Dinkel Posted June 14, 2013 Author Report Posted June 14, 2013 In the Red - Step Sixteen mnfm: The chapter was great, sad by great. Divorce! Please. After everything they've been through. Thank you! Now that's on the table, let's see if Severus really wants to get a divorce... qwerty: Well didn't see that one coming lol. Harry said that he didn't want a divorce and Severus was angry, cutting Harry's words off. So I'm gonna go ahead and think that Harry doesn't actually want a divorce and was simply trying to show all the facts of the story to Severus, which one possibility is divorce if Severus so wishes.Le sigh. Such a loveable but difficult couple! They wouldn't be nearly as interesting if they weren't so complicated and their relationship so full of misunderstandings... But yes, I think that's exactly what Harry was trying to do. Too bad, he's not so good at breaking the news gently... delia cerrano: DIVRCE!!! Noo say it's not true!! I feel so bad for Severus caring for Harry and having Harry always be just barely out of reach. Never saying anything straight out...and now that he was just getting his life in order he throws this at him. And always that ex of Harry's, Colin in the background. So I'm sorry but did Harry have sex with Lucius or not. How come now it's okay for them to get a divorce. Harry sure made it seem as if he wanted the divorce and Colin wanted him to get it.I sure hope you're going to update soon because I'm weeping and wailing over here. My poor Severus just can't get a break...can't find someone who will care for him and want him and not think he's an ugly, old, poor, nobody left over from the war who should be in Azkaban. Actually, Colin is just Harry's PR-manager and Oliver Wood is his ex-boyfriend, and I don't think either of them has any say in that issue. And no, Harry didn't sleep with Lucius because he realised that it wasn't Severus. And it would be okay for them to get a divorce because Harry saved Lucius' life and thus paid off the life debt... And yes, I'm updating soon, so I hope you'll like the next chapter and that it's not quite as confusing... BAFan: Ch. 16Wow. My head is spinning. What a fantastic chapter! Loved the crossword puzzle. It seems that this story is winding down, which makes me really sad. Can't wait for the next chapter. Thank you! And yes this story is almost at its end, three more chapters I think... Hope you'll like the next one! kit: ....DIVORCE?!It makes sense ,,,,since it was a contract between them, but I don't like it. Hopefully decisions are not made too rashly. One of them has to admit that they have feelings for the other, but they are both afraid of being hurt I need to read the next chapter to see how this situation develops. Yeah, that would be a good idea, wouldn't it, if they just talked with each other, but then where would I find all this drama? I quite like drama Then go, read the next chapter! Sera21: As ever, you're doing a great job! Keep it up! Getting so frustrated with Harry not saying anything and being open and needy one minute and closed and stand-offish the next. Grrr... Thank you! I can totally understand that, but Severus isn't saying what he really wants either... moodysavage: now I don't know how to feel... upset and stressed that Severus is hurt... annoyed that Harry won't be open about how he feels pretty much forcing Snape to sign because there is NO encouragement that Harry wants to stay married... hopeful that this will force them to admit that they WANT to stay married not because they HAVE to stay married... forget that. Harry messed that up. Severus is going to sign because he feels unwanted isn't he and there is no evidence that Harry feels more than a healthy sex drive.*banging my head on desk* don't be dismayed that you have upset your reader. Quite the opposite-it is a good writer who can get a strong response. Of course now you better get those next chapters out pretty soon that shows they do NOT get a divorce or we may just have to tie you to that computer chair and feed you nothing but bread and water till we get our happy ending. So get typing (I can't stand a hurt Snape). To be fair, Harry might have wanted to give Severus some encouragement, but then Severus got all defensive. And then of course Harry threw him out which wasn't helpful... Yeah, they pretty much messed it up...Thank you!!! Okay, okay, posting the next chapter. Getting tied to to a chair is not my idea of fun themysticaldragon: Okies.. i have a few.. lil beefs. Harry needs to NOT divorce Sev! He needs to open up to his husband and just let Lucius rot in Azkaban! The rotting in Azkaban part I can totally do. For the rest you'll have to read the next chapter... Care Less SlythindorMalfoy: I loved this! I haven't really read a H/Rod/Rab before and it was perfect and you had a fav of mine. I love petite Harry. Keep up the good work! SM Thank you! It's not a common pairing and I'm glad you enjoyed it! Quote
Dinkel Posted June 19, 2013 Author Report Posted June 19, 2013 In the Red - Step Seventeen qwerty: Grrr. They need to stop acting like teenagers and just talk to one another! -____-lol good chapter. Where would be the fun in that? delia cerrano: FOUR LETTER WORDS!!! Why is Harry being so slytherin!! Darn right mean! Cruel to Severus! He, and even Remus, expect Sev to know stuff or figure it out...from how? with what clues? WHAT WENT ON AT THAT GATHERING? It's driving me nuts and I can't figure it out either! Eh, Severus pretty much already figured everything out that happened at the charity event. I think Harry send Remus because he assumed that Severus wasn't making a decision about their marriage because he still had some questions about what happened. And though I agree that Harry is not making things easy on Severus, I wouldn't quite go so far because Harry CAN'T tell Severus a lot of things - that he also doesn't WANT to tell Severus certain things is out of the question, but then again, Severus isn't exactly being an open book... bloody dawn: This is certainly a turning point in their relationship ^^ i can't wait to see what they'll be doing Best read the next chapter then. Thank you for reading my story! themysticaldragon: Honestly, do we need to club these two in the head and lock them in a magic proof room. *Shakes Harry violently* Wake up! This man LOVES you. YOU ARE SAFE with him so stay your scrawny Seeker butt with him! (or all Dinkel's fans are gonna .....) *Pokes Severus in the arm* He's begging you to reassure him. IN more ways than one. Hold him, tell him what he means to you.Other than that, I love your story.. oh.. and sorry about the pillow thing earlier! *gives you cookies* You know, they say violence isn't a solution, but when I kicked my bike once it stopped rattling so I think there might be some exceptions ... Yay, cookies! I forgive you for everything. Thanks for reviewing! kit: drama, drama, drama. I love it too!! I also love the fast update.ugh!! this chapter left me wanting to read more though!! I need to read what happens next. I'm addicted to your story Good to know. You know I really shouldn't support your addiction... BAFan: Ch. 17Grrr! Those two make me want to shake them until they see some sense. Stupid, stubborn idiots, each in his own way. Maybe a bout of mutual Legilimency would help? Except that Harry's job wouldn't allow that, of course. Sigh. . . . So is Harry "indulging in petty avoidance" as Snape thinks, or has he perhaps gone on a mission for work without letting Snape know -which would be pretty crappy of him so I hope that isn't the reason. Whatever the reason, this is another great chapter!I forgot to mention in my review of Chapter 16 that I found a typo: "amendable" instead of "amenable." Oh, yeah, mind-reading would probably do the trick, but then again, they could just talk about it like two normal adults... I don't know which one is more unlikely ... Thank you and thanks for pointing out the typo! Unintentionally Yours BAFan:Ch. 17I wasn't going to leave a review until the end of the story, but I just have to say how impressed I am with this chapter! Up 'til now now I've only read "In The Red," but since I love that story so much much I decided to check out your other works. So glad I did! I can tell that this is an early attempt, but there is a perceptible improvement already, just in this story, and the difference between this and In The Red is marked. You have truly grown as a writer, not only in the improved grammar (because that could be due to a good beta) but in the more sophisticated storytelling. I can't wait to read more! Yeah, this was my first story and I was very grateful for the people who helped me improve it and my English in general. I'm not exactly happy with this story anymore (though a part of me will always be proud that I wrote such a long story and that so many people liked it) because when I reread parts of it now I notice all the mistakes and weaknesses and cringe at what I came up with plot-wise. Anyway, I don't want to turn you off of it, so I'm just glad that you noticed my development since then Quote
Dinkel Posted June 23, 2013 Author Report Posted June 23, 2013 In the Red - Step Eighteen qwerty: Last chapter? So sad. I'm glad you're writing an epilogue tho! I thoroughly enjoyed this story. Very well written and unique! Great job Afraid so. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the epilogue! themysticaldragon: *Looks at Harry and Severus* See. See what you can accomplish when you pull you heads out of your asses? (north heads, not south) I'm glad you two are getting along better.. and that you two have learned to TRUST one another. Lol, it was a long journey, wasn't it? But they definitely made some progress Sera21: AH! That was lovely *clapclapclap* so happy Sev had the balls to just man up and accept his happiness Still curious about Harrys job though...I mean the secret keeping won't go away... Thank you! No, the secret keeping won't come to an end very soon, but I have every faith in Severus' observational skills so I think they'll be just fine... mnfm: Ohh, this was good, hot, sad, everything. Please tell me there is more in the future? Thank you. I'm afraid the answer is no. There will be the epilogue, but that's it. delia cerrano: The end of a good story is always bitter sweet. I'm very glad there will be an epilog. I hope it is a long one. I love this version of Severus and Harry and their relationship so much. Yep, it is, but it has to come sooner or later... Hope you'll like the epilogue even if it isn't particularly long... Lumcer: I really enjoyed this story! I am also emmencly glad that your updates were not few and far between! I look forward the remaining bit of this story, it really is a well writen tale!KCK-Lumcer Thank you. Glad you enjoyed the story and my writing style kit: only one more chapter left!! noo....you cant just cut off an addict. it could kill me. haha but in all seriousness, i enjoyed this chapter. I'm glad that they got back together. I cant wait to read the epiloque. I know, I know. I'm a terrible person, but I just can't support your addiction any longer. It's time to move on, my dear... Thank you! Anon: SO SO SO GOOD!! Thank you. Glad you liked it! Quote
Dinkel Posted July 4, 2013 Author Report Posted July 4, 2013 (edited) In the Red - Last Step Bickymonster: I really enjoyed this story and I am rarely a fan of super powerful Harry; you manage to make it subtle and interesting enough that it didn't put me off. I loved the development throughout and the story was well paced and interesting. Over all an excellent job and I am glad I read it. Thank you! I'm glad you liked this Harry and the story in general. Thanks for reviewing (and I'm glad you read it, too ). k.: Thank you, thank you, thank you That was great story You're welcome. And thank you for leaving a review! BAFan: Ch. 18Whew! That resolved itself more quickly than I expected. Thank goodness Severus finally decided to look beyond his first, instinctive reaction and actually LISTEN to what Harry had tried to tell him. At least, I guess that's what happened.In Chapter 16 you wrote something like "He looked at Harry but saw only Potter." In my review I forgot to mention that I really like that line; it conveys a lot of meaning. Off to read the epilogue now. Yeah, Severus was not quite as thick-headed as he sometimes can be, but I guess he realised that sometimes you need to take a leap of faith... Glad you liked that line Ch. 19Awww. And sniffle. That was a beautiful ending. I won't say "perfect" because perfect would be also getting the answers to the many questions about Harry's job; e.g., why he seemed at times almost to know about future events, such as that he would need an identifying mark on Severus, to name only one example (because I can't remember another another one off the top of my head, lol). Maybe some questions will be answered in a sequel (hint, hint)?I don't know if AFF allows us to mark stories as favourites, but if it does then I will! I guess I can understand that you would like some answers, but I never intended to end this story with a great reveal. I like the mystery and the hint that Severus might get some of those answers even if the reader doesn't. And no, sorry, there won't be a sequel Thanks for reading and sorry I couldn't give you that perfect ending... moodysavage: I have totally enjoyed reading this story and I am so glad at their happy ending!!! Thank you so much for finishing this awesome story Thank you. I'm glad you liked it... No problem! Monique: hi,ich habe in den letzten tagen deine story gelesen und sie ist wirklich super! zum glück habe ich gewartet bis sie fertig war...mach weiter so Danke schön! Ja, ja, dadurch hast du dir ein paar Cliffhanger gespart - deine Fingernägel werden es dir danken ... mihoshi5: I must say your work was a joy to read. I really liked how Harry was able to leave clues for Severus so he could figure some things out on his own. I am glad that Severus and Harry were able to work everything out. Thank you! I'm glad you liked the clues (I really was quite unsure about the chapter with the crossword puzzle because having Severus find out in this way didn't allow for a lot of momentum)... What can I say, I love happy endings... the ElKay: Just wondering if Severus has pockets in his boxers for potions. That must be where the pepper up came from in chapter 15. You know, I wouldn't put it past him. But I was thinking more along the lines of Severus having a secret stash of potions in every single piece of clothing he owns... Seiren: Not a reviewer, but since its finished I wanted to tell you just how much I have enjoyed following this, and I shall be looking out for your name in the future as your story flows well, has barely a mistake and is easy and enjoyable.Thanks again!!! Hey, I'm glad you enjoyed the story and my writing style. Thanks for reading! Four Words BAFan: Ch. 1Okay, I took took one reviewer's advice and stopped reading not only her review but all of them, 'cause I didn't want the story spoiled. I can already tell that it's going to be different. On to Chapter 2! Yeah, that was good advice. Hope you like the story! Ch. 4Great job! This was very well done. Loved the second-person POV; very unusual to find that. Good job all around. Thank you! Glad you liked the 2nd person style - this story just seemed to call for it! Thanks! Edited July 22, 2013 by Dinkel Quote
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