Dinkel Posted July 16, 2011 Author Report Posted July 16, 2011 Care Less fudgee: loved this! Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it! Quote
Dinkel Posted July 24, 2011 Author Report Posted July 24, 2011 Basic Wants - Chapter 49: Help unneeded: wow, who knew post natal depression could be so dangerous. I just love how many people Harry has coming in to bat for him though. He'll just have to adjust to benevolent manipulation... unlike Dumble dims. pls, pls let this go well. Yeah, I read that it can end pretty badly... But you're right: Harry has a rather admirable support system... I'll see what I can do... Silanae: You're not talking to yourself, I am reading this and you are right... it's far too cold here for a summer's day. That put aside, though, I'm really glad you updated again and I'm quite enjoying this story. I'm not really someone who reviews a lot, and no I don't really have a good excuse for that. The only thing I can offer is that reading stories like this one is like stolen time for me... just a little while of relaxing, forgetting everything else and enjoying another world, because the real one shows up to drag me away again with far too much to do and far too little time to do so. Your story is one of those that I really enjoy reading and I check every day to see if there's an update, even when I logically know that there can't be yet. So keep up the good work and thank you for writing this. Well, that's good to know ... And I agree with you on the weather, though I'm more bothered about the rain... Thank you, I'm glad you steal some time to read my story... I'll do my best, promise! rina: Very good. Can't wait for more. Thank you for reviewing! purefaith91: Poor Harry. At first, I thought it strange that Fenrir did not ever give Harry the chance to hold his son. That could not have helped his self esteem and may have made him feel as though the others thought he could not take care of him. Couple that with the fact that he was out while Michael bonded with seemingly everyone else and Harry being nervous, which made the baby more upset and it is a vicious cycle. Hope the plan works although I think I might have tried to let Harry hear how Fen knew to treat the baby because of the tenderness taught him by Harry. I would have been afraid to leave him alone knowing his abandonment issues. You cannot assume someone will just "get over it", because sometimes they don't. Interesting turn. p I think Fenrir just thought that Harry was still was weak after the coma and needed time to regain his strength and he merely wanted to help Harry, though I agree that in hindsight that wasn't such a smart move... I don't think it would be such a great idea to leave a mother suffering from postpartum depression alone with her child in the real world, but I'm not sure if a good talking to or therapy would have done the trick for Harry either... Thank you! Kera-Izaki: Helwo. Long time no talk to! Sorry 'bout that ^^; I've been over sea, and so I haven't really seen a computer in a while :/ But any how, I'm so happy! The baby was born, and he's Healthy! :3 I just look forward to Harry getting some condefance :3Still love this story, and I can't wait for next week! ~Kera Oversea? Huh, I wonder if that means that you were on "my" side of the great pond or the other ... Lol, it seems that it's easy to make you happy... Thank you! Shadowwolf03: You're not talking or writing for just yourself. I've been reading and enjoying this story. However, if I was a writer I'd be working on my own stories so please don't expect too many reviews from me. It's a great story, I look forward to each update. Well, sometimes I do... I understand that, it just that from time to time it's nice to get a sign of life, you know? Thank you! Draconia Lesoto: Yay! New chapter! You have made me soooo insanely happy as i'm laid up in bed sick with only my lap top for company But, oh no, Harry has PPD? Owwy, my mom had that, wouldn't so much as hold me for the first two weeks of my life :/ she's always regretted it... and poor Fen, he's got to feel awful about having to leave Harry with virtually no help, but oh well, it is for the best (And oddly, what my dad did to get my mom outta her funk... well ok he left for a week but everything fixed itself in that time) Please hurry up with this next chapter, i feel like i was left with some huge cliff hanger and i'm on pins and needles i wanna see Harry and Michael all mommy and baby like! Lol. Well, as company goes, a laptop isn't the worst, is it? Though, I hope you'll be feeling better soon... Uh, that's tough. I hope this story doesn't hit too close to home for you and that you're not offended by my utter lack of knowledge... Yeah, I think this is hard for Fenrir as well and I'm sure HE'll be waiting on pins and needles, too... Hope you'll like the next chapter! Monica: I'm reading your story!!!!! And I love it!!! Thank you for such a great story! Thank you. It's just good to hear (or read in this case) from time to time, you know? queenreader: Well, it's always too early or too late somewhere. Here, it's occasionally too hot, more often, just plain rainy. And, yes! I'm incredibly busy and remarkably important (well... at least, to me). The truth is, I had enough time to read this story - each and every chapter, and I should be able to spare a few more minutes to tell you how much I enjoyed it. So... I really love this story. I was glad to see Harry's pregnancy come to a happy ending. You did kind of slide past the whole delivery though. Not that I needed it, but it could have been fun. I do have a question. Unless I missed something, Voldie still has Harry's magic, at least, the majority of it. Is Harry so deep in postpartum that he hasn't thought to get it back from him? What's Voldie going to do with all that extra power while he's got it available to use. Would he build something or destroy something? Hmmm... interesting. Oh, so am I, so am I. I like to consider myself the centre of the universe . Thus, my constant nagging and clamouring for attention. And lookie here, from time to time it works... I didn't really feel comfortable writing about the birthing process itself. I tried, but it sounded wrong and forced, so I changed the point of view. I'm quite happy with the end result, so I hope that's okay for you... Erm, yes, you missed something . Voldemort promised to give Harry back all of his magic and Dark Lord's word is his bond, right?... But that is an interesting question; after all, Harry was in a coma for more than a week, enough time for Voldemort to make use of his magic... Hm... Never thought about that, but now that I do, I think he would have build something, created something because his own magic would not be much use for that... Thanks for your review and once again sorry for the misunderstanding... ladynightvamp: ofcouse you are talking to your self... all writers do that.. :-) I think you're right. I also have a habit of apologising to my furniture when I run into it... darkangel: I really like this story. Can not wait for the next chapter to be uploaded. keep going you are doing great. You are not talking to yourself. Thank you! That's good to know... Gemma Greyback (Genevieve ) : You are certainly not talking to yourself. =] (I'm Genevieve from the last chapter, btw) I liked this chapter, but not as much as some of the others. That's understandable though, since it was getting Harry's issues out. I feel sorry for Fenrir though, thinking that Harry could kill the baby. =[ Poor guy. And Harry's not going to be a happy camper when he finds out that he's been left with a baby and has no idea what to do with him... Oh I'm excited for that. =] Hm, yes, that chapter wasn't all that happy, was it? But was it at least interesting? Well, I hope you'll like the next chapter, lots of Harry angst... Quik2Anger: I feel off of the grid for a few weeks, so it brought me great pleasure to find a few new chapters up. The most recent I really enjoy, the view of postpartum depression is very well presented. Most of the time postpartum depression is seen as something obvious, (crying spells and the like), but you present a very valid side of it. As a new mother I can relate to the feelings harry is experiencing and I'm glad to see that you didn't try to present harry as a suddenly perfect, well-rounded parent. Oh, you're a new mum? Congratulations!!! Thank you. I wanted to avoid that, having Harry turn into a model parent, because I think being a parent is kind of scary and it's only natural to have a few doubts and problems in the beginning. Thank you for reviewing! Reba: Oh poor Harry! I hope everything works out for Fenrir, Harry, Michael, and the whole pack in general. Glad to see you back I'm glad to be back and thanks for the warm welcome... Mickey: I love all your stories keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you. Eleven exclamation marks, must be serious Quote
Dinkel Posted August 8, 2011 Author Report Posted August 8, 2011 Basic Wants - Chapter 50: Parenthood Draconia Lesoto: Yay! :DD Harry and Michael there at the end, just so sweet *melts* Lol don't worry about it, it's never really bothered me all that much, and from what my mom told me the way you just described harry getting over it is pretty damn close to how she felt. Can't wait for the next chapter, and if reviewing get it here faster than i'll leave you fifteen all by myself :DD Thank you ... Well, I'm glad it's not completely made up out of thin air... unneeded: well done Harry. That was so hard for him but I think he's past the worst of it. Now he can focus on being a good dad and mate ... and voldi's heir. :/ Hm, yes, he has a lot of roles to fill, doesn't he? Thank you for reviewing... qwerty: Good chapter. I was kinda expecting Harry to have more trouble but whateves lol. Keep going! Well, I don't think he resolved all his issues, but it was a major step forward... Thank you! Reba: Oh poor Harry. I felt so bad for him. I'm glad he was strong enough to take care of Michael though, and that Fen believed in him. Wonderful chapter as always Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Althydia: I was away from fanfictions for a few weeks and it's so nice to go back to such a great story. What a beautiful chapter! Thank you very much, I loved it. It sounded so true and heart-wrenching and without any easy solution. Harry's post-partum depression was well explained and introduced so it didn't seem like an artificial plot twist. His vulnerability, strength and his growing-up were all well written. I loved the fact that he could finally bond with his son, have a few smiles, and then go back to caring for him while Michael cried. And Fenrir's patience and worry and care and pride were so great too. Awesome read. Well, I'm glad to have you back ... Thank you! I'm happy that you liked the last few chapters... Markie: I'm really enjoying this story... I've been reading it for a really long time... I think I started when you were still updating Basic Needs.... That tells you something, doesn't it? Anyway.... I really like it, and I adore how fast you update... That said, don't worry if you miss one... It's better to get out a chapter that you like and are happy with, than to put out something you don't and stress over it... We've been with you so far... I, at least, am willing to wait a little while longer for a chapter........ This seems to have turned into a pep talk and I'm not sure when, why, or how.... But I love your story and I love your characters and I absolutely adore little Michael.... Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying the story and that you're willing to wait for updates... It's a nice change from pleas to update soon... And I appreciate the pep talk ... Quote
Dinkel Posted August 8, 2011 Author Report Posted August 8, 2011 Basic Wants - Chapter 51: Patience unneeded: dun worry. u never have to threaten me for reviews. ^^ awesome. Lotsa david in this and he really is doing lots better. Hang in there draco. snickers poor Fen. I hope he gets his payback in happy times later. Good thing because I'm not very good at it... Thank you... Oh, I'm sure Fenrir will get Harry for himself sooner or later... Draconia Lesoto: I have missed David and Draco, i really wanna see him and how he heals (another story maybe? Please? that way the focus can be on Draco and David and not Fen and Harry). Not a lot of fen this chapter buts thats ok by me, just means that the next chapter should have sex (since harry has to make up for leaving *evil giggle* As much as I like Draco and David and love writing about their relationship, I'm not sure I could write a whole story just about them... Harry will have to earn Fenrir's forgiveness, no doubt, but not yet in the next chapter. That one will focus on Draco and David... ravenwinter: I hope this review goes through, been having problems with it, but I enjoy reviewing. I'm enjoying your story so much, I don't see anything to complain about, and I think your doing a fine job of it. I will keep reviewing as long as I can. I look forward to more. Thank you. Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying the story... Willow Wand: These chapters in which Harry is dealing with postpartum depression are very interesting and well handled. In this chapter especially, there are some truly lovely scenes with Harry and the baby. Anyone who has ever been a parent has dealt with so many similar issues. It has been a very, very long time since I first became a parent but I can remember every moment that I, or any of my friends who shared with me, felt those same things. You made me smile. A lot. Thanks. Well, I'm glad you enjoyed the chapters. I have no experience with being a parent so it's nice to get praise from someone who's been there... Thank you! Quote
Dinkel Posted August 8, 2011 Author Report Posted August 8, 2011 Winter and Ice Kitkatislovely95: Wow. This was an awesome story. I enjoyed reading it so much that I actually couldn't stop reading. I was just so enthralled and I had to see what happened next and I just couldn't move my face away from the screen. Wonderful job. xoxo, kitkat Lol, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the story! And thanks for reviewing! Quote
Dinkel Posted August 8, 2011 Author Report Posted August 8, 2011 Crepererum Kitkatislovely95: This was a great story, I love Harry/Sirius pairings. Your writing is amazing, I've never been so enraptured by a story that I don't want to stop reading it, and your writing makes me feel that way. You are an awesome author. xoxo, kitkat Thank you. I see you're making your way through my stories, thank you for reading them. Thank you, I'm flattered... Quote
Dinkel Posted August 14, 2011 Author Report Posted August 14, 2011 Basic Wants - Chapter 52: Recovery unneeded: first off, draco you rock! secondly, slow and easy does it... and watch out for those triggered responses. I'm glad you liked Draco in this chapter. I'm sure David is in good hands with him... oOMissGOo: i like it, ohohoh i like it... i am a little in trouble with the child's name, i don't like it *shudder* but that is my problem... thank you for this beautiful sarcastic story MissG Thank you. Oh, you don't like "Michael"? I actually love that name, well, I love the English pronunciation of it. It sounds horrible in German... No problem, thanks for reviewing... Unintentionally Yours MsJheads: excellent story i'd love to see a sequel! Thank you. But I'm afraid there won't be a sequel... Hope you're not too disappointed... Quote
Dinkel Posted August 22, 2011 Author Report Posted August 22, 2011 Basic Wants - Chapter 53: The Magic Touch unneeded: Awwwwwww. *sighs happily. Harry and Fen finally got some together time... AND Fenn is coming to acceept Harry's magic. That's just... *sniffles happily. I'm glad you liked it... Thanks for reviewing! Reba: I so love your story. I always look for updates I love your characters, plot lines, and all the emotion put into it. Absolutely lovely Thank you! And there'll soon be a new update, so I hope you'll like it... Kait: Why not have Travers be turned into a werewolf? then he could have a safe place to live in the pack. I'm not sure if David is ready for any major changes in his life. That, and he's still a pureblood and though it hasn't been adressed in this story I think the average wizard's view on werewolves is not all that favourable... I don't think David would want to be turned... But thanks for the suggestion! Abby: omg i absolutely luv this story...i was just wondering if we could hear about david and draco just a little more often? i luv harry and fenrir and michael but i would luv to hear more of david and draco. please and thank you. btw i was just wondering how many chapters you were planning on making this. i have no problem with it if it's a long one i was just curious...thank you!!!! Well, there'll be 54 chapters plus an epilogue so you can probably guess that Draco and David won't get much more screen time. I hope you're not too disappointed. Thanks for reviewing Quote
Dinkel Posted October 4, 2011 Author Report Posted October 4, 2011 Basic Wants - Chapter 54: Here and Now sammi_bear: Aww, Michels so cute! I can toataly imagine him. Thank you. Are you picturing him chasing his tail? That's the image that stuck with me unneeded: that was really sweet. Har finally trusts him enough to submit. i'd hoped to see a bit more progress with david and draco but I['ll take what I can get. Also, with voldi, has Harry more or less resigned himself to being heir? Thanks! Hm, well there's certainly progress and Voldie and Harry get busy as well... Hope you'll like the epilogue... dominique1: How sweet poor harry can't feed his son but that was the cutess chapter yet Thank you! I think Harry realised that there are more important things... Rinsleett: Fantastic! Absolutely Fantastic! Thank you! Thanks for reviewing! Anon: This is one of the best Harry/Fenrir story on AFF, if not on the whole wide web.I have enjoyed reading it very much, and I've fallen in love with your Harry and Fenrir. The progression of.their relationship was beautiful-- enough angst here and enough fluff here to keep it interesting. I can't wait until the epilogue! Well, I'm flattered that you think so .... Thank you, I hope you'll like it... MishaySahila: I have so enjoyed these stories. I never thought I could enjoy a story about Fenrir but I have. Michael is so cute and your description of the wolves is very good. I'm glad you liked the story in spite of your resercation... Thank you! abby: could you maybe do a chapter or something on how david and draco turn out? please and thank you. There won't be a whole chapter about them, but they will be in the epilogue. Hope you'll like it! Althydia: What a sweet sweet ending. I'm very glad that the last two chapters focused on Harry and Fenrir again, as well as on family times with their adorable son (whose wolf form is just as I imagined it to be too!). It's nice to also get an answer to my question from a while back about how Michael is fed during the full moon (although it was a bit of an unwelcome surprise to Harry). I'm glad that Harry finally submitted to Fenrir and became his official mate (isn't it like a wedding in a way?), while still emphasizing the fact that he and his sons are wizards to Fenrir, and that he needs his magic. I wonder what the epilogue will be about? Maybe Michael going to Hogwarts? And would Harry then take a more active role as Voldemort's heir to use his magic? Would Remus be the DADA teacher at Hogwarts (with Sirius as his assistant) to also keep an eye on Michael? Maybe they could then be allowed to go back to the pack for every full moon (through a portal)?... That's what I've imagined anyway, but whatever you decide is fine. I'll be sad to see this great story end, but thank you very much for sharing it with us. Your characters will stay very dear to me and will probably live on in my imagination for a while to come. I'm glad you liked it . Yes, I suppose, being Fenrir's mate is kind of like being married, especially as I can't picture them ever marrying for real (too human for Fenrir ). And you've got quite a few things right about the epilogue. I don't want to ruin it for you, though, so I'll leave it at that... Thank you! Thanks for reading and all your wonderful reviews! blackandwhite: I want to let you know that your stories have been the cause of many late nights for me over the last few weeks. I have felt so guilty about not reviewing every time I went to the next chapter but the stories were posted so long ago that I didn't think you would get them. You are a very talented writer and I have enjoyed each of your stories. I will be following your stories and hopefully giving the revives that as an author you deserve, tho this Is my first review....ever Uh, wow, I get the honour of your first review. Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed my stories, and I'm little sorry (though not very) that they kept you up past your usual bedtime... Thank you! Willow Wand: I have had such a wonderful time following this story. I know you have an epilogue still to come, but I didn't want to let this opportunity pass without telling you again how much I love this story and how much I looked forward to each chapter. I will miss it, now that it is finished, but I know that I can read it again any time I want. So, thank you, for this story -- and for the others that I have read and enjoyed as well. Well, I for one am glad that you took the chance to review ... Thank you. I'm happy that you enjoyed this story and I hope you'll like the epilogue as well... Calliech28: I LOVED both Basic Needs and Basic Wants. Thank you SO much. And I thank you for reviewing! MrsEmmettCullen: please update....i'm dying to see how this all wraps up! please and thank you!!!!! Ah, yes, took me quite a bit longer to get the epilogue done than I expected, but I hope you're still interested in it and that you'll like it... Lina: Great story, I'm a little sad it's coming to an end but I love it just the same. Thanks for sharing and keep up the awesome work. ^__^ Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed this story! I hope you'll enjoy the epilogue... Quote
Dinkel Posted October 4, 2011 Author Report Posted October 4, 2011 Crepererum Skyler: this story is amazing, and i absolutly love it!! Thank you! I'm glad you do! Unintentionally Yours Echo: Ive been reading this.. and the only thing that bothers me is how weak Harry is! Theres just something about him.. He's ridiculous. Other than that.... good story... What can I say? It's been a long time since I wrote this story. Now, I tend to agree with you, but I don't have the motivation to rewrite the whole story... But thanks for reviewing! Quote
Dinkel Posted October 18, 2011 Author Report Posted October 18, 2011 Basic Wants - Chapter 55: Epilogue qwerty: Awwwww. That was really bittersweet. I loved how you incorporate some brief memories of Michael growing up. This was an amazing story! Realistic emotions, political drama, it had it all! Well done!` Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed those little tidbits... Thank you! unneeded: sniffles happily. that was completely adorable. An excellent wrap up to an epic story. sighs happily. I would truly love to see Har and Fen with more kids and I'd wish some for David and Draco too. For a world with Voldi in charge, it seems pretty damn decent. A great deal of the credit going to Har, I'm sure. I hope Har finally forgave the twins, as pathetic as it was they did their best for him. After all, he forgave Siri worse. Thank you, glad you enjoyed the ending... I'm not sure if there are more kids in either Harry's or David's future, but of course you are free to imagine it that way, if you'd like... I don't think Harry cut the twins out of his life because he couldn't forgive them, but because he didn't want to be drawn back into his old life... MrsEmmettCullen: omg i luv the epilogue...i have to admit though i really wanna hear more about david and draco. maybe like a little story like you did with basic needs? not necessary but would be greatly appreciated. please and thank you! this is a great ending to the story...and it's almost perfect. i just feel that draco and david haven't really had their say. i know the story was about harry and fenrir but it just feels like there's more to the story. i mean do david and draco get married and have kids. i think a few chapters about david and draco would then make the story absolutely perfect. other than that no complaints. it's a great story... i mean i could write my own version about how i think it would've happened but i would prefer it from the person who wrote the story ya know? please and thank you! ok first of all, i absolutely luv the story...no major complaints. and second of all, i was just wondering if you were going to do anything about draco and david. it feels like they were there to just give you more chapters. and possibly they were, but i happened to luv the both of them and i would luv to see them get their happily ever after. i was just thinking that if you just wrote a few chapters about as long as basic needs it would really help finish off their story. i was thinking that if you maybe wrote a few chapters on the development of their relationship after chapter 52, then jump to where the epilogue ended and wrote about david maybe proposing to draco, then about them having a kid or two and the final chapter be about them sending their kid(s) off to hogwarts it would really help everybody get a happily ever after. i'm sorry if i'm bugging you about it but it really does feel like there is just a hole in the story. i could probably write it myself for myself but i would rather get it from the person who brought them together in this fanfic, you know? i don't know...your choice. could you please just let me know what you think/decide? please and thank you for taking the time to read this. Uh, wow, you're persistent, aren't you ? The film director Orson Welles once said: "If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story." And I feel like that's the case with David and Draco. I understand your wish for David to get over his fears, for Draco to get his children and for them to ride together into the sunset (so to speak), but that is a future that I don't see for them. My story ends here, as happily as I can reconcile with my idea of their characters, and I'm sorry if that disappoints you. If you want to write that story (it seems you have a fairly good idea already of how you want it to go), please do so. I'd love to read it. Other than that thank you and thanks for taking the time to review! Althydia: Aww, I'm sad it's completely finished now too. However I enjoyed this story so much and want to thank you again for sharing it with us, readers. Also, it was very kind of you to take the time to reply to your reviews. I loved the epilogue too; the setting was reminiscent of the canon epilogue-of-doom, but so much better! I liked that you included a few anecdotes from Michael's childhood too, so that we could have glimpses of his time growing up with his family and friends. And most of my questions have been answered, except maybe for more information on the other pack members, or what Michael's house in Hogwarts will be. But these things can be left to the imagination. I'm glad that Fenrir and Harry managed to be such great and caring parents, though. And I like Harry taking a role in Voldemort's reign to change the Wizarding World for the better. I had even forgotten about poor little Minnie, so thanks for including her so-adorably-confused self! Hey, thank you very much. I'm glad that you enjoyed the story and really appreciated all your reviews... Yes, I left a few things to your imagination, but I hope I at least managed to wrap up Fenrir and Harry's story ... I'm glad you liked Harry's involvment in Voldemort's new society... I bet Hogwarts will be a whole new type of adventure for Minnie. Maybe she'll meet Fang sassmacfru: loved it as I did the first one. I'm also sad it is over, so I have this to say. When are you starting the next one There'll be no sequel for this one, I'm afraid. But thanks for reading and I'm glad you enjoyed these two stories... wickedhpnerd: Okay, I adored Basic Needs. I think Harry and Fenrir's relationship is brilliant! Their attitudes and everything. I also ABSOLUTELY ADORE Remus in this series. However I stopped at Ch. 11. One reason I decided to read this is because Mpreg is my favorite, and I adored the Basic Needs. However, the Sirius murdering and Harry hating him bit, I don't get why it had to be Sirius, it makes no sense, and it feels like a incredibly bad take on his character. I'll think it over, but I'm pretty sure I'll overlook this and read the rest of the fic later. For some reason I think that will be my only conflict with the fic. All in all, I'll probably review when I decide to read the rest later. Okay, okay, I'm sorry I was so hasty! I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS FIC AGAIN! Omg, Siri! Just Siri! And I'm glad Harry forgave him, and I'm glad he and Remus got to talk more like themselves, because in that other chapter when they were speaking it didn't even seem like a Sirius and Remus conversation at all. Urgh, I have classes now, but I'll definitely be back to read more! And I'm so happy you included my SiriRemy (or is it RemySiri ^_~) OTP! Ha! Fooled you, did I? Well, I'm glad you decided to give the story another chance and that you like it again. Thank you, I'm happy that you like the different relationships in this story and that you weren't turned off by the mpreg - I know a lot of readers don't care for that - also thanks for reading Basic Needs... And in general, thanks for reviewing! Tenari Rose: I really loved this story. I wish I would have found it earlier so I could review while you were still writting but I loved that I didn't have to wait for any chapters. It's a wonderful story. Thank you! Oh, well, I can understand that Thanks for reviewing! Abby: ok i without a doubt admit that this is one of my favorite stories...but it really does feel like there is more to it than that. i mean if you're going to introduce another couple they all need to find their happily ever after and david and draco haven't done that yet. please please please write something about that. i'm sorry if i'm nagging or annoying you but it really needs to be COMPLETELY wrapped up and it hasn't been yet. i mean i can put two and two together and i know that draco and david do get married and have kids and stuff but it really should be written so that way you tie up all the loose ends. please please please write about that please!!!!!! Oh, wow, another David/Draco-fan... Never thought that couple would get so much attention ... And well, I'm repeating myself, but there's a quote from Orson Wells that happy endings depend on where one ends a story. I chose to end their story here because unlike you I don't see marriage and children and happily ever after in David and Draco's future. I want to, but that's not how I see their characters. I could tell you what my first thought is when I think about their future, but that would probably upset you and I don't want to sound crude. Suffice it to say, you wouldn't like the sequel I would write about them. So I'm sorry, but there won't be one... Quote
Dinkel Posted April 27, 2013 Author Report Posted April 27, 2013 In the Red - Steps 1-3 kit:This is good! Different twist than the other stories about Snape and Harry developing a relationship. The character portrayals are really spot on, to me. Snape is still a grumpy, pessimistic, antisocial man while harry is similar to himself as well except it is a grown up version. I really hope you update soon. I'm curious to see the manner in which snape will accept the marriage 'proposal'. Thank you! I'm glad you like how I portrayed these two. I wanted to write about a more mature Harry, one who learned from the war, but wasn't left broken. And Severus, what can I say about Severus? I hope he never changes delia cerrano: Excellent! Really excellent...well written, makes decent sense. Looking forward to at least another chapter tomorrow. Tonight would be alright. Can't wait for Snape telling him yes, Lucius finding out he's been out foxed, the bonding, interaction with Mione & Ron ect, and most of all life with Harry! Severus will live as comfortable life as he wishes since Harry is very wealthy but neither he nor Harry seem to care for fancy just good quality. Woo hoo the honeymoon! I hope Severus doesn't stay mired in his stiff necked I hate Potter mode. He just doesn't know Harry or his true background. Thank you, though I'm not sure if "decent sense" was really a compliment . I'll update as soon as the site lets me - I don't know why but I'm having problems accessing the site for updating/editing. Quite a bit of what you mentioned will be in the next two chapters, so I hope you won't be disappointed. I think Severus has always been a bit biased in regards to Harry and that won't be changing anytime soon, but I'm hopeful that in time he'll figure out that Harry is more than just James Potter's son. Quote
Dinkel Posted April 28, 2013 Author Report Posted April 28, 2013 In the Red - Step Four BAFan: Ch. 3Wow. The first two chapters were mildly intriguing but this one hooked me good. Can't wait to see what the next one holds. Thank you! I'm glad you kept reading after the first two chapters. I know they were awfully short and didn't really do anything for the plot Ch. 4Heh. I love the way Harry keeps confounding Snape's expectations of his behaviour. Lucius having the right to demand that Harry bear him a child? Brr, that's a chilling concept. I guess Severus might not know Harry as well as he thinks... Life debts in general are a rather upsetting concept, if you ask me. I mean, Harry doesn't mean Severus any harm and is trying to make this easy, but forcing someone to marry you is not okay, whatever your reasons... BlackDragon: Really liking this story, just so i understand though it is set presumably 5 years after Harry's last year, does this mean that the battle was still the same year or after they graduated? Just asking for my own curiosity as it doesn't make a huge difference. I look forward to reading more Yeah, five years sounds about right, but the war ended later than in the books, maybe 1-2 years ago. Hope that makes sense, but it's not a huge part of the story, in any case. Thank you! Seiren: I'm liking this, can't wait for the next part Thank you. The next chapter should be up soon... delia cerrano: Love it...love it...love it! Can't wait for the ceremony...and the honeymoon! Is it possible that Harry really does have a special feeling for Severus? They have the same childhood, been through a lot of stuff together & separately after all. This grown up but the same basically Harry is perfect! And I think Severus is to afraid to believe that he might feel something more for him & be glad he was the one chosen for Harry. Wow, so much enthusiasm for one single chapter? I'm flattered ... As for Harry, he definitely has his reasons for marrying Severus and not someone else and maybe he feels that Severus will be able to understand him (if he ever gets past himself) because of similar pasts, but "special feelings" in this case absolutely doesn't mean that Harry is secretly madly in love with our dear Potions Master... Thank you, and Severus definitely has some trust issues... Quote
Dinkel Posted April 29, 2013 Author Report Posted April 29, 2013 In the Red - Step Five vincent meoblinn: Looking forward to more. Thank you! I hope you enjoy the next chapter. delia cerrano: Continues to be one of my favorite stories...just delightful. Can't wait for their wedding night & honeymoon! The little Harry & Snape cake toppers were sooo funny!!! Severus is just determined to only see the bad in this change in his life. You are playing Harry & his friends & aquaintances exactly right and I'm having a terrific time thank you very much. Thank you, am really flattered that you like my story so much. But come one, wouldn't you be a bit resentful if you were in Severus' shoes? I'm not sure he can bring out those rose-tinted glasses right now... Brooke: This is a wonderfully written story. It is moving a little slow for me but it definitely has hold of my attention. I can't wait to read more and thank you for sharing your story. Thank you. I hope you'll stick with it, even though I can't really tell you that the pace will be picking up soon. That was one of the problems I had with this story: That Severus isn't necessarily where the action takes place... kit: oh no!I hope you will be able to update before you take off to where ever. What will I look forward to reading for this coming week if you dont??!It's also a really exciting part. I wonder how snape and harry are going to go about it? should be interesting.either way, if you update before or after you come back, I look forward to reading the next chapter. I'm sure there are a lot of great stories out there, so I wouldn't be too worried. But you're in luck - one more chapter to tide you over. Hope you'll like it! Quote
Dinkel Posted May 3, 2013 Author Report Posted May 3, 2013 In the Red - Step Six Sailor Sayuri: LOVE this chapter! *squeals**happy dance*I'm SO happy you updated!Plus, it was a VERY hot and well written chapter! *smirks*I love Snarry smut! And especially dominant Severus (I don't like sexual dominant Harry, I don't think it's in his character with another male! *lol*)!!!Like I said, the only thing I can say about this chapter is: very hot! *grins*I REALLY want to know what happens next! *wails*Please update soon!? Pweety Pwease with a LOT of Chocolate Frogs on top!?!?!?!? *Dobby starry eyes*Good luck for next chapter! ^_~Kisses! ^^ Once again, thank you for reviewing twice on one chapter. That's really flattering! I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter, and the smut... And I absolutely cannot resist Chocolate Frogs - at the rate your throwing them at me, I'll have a full card collection soon Bickymonster: This story is very interesting, I am not normally a big fan of the forced marriage stories but I think you have done a truly wonderful job of this one and I am looking forward to reading more. I really like what you have done with the characters, you have managed to keep them true to themselves while allowing just enough development from where they were at at the end of the canon. I am curious to see what you plan to do with this plot because you have managed to give us enough to draw us in and help us understand exactly what is going on, but at the same time have provided a few little hints of mysteries and the future plot to leave us wanting more. Your writing style flows well and is easy to read, the story has a good pace; you really are quite talented. Congratulations of a great start to a story. Hello again! Thank you for reading this story, even though forced marriage-stories are not usually your cup of tea. I'm glad you like my characterisations of Harry and Severus and I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the story and whatever plot I'll come up with... Thank you, I'm flattered! delia cerrano: That's as good a beginning for a political marriage as you could ask for I guess. I think each cares more for the other than they feel they can show for fear of rejection or being put down. I hope Harry will be able to show how being married to him will be a far better life for Severus than Sev had and that Harry will be the one to show him what it feels like to be loved. Severus is lucky...gorgeous Harry and promise of complete commitment to him only. Harry is really trying to make the best of the situation and Severus might realise in time that marrying Harry really isn't the worst possible outcome for his future... But we'll see Thanks for reviewing! mnfm: Good, good, good! Please come back soon and update. (I can't wait for Malfoy's scene) Thank you. Lucius Malfoy will make an appearance eventually, but right now the focus is more on Severus and Harry. I hope you won't mind too much... dark-huntressmoony: Interesting to say the least....looking forward to seeing where this is going Thank you! I hope you'll like the next chapter as well LeaniaSTL: Oh interesting indeed; perhaps it won't take long for Severus to realize Harry isn't like he always thought him to be? So Sev's really missing control, hmm, and Harry doesn't mind letting the control go to Severus (as far as sex goes). Keep up the good work, I look forward to your next chapter when you return. Hope you have a pleasant time away.Leania Severus can be remarkably slow on the uptake for someone of his intellect, I'm afraid ....Thank you! Enjoy the next chapter! Nicole: Please, I hope you continue! I'm finding this story a unique and fascinating take on a kind of forced marriage. I can't wait to read more! Thank you! I'm glad you're finding the story interesting... Quote
Dinkel Posted May 3, 2013 Author Report Posted May 3, 2013 Unintentionally Yours delia cerrano: Read the story over two days...enjoyed it sooo much. Showed different facets of the characters than usual. Thought people didn't realize how good & loving Tom was to be so understanding of lack of sex, not telling Tom much then blaming him for mistakes, and leaving Tom alone while Harry slept with/cuddled with everyone & his brother of his "friends" like poor Tom didn't need someone or wasn't as important. Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the story and I agree that Tom was seriously underappreciated in this story. I think he really did quite a lot for Harry and was very understanding without demanding anything in return, but then again he made some pretty severe mistakes and those tend to stick out more than his good qualities... Frances: I always think that stories that take me through the whole range of emotions and make me feel things on behalf of characters and rant at my computer screen are the best stories, and they are rare, despite how many stories I have read. Despite the rarity of such stories, I can easily say you've crafted one. While I hate that Harry has to be abused in these stories, I absolutely LOVED reading this, and I'm set to read your others because I think they'll be just as brilliant. You should be really proud of yourself for grafting such an amazing story. Thankyou, from the bottom of my heart, THANKYOU. Thank you! I'm glad my story spoke to you on an emotional level and thanks for all the flattery... I hope you'll enjoy my other stories as well... Four Words delia cerrano: Oh my I am glad I knew it was going to have a happy ending. I would have been sobbing otherwise. I love your writing and the way you see the characters. Your writing is fresh. I liked that Harry was a book illustrator rather than the usual auror. Currently reading your other works while waiting with bated breath for another chapter of "In the Red". Thank you! I'm really flattered that you chose to read my other stories as well and that you liked this one. I think I said so already in the Author's Note, but I really don't like stories without happy endings... Quote
Dinkel Posted May 5, 2013 Author Report Posted May 5, 2013 In the Red - Step Seven dark-huntressmoony: i still love it, but my heart aches for Severus, i really hope he just cracks and breaks down soon. It's kinda painful to watch him dance around Harry. Well, the next chapter includes a minor breakdown, but all in all, I don't think Severus is one to do that. Thank you! Ch3rry: Wow great fic. Sev is being so irrational about somethings but can't say I blame him. Harry needs to stop making assumptions about what snape does and doesn't want, my heart broke a lil when sev felt like harry doesn't want his with someone like him Can't wait to see how press Malfoy Senior is when he finds out his plans got ruined. Thank you! I think Harry will notice in the next chapter that he needs to include Severus more if he wants their marriage to work... See you there Sailor Sayuri: YAY! Update! *squeals**happy dance*LOVE this chapter! It was great! Good job! *winks**thumbs up*Insecure Severus is so cute! And I love powerful Harry that does things that known as impossible to withches and wizards! *lol**grins*REALLY want to know what happens next! *wails*Please update soon!? Pweety Pwease with a LOT of Chocolate Frogs on top!?!?!?!? *Dobby starry eyes*Good luck for next chapter! ^_~Kisses! ^^ Lol! Don't overdo it with those Chocolate Frogs - I might eat too many, get sick and be laid up in bed with no access to my laptop for weeks! Thank you! VincentMeoblinn: Fantastic!! Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! delia cerrano: Boy, Severus is really feeling impotent & used and doesn't know what to do. I hope Harry, who I think knows a little of how Severus feels, keeps working at the marriage and doesn't give up in frustration. I wish Harry hadn't made Severus think he didn't trust him with that comment about his study being private. I agree with Sev. The honeymoon or getting to know each other is over already? Still crazy about this story so if you need me to wash your dishes so you can work on the story, just let me know. Wow, no-one ever offered to do my dishes for me! I was grinning from ear to ear after I read your review. My personal dishwasher Thank you... Maybe Harry needs to try a different approach, if he wants different result... Quote
Dinkel Posted May 10, 2013 Author Report Posted May 10, 2013 In the Red - Step Eight LeaniaSTL: Woah, Severus is determined to see only the bad in Harry; it's almost becoming an obsession. Seriously I would've been impressed, and even taking Severus' refusal to pay him any appreciation, he could've mentally been impressed. This is a really hard-ass Severus, and it's an eye opener; also different then what most make him and it twists my brain. I'm enjoying it, and I wonder if this hard-ass Severus is difficult for you to write and/or stick to? Also, what does Harry do? Is he an Unspeakable? What else is there that would be so secretive? With the way he handles his magic, I would almost think something that handles the study of magic, how it flows and ties together to form spells, and it's various complexities. Keep up the good work, I look forward to more!Leania Well, the Severus in the book isn't exactly a fan of Harry's either, is he? It takes a lot of anger and resentment to treat an eleven-year-old like he did in the books. But yes, he is kind of difficult to write - not that I don't enjoy it - but there're a few scenes I've written that I took out of the final draft because I didn't like what Severus (or Harry) had become in them. As for Harry's job: What else indeed? I'm not going to tell you what is job is, but I think I dropped a lot of hints so I'm confident you'll figure it out (or maybe you already did?). Thank you! qwerty: Great story so far. I love your writing. I would say that Harry is an Unspeakable but in the books, people were allowed to say they were an Unspeakable - just not what they were working on. But maybe your version of the Dept is more strict? Or maybe Harry is working for some entirely new Dept... intriguing! Looking forward to your new chapters! Thank you. Who says that Harry isn't allowed to say what his job is? Maybe he just doesn't need to say it because everyone already knows where he works, just not what exactly he does there....Hope you'll like the next chapter... delia cerrano: Super long chapter? It went so fast I didn't notice. Still loving it. Severus is just sooo up tight that Harry couldn't care for him now or ever! I sure hope Harry doesn't really care for his ex Oliver. I want him to love Severus and just have had a fling with Oliver because he didn't think Severus would be interested. I sound desperate don't I? I just love Severus & Harry so much! I'll take that as a compliment, I guess. Thank you... Maybe a little desperate. I don't really see Harry as a guy who has flings nor as someone who would settle for someone he doesn't really love... Timeangel93: Well you DID bring me into a review-y mode! *snickers*First, I have 7 Words that have gone through my mind the entire time: WTF happened with Harry!?I mean I get that Harry was always a little bit Slytherin, but this rapid change between calm and emotional? (Ergh, me and my grammar)Second, I really like your story!Third, suspect Harry is at least in love with Severus. Call it sixth sense. And after this chapter, I can't shake the feeling that Wood might something have to to with Harry's odd beheaviour (but maybe I'm just too paranoid xD ).Fourth, can't help but feel a little vary about Harry's reasons for the marriage. Could be anything, really, not just the little bit he offered to Sev.Fifth, never thought Snape could be a Drama Queen! (Even if I can't blame him for that)And last nut not least, enough of my ramblings. I'll review again next chapter! Well, the simple answer to that question is that Harry lived through the war, killed Voldemort, got a job and learned to play nice with the press all before most of his school mates figured out what to do with their lives. And for the complicated answer you'll have to read on Thank you. Who am I to argue with your sixth sense? Yes, maybe you are a tad to paranoid and Oliver Wood is just a guy who likes to play Quidditch... True, Harry might have ulterior motives, but then again, according to your sixth sense he's in love with Severus... Aw, we all have our drama queen moments, don't we? I'm looking forward to your next review and thank you for this one... dark-huntressmoony: Great chapter, waiting eagerly for the next one, and a break in the tension. I swear one of these two guys are going to crack and my money is on Severus Thank you! I'd offer to hold that bet, but I would have an unfair advantage... Sailor Sayuri: YAY! Update! *squeals**happy dance*This chapter was GREAT! Plus it was very long! I LOVED it! *grins*I think you did a great job as always! Still in love with this story and great wrighting style! Good job! *winks**thumbs up*Poor Harry and Severus! For different reasons, but poor them! Severus is too stubborn to SEE Harry! He's learning, but how much time will it take? Plus poor Harry who is misunderstood by Severus. He's not in love with our favorite Potion Master yet, but Severus expect the worst from him and I think that other than having cooled his temper and thinking more like a Slytherin (strategy wise), Harry hasn't changed from his school days (except for being confident)! Still a great guy and generous, always thinking of everyone else!I wonder when Teddy Lupin will make an apparition since he's Harr's Godson?I REALLY want to know what happens next! *wails*Please update soon!? Pweety Pwease with Berty Bott's Every Flavour Beans on top!?!?!?!? *BIG puppy eyes* *lol*Good luck for next chapter! ^_~Kisses! ^^ Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm happy that you see Harry this way because that is what I was going for. I didn't want him to be perceived as emotionless or abusive or somehow creepy, but this whole thing is tinted by Severus' view on Harry and Severus isn't exactly unbiased when it comes to Potters. So, thank you for that. This story mostly disregards the later books so no Teddy Lupin, I'm afraid. Oh, wow, Every Flavour Beans - hope I don't get something nasty like troll bogey or baked beans... BlackDragon:I just wanted to let you know that I love your stories, and love you because of them and because you alway complete them unlike so many others. Keep writing I will definitely keep reading You rock! Thank you. I know how much I hate reading a story and then finding that it hasn't been updated in years so I never wanted someone to feel that way about any of my stories. Pretty selfish, if you think about it Glad to hear that! BAFan: Ch. 8I have to agree with the reviewer who called Snape a drama queen, lol, although that vision he had of exacting revenge on Harry was disturbing, to say the least. Will he ever stop searching for opportunities (mostly mistaken) to belittle Harry? Poor Harry, trying so hard to be considerate of Snape's wishes and desires, not realizing that he only fuels the man's paranoia by doing so. I can't help but wonder what Lucius will do next; I don't see him just meekly giving up on his plan.I've noticed one consistent error in your writing: confusing "loath" (reluctant) and "loathe" (detest). Just fyi.Can't wait for the next chapter. You know, I actually wrote a scene where Severus did much more than just thinking about it, but then I took it out because I don't see him that way. I think deep down Severus still hasn't got over what James Potter did to him in school and Harry is a convenient target for his anger and maybe he feels that if he could humiliate Harry like he was humiliated it would not only level the playing field but also help him get closure... Oh, no, Lucius still has some plans up his sleeve... Thanks for pointing out that error. I honestly didn't know those were different words - I'll make sure to double-check in future chapters... Slynx: Just started reading your story and very much enjoying it! I love your experiment with having only one point of view. Not getting Harry's perspective is both excitingly frustrating and refreshing. It keeps me guessing and I really love that in a story. <br />Can't wait for the next chapter! Thank you! I'm glad you're kind of enjoying the limited perspective. I guess it would clear some things up to have some insights into Harry's motivations, but I do enjoy keeping you guessing kawaiigirl: Grrr im so angry at Harry right now I feel this simmering rage I have really gotten into Severus mind during this chapter I can't help but feel...I can't even really put into words how I feel about this calm rational Harry but if I'm honest with myself and everyone else he just pisses me off. On a brighter note I love this story and I'm enjoying it so much I love characters that I can really get into and extract a reaction from me. Keep up the great work and I can't wait for the next update. Also, I apologize for all my run on sentences and bad spelling.Sincerly,Aña I had really mixed responses to Harry's character - some seem to think that he's deliberately goading Severus on while others assume that he's doing everything he can to be nice to Severus. It's interesting to read your reactions, but I still hope that he'll start pissing you off less in the coming chapters... Thank you and don't worry about long sentences or spelling mistakes - I didn't notice anything wrong with your English... Quote
Dinkel Posted May 12, 2013 Author Report Posted May 12, 2013 In the Red - Step Nine Sapphire Phoenix: No, that wasn't the best place to stop! What is it with authors on this site giving cliffy chapter endings? It's enough to make me want to growl at my screen-and I'm tech support, so I know how futile that is! I am enjoying your story, so please continue. Would it make it better if I told you that I have no intention of continuing where I left off?... I thought so. Well, sorry. But I'm glad you're enjoying the story. mnfm: No it was not, you evil one! But I loved the chapter anyway.I'll be waiting for the next one.mnfm Glad I didn't totally ruin it with that ending delia cerrano: That surely wasn't the best place to stop!! More please. They seem to be living separate lives with neither really trying to change that. They might as well be hiring a call boy for all the caring about each other there is. They have meals together most of the time with biting mean comments on Severus side and off handed, generic, "pretend to be interested but I won't make time for you" comments from Harry. Hopefully something will change between them, for the good, soon. But that whole chapter was basically porn - didn't you have enough already? You know, I really like that idea with the call boy, but alas, they signed a fidelity clause so I don't think I can make that work... Oh, don't worry, there'll be some changes soon, but somehow I don't think there'll be less sex... themysticaldragon: *growls and throws a pillow at the author* No.. not a good place to end the chapter at all! I have been following the story and I have been enjoying it. I think that poor Severus is afraid to admit he's madly in love!! Boy, was I glad that was only a pillow. I'm not good at ducking, you know? Thanks for reading and I'm thrilled that your such a hopeless romantic kawaiigirl: Why did you leave off there? It was finally getting smexy! I have a feeling that Severus is going to make things difficult with this relationship lol hmm I wonder. <br />Waiting impatiently until the next chappy, <br />Aña Because I didn't feel like writing another lemon? Sorry. Oh, you think Severus is the problem? We'll see about that... Ch3rry: No it was not the best place to stop, lol that was just cruel!!! Maybe a little. But that's what your imagination is for Demonadine: evil very evil lol I am loving this one, so thank you so much for writing and sharing it! Oh, wow, you're loving the story even though I'm evil. Lucky me! Sailor Sayuri: Ch.9YAY! Update! *squeals**happy dance*This chapter was GREAT! As always! *grins*I know I'm repeating this at each review, but what else can you say when it's allready perfect? Sadly (since I'm french), my english is not good enough to comment on this great work of art!Except that this chapter was VERY hot and well written! Good job! *winks**thumbs up*I REALLY want to know what happens next! *wails*Please update soon!? Pweety Pwease with a lot of Pumkin Pasties on top!?!?!?!? *BIG puppy eyes*Good luck for next chapter! Kisses! ^^ Thank you! Don't worry about your English. I'm not a native speaker, either, and I think we're both doing fine Yum, Pumpkin Pasties, always wanted to try those... addiena_saffir: no it wasn't and as long as you don't do it again we can just forget about it this once. Glad you're willing to forgive and forget Thanks for reviewing! Quote
Dinkel Posted May 16, 2013 Author Report Posted May 16, 2013 In the Red - Step Ten dark-huntressmoony: Not gonna lie I'm waiting for a Possessive/Jealous thing to come from Severus because of Draco. And maybe a demand for answers and what not. At least it seems like Severus is starting to lose some of that snarky assholishness that he had for Harry Well, I can give you one of the two, though I'm not sure it's quite what you had in mind. But I still hope you'll like the next chapter... qwerty: I was surprised at the appearance of Draco and Lucius in this chapter. Did Draco know of Lucius' plans for Harry before they were thwarted? Interested in finding out more about Draco and Harry's non-friendship, so-to-speak.Great chapter! Yay, I'm glad I could surprise you. Draco might have known something, but Lucius is still his father so I think family loyalty might have been stronger than his "non-friendship", as you so nicely put it, with Harry. Oh, but Draco will make another appearance in the future, so I hope that will be to your liking. Thanks for reviewing! delia cerrano: Loved all the action, people, dancing, banter...the whole party scene. Uh oh! Lucius dropped a little bomb didn't he. Severus is so tender on the subject of Harry that he will probably start withdrawing even more or putting all sorts of bad motives onto Harry. I wish Harry would be more open in his feelings with Severus and maybe his plans or at least be more"us against them" in his attitude. Still one of the best Harry/Snape out there. Thank you! Severus definitely has been rattled by Lucius last words, which might prompt him to find out some of Harry's secrets. Let's see how that goes... I'm flattered that you think so! Bickymonster: I was pleasantly surprised by the interaction between Harry and Draco, one of the reasons I usually like good quality Drarry is the banter, more than anything else. You managed to put that in here perfectly as part of a (tentative?) friendship. I really like how Snape is starting to be a bit possessive about Harry, it is endearing. Overall this chapter was fun to read and made me smile. I'm a fan of banter myself so I'm glad you enjoyed their interaction . And I'm happy that you liked Severus gradual warming-up to Harry. Thanks for your review! Ch3rry: Yes finally some Malfoy senior interacting, I was sad that you skipped the part where he found out Harry married Sev. Mmm well this was unexpected I was not expecting Draco and Harry to be friendly. Aww all the open affection between harry and sev was so cute. That's the problem with this limited perspective: Severus just wasn't there when Lucius and Harry had their meeting... Thank you kawaiigirl: Great chappie! I love how fast your updates are and you won't believe how loud I busted out laughing after Harry told Lucius about the raid. I can't wait to find out some of Harry's secrets!Anxiously awaiting the next amazing chapter,Aña Lol, I hope you didn't scare anyone with your sudden amusement. Oh, secrets, quite a lot of those swirling around. I think Severus might be ready to ask some questions soon... Thank you! JC Black: Why do I have a feeling that Severs is going to get very angry with Harry about all his secret and leave him for a time. Great story keep up the good work.... Oh, I think you might be underestimating Severus There'll be no slamming doors, but finding the courage of entering through doors that are already open, or at least knocking... (After you read the next chapter: Did that make any sense? I think I might have gone a bit overboard with the metaphor. Sorry.) Sailor Sayuri: YAY! Update! *squeals**happy dance*This chapter was GREAT! As always! Still LOVE how you write this story, it seems so realistic! It's like the real epilogue of DH, because I could really see the character's evolution to be like this in their future! Great job! *winks**thumbs up*And yes, I loved seeing all those characters! Especially Draco. I always had a soft spot for Draco! (I'm a big fans of Drarry and Snarry...bigger fans of Snarry though! *lol*) I don't know if you'll continue the story with Harry and him being on friendly terms, friends or past lovers, but it would be great if it was one of the last two! *grins* Severus might be jealous if he discovered the last one though! *smirks*I REALLY want to know what happens next! *wails*Please update soon!? Pweety Pwease with a LOT of Ice Mices on top!?!?!?!? *BIG puppy eyes*Good luck for next chapter! ^_~ Kisses! ^^ Thank you! I'm glad you think the story realistic. That's always the problem for fanfiction writers, I think, because most of the time the changes we make in regards to characterizations make perfect sense to us, but they might not make any sense to anyone else. So I'm happy that you like it. Harry and Draco are not past lovers, but their friendship might be stronger than they would ever admit. I think they both decided to start fresh and found that they are not so incompatible after all... Ice Mice, always wondered about those, but I think I'd better make myself a cup of tea in case my mouth freezes shut... Thanks as always for your review! Sera21: love this story!! I honestly thought no more quality HP fanfics were being written. You proved me wrong Thank you! That's too kind of you and I hope you'll enjoy the next chapter. Quote
Dinkel Posted May 21, 2013 Author Report Posted May 21, 2013 In the Red - Step Eleven delia cerrano: Oh good a little more of their personal life. What does Harry do with all these hours and hours of work? When is Severus going to relax and show his caring for Harry. Surely by now he has to realize that Harry really does care about him, is true to him and does enjoy sex with him. What Harry does at work will be the big question in the next chapter - I'm not promising to answer it, though ... Oh, but we will see a caring Severus soon. Hope you'll enjoy that. Thank you for reviewing! qwerty: Love that last line. Great chapter! Eager to learn and read more Thank you! So did I! dark-huntressmoony: Loved the chapter, can't wait for more, Severus is slowly breaking down. Thank you! He's not the only one... Sailor Sayuri: Ch. 11YAY! Update! *squeals**happy dance*This chapter was GREAT as always! Good job! *winks**thumbs up*I'm really getting curious about what Harry's work is and what are his secrets! It's really frustrating! >_<I REALLY want to know what happens next! *whines*Please update soon!? Pweety Pwease with a lot of Licorice Wands on top!?!?!?!? *BIG puppy eyes*Good luck for next chapter! ^_~Kisses! ^^PS: Keeping tea next to you for Ice Mices was a good idea! *lol* Well, you'll have to figure out yourself what Harry's job is because I'm not telling. But Severus will find out one of his secrets in the next two chapters so I hope that's something... Ugh, licorice. Not a fan to be honest, but I appreciate the thought... Thanks for your review. Nicole: Can't wait to read more!! I'm loving this idly confident Harry ! Thank you! I'm really enjoying writing him as well kawaiigirl: So many questions! So little time! Lol luckily for me my bouts of amusement last chapter did not frighten anyone but these mysterious are killing me ! Your story is turning into quite the mysterious thriller and I'm enjoying every single word and devoring it like dessert!Anxiously Awaiting the Next Chapter,Aña. Thank you! I hope you'll survive a few more mysteries because the next chapter isn't really rife with answers. But we'll get around to answering at least some questions, eventually. Hope you'll enjoy the next chapter! Unintenionally Yours dantae: This was my first ever HP/LV and I have to say it was probably the best fic I have ever read! I also really grew to enjoy the language differences. There were some things that just didn't translate perfectly but they gave the story character. This was perfect. Now I'm off to find something else to get my fix!! Thank you! I'm not sure I deserve that honour, but thank you nonetheless! And thank you for finding my mistakes interesting rather than annoying Good luck for your fic search! Quote
Dinkel Posted May 27, 2013 Author Report Posted May 27, 2013 In the Red - Step Twelve delia cerrano: Wow! Harry gets hurt and Severus really gets shoved in the way back...we don't need you, go away sort of. I know Harry was hurting & not totally with it but geeeze. I thought they were working things out and getting a bit closer at least.<br />They both acted like there was no caring a-tall between them. And St Mungo's! Severus is the husband but all they saw`was a deatheater? strange man? Can't wait for the next chapter to see how they handle Harry's injuries and what the ... does Harry do for the Ministry?? To be fair, Harry did tell the healer to give his instructions to Severus so it's not like he totally ignored Severus. Plus, most of the next chapter will be Harry-Severus-centric again... Would you be very disappointed if I told you that I'm not going to answer your last question? Sailor Sayuri: YAY! Update! *squeals**happy dance*This chapter was GREAT, as always! *winks*Great job! *thumbs up*I loved the concerned Severus and seeing his interraction with the other of the Trio! It was great fun, even if Harry was injured(not sure I wrote it right... ^^'), but what else is new? *lol*I'm pretty sure now that he's working in the Department of Mysteries, I don't know another place that works with artifacts in the Ministry! *lol*I REALLY want to read the next chapter! *wails*Please update soon!? Pweety Pwease with Blood Pops on top!?!?!?!? (Don't know if you'll like these ones *lol*) *BIG puppy eyes*Good luck for next chapter! ^_~Kisses! ^^PS: Sorry for the Licorice Wands, I'll remember never to send some! *lol* There'll be a lot more concerned Severus in the next chapter, guest appearances by the other two thirds of the Golden Trio and injured, but stubborn Harry - hope you'll like it. I think I'll keep those Blood Pops just in case I ever meet a vampire - you never know, maybe one day they'll save my life silverstargirl: Great story! I am really enjoying it. Your characterizations are spot on! I do hope to find out what it is that Harry is doing for the Ministry soon and I am sure that Severus and the other parts of the Golden Trio really want some answers as well. I doubt he is a Hit Wizard or an Auror, so I am guessing he is doing something with the Dept. of Mysteries. I cannot wait to see Severus dealing with his patient/husband. I am sure that Harry will be nearly impossible to deal with, so let the fireworks begin. Thank you. You'll get some answers in the next few chapters, but I don't promise to answer all of them. No, to Harry being an Auror and a definite no, to him being a Hit Wizard. Let me just get my lighter and we'll start the fireworks in a minute Quote
Dinkel Posted June 2, 2013 Author Report Posted June 2, 2013 In the Red - Step Thirteen SPILLWAY BLUE: Love this story. I have a feeling Harry and Severus are going to get a surprise and Harry will not be happy but when Severus and it are put in danger because of Harry"s job we will fine out what he does... Oh, you're good. There's definitely danger on the horizon (or paranoia), but you'll have to read on to find out the details... Thank you! Kate: yay, I really like this story. I look forward to a new chapter, so do not make me wait too long Thank you! I hope the next chapter will be to your liking, and not too late moodysavage: I'm really loving this story but I can't remember if I've reviewed before. I think it's very sweet how Harry and Severus have a real relationship even though they do not TALK about anything to do with their relationship and they even try to avoid THINKING about it lol. Silly men. I like how Harry trusts Severus to comfort him and yearns for that. I hope that he gets out of that job of his. I think you haven't, but there's a first time for everything and I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. Oh, yeah, there are good at avoidance. No promises about Harry's job, but maybe the next chapter will change your mind (at least a little)... Demonadine: oh this is just marvelous! I love this story lol. I do hope you have as much fun writing it as I am reading it. Thank you! And yes, I definitely enjoy working on this story and writing in general I'm just glad there are so many people out there encouraging me and telling me that they enjoy reading my stuff. It's a great feeling... Sailor Sayuri: Ch. 13Yay! Update! *squeals**happy dance*LOVED this chapter! It was GREAT (as always *lol*)!!!! *squeals again*Tenderness, smut, Hermion and Ron, and Severus being Severus! *lol* I loved it! *grins*GREAT job well done! *winks**thumbs up*Plus, the chapter was LONG! *squeals* It made my day! *grins*Sorry to make you wait for the review since you were waiting for them! Hope you didn't lose too much sleep! *lol*And please keep the Blood Pops, you're right, you never know when you're going to need them! Good idea! *smirk*I REALLY want to know what happens next! *wails*Please update soon!? Pweety Pwease with Acid Pops on top!?!?!? *BIG puppy eyes*(I'll try every candy HP universe I can remember, be prepared to receive some weird things! *lol*)Good luck for next chapter! *winks*Kisses! ^^ Thank you! I guess you'll have to read the next chapter to find out what's going to happen next ... Eh, thanks for the Acid Pops. I'll keep them with the Blood Pops, but I'm not really sure what kind of creature might be interested in those... delia cerrano: Still don't know what Harry is doing so secretly but I think if Ron, Hermione and especially Severus knew they wouldn't like it at all. I think he is "sacrificing" himself again some how. Maybe Hermione knows a little of how much Severus & Harry mean to each other...seems a bit more empathatic or knowing. Now I'm the one waiting anxiously (for the next chapter). Probably not, but just because they wouldn't approve it doesn't mean that Harry doesn't enjoy his work. I mean, there has to be some reason why he's working for them, right? Hermione is nothing if not perceptive and she might not be quite as pig-headed as Ron or Harry... kit: So...i have been away :CI know!! it is no excuse. The bright side (for me) is that I had so many chapters to catch up on. I love how you are giving us a more in depth look about Harry. I can't lie, I'm really curious about Harry's job and the many secrets which he keeps hidden. Seems like night terrors are one of them. It is sweet how Snape takes care of him and douses harry with sleep concoctions. Well, I'm going to try and be a more avid reviewer. especially since you are such a committed write whose story deserves reviews. Can't wait to read more! Well, I hope you're all caught up now... There'll be a little about Harry's job in the next chapter, as well as a lot about Severus' work so I hope you'll enjoy it. Did you just put "sweet" and "Snape" in the same sentence? Never thought I'd see the day ... I won't argue with you on the reviews-bit because I truly love getting reviews jujukitty: ch 8- one small issue, when reading minerva's letter, you made it sound like it was right after the war with them missing dumbles and teachers and students, but it's apparently 5 years later. also, i thought you said he was giving up on teaching when he was packing up his rooms to move Eh, no, you misunderstood something. I never said it was 5 years after the war, it's just about 5 years since Harry left school (I took some liberties with canon and "my" war ended differently and most of all later than in the books). So according to my calculations it's about one year after the war, in which time there were the trials and the awarding of Orders of Merlin). Assuming that Hogwarts was closed for at least some time during the war and then needed time to be rebuilt, this year will see the reopening of Hogwarts... And no, Severus just moved out from his quarters to move in with Harry. He didn't give up his teaching position. (And in case you were wondering what Severus was still doing in Hogwarts when the school was closed, I'd say he was under house arrest until his name was cleared.) Sorry for confusing you and I hope this long reply or the confusion didn't put you off of this story... awww! i'm really enjoying this story, as others have said, a unique little twist on the format and i'm dying to know about harry's secrets right along with sev lol, though it does look like harry's starting to let a little more of himself become visible to his husband at least. keep up the great work, i'm really looking forward to more of this Thank you! Harry is definitely opening up more, as we'll see in the next chapter. Hope you'll enjoy it! Unintentionally Yours CrimsonRose94: Really good so far! On Chapt 34 (just finished the chapter) - I found it kind of funny that Luna slipped into the DADA class since she is the year below them ... I teared up on some chapters and it is nice to see some of the DEs that have some positive emotion to HP <br />Cannot wait till I finish reading this! Thank you! Oops, yeah, I don't know what she was doing there...Hope you enjoy the rest of the story... Crepererum delia cerrano: Still working my way through your stories. I have enjoyed all of them so far and really think "In the Red" is sooo good so far. When I 1st started this one I misread your sumary. I thought it was going to be Harry/Snape not Harry/Sirius. I love Harry/Snape stories but I don't care for Sirius. He seems a spoiled mean overgrown child. Once I started I kept wondering why Sirius kept sticking his nose in so much. Surprise on slow me when I went backed and checked the summary top. While I'm still not a Sirius fan I loved your Harry so much (though an elf and wings? really?) that even Sirius was making me feel for him in his drive to keep Harry. So... I tricked you into reading a story with a pairing you don't really care for? Wow, I'm good . I'm glad you enjoyed Harry and that the story wasn't too horrible for you, though I guess it must have been a bit of a letdown when you realised the pairing... Winter and Ice Jburks: I loved it. I waited to review until the end. I stumbled upon this story on another author's profile page. They had recommended this as a dray/luc/harry story and I was intrigued. I hadn't read one of those before. (Now a story that mentioned dray/luc or Fred/George is normal for me to see, but it seems quite a few either are all for or completely against the incest. Now this though made sure that they weren't incestuous. Quite a breath of fresh air. Not that I mind the incestuous ones because honestly anyone who thinks Fred & George hadn't at least kissed because they wanted to see what kissing themselves would be like, is just a little crazy in my mind.) I feel like I've been through the emotional wringer with the two days it took me to read this. Absolutely amazing. I must say I feel like I agree with Nightmare about making sure no one hurts Harry ever again. It's just wrong! Wrong on so many levels!!!Thank you for writing and sharing this delightful story. Even though it truly wasn't always delightful in sense of the actual events, it was well written and I enjoyed the emotions that were wrung out of me. Thank you! And I'm glad you enjoyed my take on this pairing. I guess it always depends on your own level of comfort with this subject matter and of course on the set-up of the story. Personally, I wouldn't have a problem with Fred and George amusing themselves, but a full-out incestous relationship between Lucius and Draco (or any father and child) wouldn't be something I'd enjoy simply because there's such a power imbalance between them that I'd always wonder about abuse and exploitation... Again thank you for your truly delightful review Quote
Dinkel Posted June 7, 2013 Author Report Posted June 7, 2013 In the Red - Step Fourteen delia cerrano: What on earth could Harry be into that keeps him silent with Severus and endangers him??? Severus is saying no to being bottom for Harry? I'm surprised. Saving it for a special occasion? Well, it depends on where Harry got his information, doesn't it? I wouldn't be surprised if his job's security measures covered pretty much everything, no matter how personal the implications... I think Severus is not ready to trust Harry so completely that he would cede control to him... kit: Constant vigilance indeed. I'm curious to read what will occur, if anything does occur, in the next chapter.Poor harry....seems quite frustrating to not be able to say certain things. At least he was able to communicate a portion of it to severus, somewhat. What ever does or does not happen in the next chapter, I hope you'll like it ... I'm glad you noticed that Harry's inability to share certain things with Severus is frustrating for both of them, and not only Harry... Sailor Sayuri: Ch.14YAY! Update! *squeals**happy dance*This chapter was GREAT as always! Good job! *winks**thumbs up*I'm becoming REALLY frustrated because of Harry's job! Each time Severus mentions it, I'm ready to strangle Harry myself! *lol*Plus the fact that our Golden Boy is scared for Severus's safety, I'm getting scared for our favorite Potions Master! >_<I REALLY want to know what happens next! *wails*Please update soon!? Pweety Pwease with Chocolate Frogs on top!?!?!?!? *BIG puppy eyes*Good luck for next chapter! ^_~Kisses! ^^PS: I don't know any other Wizarding Candies, so it's back to chocolate! *lol* But since you like them, I guess you'll be happy! *grins*PPS: I really don't know who would eat Acid Pops either....maybe Dumbledore? *lol* Yeah, I guess Harry's job is not exactly something that makes him more accessible to Severus or the readers Hope you'll like the next chapter. I'm glad you returned to "normal" Wizarding Candies. Can't go wrong with chocolate after all PS: I thought Dumbledore was more of a Lemon Drops kind of guy... moodysavage: I hate worrying about severus' safety. It drives me crazy. Oh no, we couldn't have that. Quick, read the next chapter... Shortsnout: I've just read all the chapters in one sitting; it's rare for me to spend so much time away from all my commitments to do that.I think your story is fabulous! I like the mysterious Harry, and the way they've almost been split into two different people, Potter/Harry. I'm enjoying the way he's trying to support Severus, without being over bearing or taking charge.As for Severus, he's still the grumpy man we love to torment, and your portrayal of him is really spot on. I have to admit, there was a little lump in my throat in the last chapter. Hearing about Severus' dreams and if he could really have them was really moving.I've just read your character bio, and when I saw English wasn't your first language, my jaw dropped.honestly. I think in terms of grammar it's rather good. In terms of pacing, each chapter reveals just a little bit more about the story, it's moving along nicely.I think the quote at the beginning of each chapter is a nice touch.Look forward to reading more!Shortsnout Thank you! I'm glad you like my portrayal of Harry and the way he tries to unobstrusively improve his relationship with Severus. And of course I'm also happy that you enjoy my version of Severus... I'm also glad that you enjoy my writing and that my English istn't too horrible . Improving my English is always a good excuse for spending hours and days working on my stories so I'm glad it paid off. I'm flattered. I got the inspiration for this story from a quote so I thought it only fair to include it, and others... Enjoy the next chapter! Lumcer: This was not what I was expecting... It was so much better I am really looking foreward to reading more! Harry's job is annoying and sometime I wish I could see into his mind workings, but I love how you potray them both. I love that you've tooken on Severus' insicurities and Harry's complexities! Please write more soon!!KCK-Lumcer Lol, glad I exceeded your expectations Not getting a view into Harry's mind was part of the challenge, but I thought it turned out quite well... Thank you! Quote
Dinkel Posted June 12, 2013 Author Report Posted June 12, 2013 In the Red - Step Fifteen dark-huntressmoony: Hm...i noticed that you said Harry is a what not a who (well you know what i mean) so what is he? can't wait for the next chapter! I was referring to Harry's work. Of course everyone also knows who he is, but in this case the point was that his colleagues use these glamours because then they can do their work without revealing their own identities... Thank you! qwerty: Ahhhh what does Lucius have plan? I wonder if it's really a plot for Voldemort's return... Hmmmmm. Intriguing! Also brilliant use of a bruise to ID the real Severus. Can't wait for your next chapter. Good job! Thank you and you'll find out soon what Lucius was up to... Enjoy the next chapter! bloody dawn: think that after this incident severus will not let the issue about harry's secrets go unnoticed. I can't wait to read what's coming next I think you're quite right ... Hope you'll like the next chapter! Sailor Sayuri: Ch. 15YAY! Update! *squeals**happy dance*This chapter was GREAT, as always! *winks*Great job! *winks**thumbs up*I'm really worried about Harry! His scar bleeding is always a red flag for Voldemort's presence or magic....what the hell is happening!? Since all the Horcruxes are gone, how is Harry's scar still bleeding since he died to kill the Horcrux in him!?ARGH! You REALLY know how to leave us hanging! *pouts*I REALLY want to know what happens next! *wails*Please update soon!? Pweety Pwease with a LOT of Lemon Drops on top!?!?!? *BIG puppy eyes*Good luck for next chapter! *winks*Kisses! ^^PS: You gave me a hint, here's the candy! *lol* Interesting questions, let's see if I can't answer some of them in the next chapter.... Lemon drops, yay, now I canlean back in my chair and feel like Dumbledore kit: ....what is going on?!? wah!! i want to know why its hurting harry and why he has doppelgängers and....there are just so many why's xCDid harry figure out that snape had been polyjuiced just by the fact that he attended the event they agreed he would not be attending? I'm sure snape and harry will discuss this after he is released from within the wards.....well, if he can discuss anything regarding it.I appreciate the longer chapters! cant wait to read the next one Well, the doppergängers were already explained (more or less) with Harry's colleagues not wanting to reveal their own identities but still wanting to show what work they are in... And for the rest you'll have to read the next chapter... Thank you! Ann: Amazing chapter. I would love to know how Harry found out about Lucious. Great writing. Thank you! There will be some answers in the next chapter - hope you'll like it! mnfm: You do! It getting better and better. Please update soon! Thank you! Glad you liked it! delia cerrano: Yes, you do deserve kudos for the longer chapter!! How about aother one? What on earth is Harry involved in and what is Lucius' plot? Lol, I think the next chapter is also quite lengthy... and full of answers... TinkerBabe7: looooooove the story.I'm glad it didn't take Harry so long to figure out that Severus was in trouble. I hope Harry is fine and I can't wait for them to rescue Sev. Thank you! I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far and I hope you'll also enjoy the next chapter! Quote
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