Harry is justified in his anger, I still have to wonder why he lied. And, if I was them, I would be looking at their relationship and just desiding to split the parent-hood, Fen taking the kid sometimes (Around the full and new moon) and Harry the other. It's ovious that they want different things, and have different ways of getting it. I mean, Harry even seems to be trying to break them up! When Fen whats them to get along and be happy. I'm not trying to break them up, I'm just not piticulay fond of train recks, lol XD So mabye you could throw in some happy times? Just for me? *puppy dog eyes*

Also, it's good to be reviewing again! Sorry I wan't for a while, when they switched over to the new forum, I could use it without my computer freezing, and even still I can only be on for a couple seconds, lol XD I hope it keeps getting better!

Can't Wait For MORE!



Harry certainly isn't blameless in that whole mess, yes, and though I'm not in favour of breaking them up, I think they need to make up their mind and be honest with each other if they want to have a future together... Happy times? Of course, I can do that, but first I'll have to make them suffer a bit more as you'll understand :D...

I had problems with this site as well when I was at home and using the internet connection there... I keep my fingers crossed that you'll figure something out...


Basic Wants - Chapter 28: Advice

Myniephoenix: Harry did forgive Sirius. And Fen has been trying so hard.

Good point... Thanks for reviewing!

dominique: yeah i do think he has want more

Good to know :)... Hope you'll like the next chapter!

doxiesmom14: love your story...i think he has suffered enough.

Thank you! I'm glad you think so!

chris7100: "Has Fenrir suffered enough?" Um, no. Not only no, but HELL NO! You may have written yourself into a corner here. No matter how forgiving your Harry is and how much he may love Fenrir, it's going to take real time and work for any reconciliation to be remotely believable. Fenrir's actions weren't the straw that broke the camel's back, but rather the 1000 lb. anvil. Some scenes of Fenrir actively combating his own prejudice against wizards who aren't Harry, as well as F ensuring and encouraging the education of his pack would go a long way toward resolving this issue. There has to be real, visible internally driven change in Fenrir before the Harry you created can start to heal.

Hm, you think so? And what about Harry? Don't you think he contributed to that anvil as well? I mean, he did provoke Fenrir and he wasn't exactly innocent. And the pack is on Harry's side, with the exception of Lin, they don't see Harry as inferior because he's only a wizard... I agree that there has to be some change, but I think Harry needs to change as well and as much as I would like Fenrir to suffer a bit more, I think that would only destroy the pack... I hope I'll be able to convince you and thank you for reviewing :)

unneeded: *wow. in the doghouse hard core. I hope he'll be let out some time soon and is able to earn Harry's trust once more.

:lol: You could say that... I hope you'll enjoy the next chapter...

Althydia: I didn't expect Harry to be already back in the pack with no more scenes at the castle, but I'm not complaining either way.

I loved Remus's overprotective reaction and Harry's response to him (so sweet!), and the pack's reactions to the 'incident'. Actually, you said that they were not taking sides, but their attitudes to Fenrir suggested otherwise... didn't they? :)

This is a very painful chapter for Fenrir, but he does have to show his remorse for what he did. And Harry is quite nice to not cut him off from their child, since what Fenrir did endangered their baby too. I guess too many chapters with this tense situation between Fenrir and Harry would become rather depressing, but I honestly still don't see how you're going to make things better between them and make Harry forget this traumatic experience (he still has nightmares after all - and yet Fenrir still expected Harry to come back to their hut?!). Well, Fenrir is at least trying to re-establish his role as protector instead of aggressor with Harry...

By the way, did Harry see the nursery built by the pack or not?

And very nice ending scene with the pack as werewolves welcoming Harry into their midst, as one of them. :)

I think the pack is taking sides as much as they can, but since Fenrir is their Alpha they can't openly declare their loyalty to Harry... Well, Fenrir has shown Harry nothing but is good side for almost a month now, he's been patient and helpful and passive. For someone like Fenrir, that isn't easy and I'm sure that Harry appreciates that as well... Fact is, I'm not going to make Harry forget what happened, but this non-communication between them isn't good for either of them... And no, Harry hasn't seen nursery yet... Thank you!

mrequecky: Wow, loved the updates!

Thank you, hope you'll like the next one as well...

Posted (edited)

Basic Wants - Chapter 29: Communication

Kera-Izaki: FINALY! (i shout from the roof-tops) lol XD I'm so glad they're accutaly talking to each other! I've been waiting and conplaining about thing for how long!?! But yea, I wouldn't worry to much about it being spontantinse, with the talk to Siruis and just all the time it's taken. it feels more like they're tired of fighting. :3 Also, I figured out that I can stay on teh review page as long as I like, but I can't move up or down beacuse I won't show me any of the writing >,< Oh well~ I'll just have to be the first review, ne? lol XD

Well, Rome wasn't built in a day, either, was it? I think they just needed to realise how much they stand to lose if they don't work on their attitudes towards each other... That sucks, I'll try to remember that so that I can answer your review first. I can't promise anything since my memory is like a sieve sometimes, but I'll try...

dominique: am happy their back together again i love it

Thank you! Hope you'll like the next chapter as well...

unnneeded: they're finally getting their act together. Kudos.

About time, isn't it? Thanks for reviewing!

tamikolee: I loved it. It wasn't too soon, you have to keep the story moving:)

Thank you! I'll see what I can do...

Jade: Awww yay I'm glad they made up and confessed their feels for each other it's about time.

:) I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter and their little heart-to-heart...

PG: Imagine this review in the voice of comicbook guy from the Simpsons; best chapter, EVER.

:lol: Thank you!

Althydia: Aha! They finally admitted their feelings for each other! Yay! And Harry started it too... I wouldn't have bet on that. I do hope, though, that it was not just the hormones talking and he'll change his mind the next day, depending on his mood swings. It's a great step for Harry because he also admitted some of his own insecurities and shortcomings to Fenrir. He was indeed the one always rejecting any deeper feelings and goading Fenrir's temper...

I was glad about how you resolved the situation, because the moment sounded right and it doesn't mean it will suddenly become like before either; they'll still both have to work on rebuilding their trust in each other and to work on creating an intimacy which was destroyed by Fenrir's attack.

Also, isn't it a bit ironical that Sirius played the voice of reason with Fenrir? And it was cute how Fenrir felt that he had to comfort him too; it meant he kind of saw Sirius as one of his pack and had a responsibility to him as Alpha. Or am I overanalysing this?

Oh and I didn't even think about how Harry would feel about the baby and how people were more interested in it than him. Very good point, though! But Fenrir himself looks - to me - as if Harry comes first to him, actually. And apart from Remus (his relationship with Harry still gives me the fluffies) and Sirius, I think other people are more interested in Harry's well being than his baby's - like Voldemort or Travers (both for more selfish reasons, though).

Anyway, I loved the ending scene again, and I look forward to seeing how the fragile peace is restored and strengthened between our 2 favourite stubborn men...

I think Harry will need more time to really open up to Fenrir and stop being so defensive, even if he does realise that he isn't helping their relationship with this attitude...

I agree that they still have a lot of work ahead of them, even though I decided to give them a bit intimacy in the next chapter. It just felt right, you know, also because Harry felt that Fenrir wasn't interested in him anymore...

I figured that Sirius would understand Fenrir's situation better than most because he also betrayed Harry and was forgiven. And I rewrote that actually. In the first draft, Fenrir wasn't at all inclined to comfort Sirius, but it didn't seem like something he would do. Also, I think it was important for Fenrir to feel like an Alpha again...

There're a lot of people to whom Harry is more important than his baby, but fact is that the pack only started being nice to Harry after they learned of his pregnancy. To someone as insecure as Harry, that's rather telling....

Thank you! Hope you'll like the next chapter!

Edited by Dinkel
Posted (edited)

Basic Wants - Chapter 30: Passion

Kera-Izaki: At first I was like Yea! And then I was like D'aww. And then It got a little steamy (Q nosebleed). And then I giggled. And then I was like Yea again. And now I'm a very happy camper :3

:lol: Sounds like you enjoyed the chapter! Thank you!

Gwen: A review for ch 29, before I read the 30th; somehow, it kinda makes sense that something like what happened had to happen to make Harry realize he loves him back. Lovely chapter. Now I'm off to read ch 30. This is a good thing about being away for awhile, you have more chapters awaiting you when you return!

Yeah, I thought so too... Thank you! Hope you enjoyed chapter 30 as well...

Althydia: Aww... What a sweet chapter! And hot too. :) Nice way for Harry and Fenrir to speak more about their feelings and understand each other. I'm glad Fenrir demanded a real relationship this time, so that they can start again on a safer basis. Also, trust is not completely restored yet so it's not too suddenly back too normal. And Harry raised a good point about the Alpha supposed to support but not always supported himself.

- About what you said about Sirius: yes, I can see how he would know what Fenrir is going through since he went through a similar experience. So Harry is good at giving second chances, isn't he?

- And about the pack starting to like Harry because of the baby: yes, it's true, but it can also be seen as them being naturally wary of Harry as a wizard (and them being no too fond of wizards), but Harry having Fenrir's baby proving that he is not prejudiced against werewolves (as per their stereotypes of wizards) and can be trusted. I'm sure they'll also like Harry for himself, if they don't already (which I think they do too, since Harry has created bonds with almost each of them). I do hope that Fenrir will be able to soothe at least some of Harry's insecurities, though... :)

Now, how will the others think about Harry and Fenrir's reconciliation? And will Fenrir be able to face Travers again without attacking him (at least for Harry's sake)?

Thank you! Yes, I think Harry's forgiving nature is one of his more loveable attributes :)... Certainly the pack also likes Harry for himself, but I just wanted to point out that Harry might not see it that way... The next chapter will be all about the pack and their reaction to Fenrir and Harry making up... Travers will be in the chapter after that, I think...

dominique: I really like i guess i just want harry happy and safe as well as his baby

Thank you. You'd get along well with Fenrir, I guess :)

griffonsperch: What a wonderful lemon! I love the way you write. Keep up the good work.

Thank you very much!

noabi: a really interesting story, I was wondering what about the former presoners (light side)' how are they faring?

Thank you. The Death Eaters-in-training are still around and we'll see two of them again soon...

Edited by Dinkel
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