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Basic Wants – Chapter 4: Worth

qwerty: I was missed! I’m touched!

As well as you should be! Can’t remember everyone, you see. I have a terribly sieve-like memory…

EvaNone: Oh no, Harry left. I hope you plan on showing Fenrir how his pack realy treated Harry.Oh, don’t worry. Fenrir will realise that soon –almost completely without my help ;-)

myniephoenix: Oh my little Harry. My heart aches.

I hope the next chapter will make you feel better... Harry really isn’t as little as he looks...

mookfree: it was a great chapter cant wait for more

Thank you! Hope you’ll like the next chapter as well...

Kera-Izaki: Yea ^^ Another chapter down, and hopefuly more to go! I wouldn't mind a set secudale, though it doesn't really matter to me :3 I really liked this one, though it felt shorter then it was, lol. I wonder how Fen will relise his mistake? and of course, how he gets him back ^^ Though I have to wonder where Harry will go...?

But of course! What kind of ending would it be if I left it at that? I’m not that cruel... And thanks for answering my question; it seems you’re one of the few, who actually read my author’s note - I could feel hurt now :P . One of the admins mentioned to me that I could start a poll in the forum so maybe if I figure out how that works, I’ll ask again. For now, I’ll keep posting at random... Hm, two of your questions will be answered in the next chapter – the last one will have to wait a little longer...

Ewe: please update more. I really like this alot.

Thank you! And was that in answer to my question if I should update regularly or not?

doxiesmom14: I really enjoy your story. Is Fen going to find out what his so called pack was doing to Harry? How could anyone be so blind?Thank you! I’m glad you do. I think Fenrir has a bad case of only seeing what he wants to see. He doesn’t want his pack attacking Harry, so he doesn’t see it. And he doesn’t want to believe that his pack would go behind his back like that, so he doesn’t.

Madame de Coeur: NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Update soon!!!

Alright! Alright! I updated!... Now if only the virtual ringing in my ears would stop...

dimw: please update the story soon. I love this story. I feel so sorry for harry and i just want to cuddle him.

Thank you! I hope you’ll like the next chapter... PS: Harry gets a good cuddle, so I hope that helps...

mithrilandtj: Can't Fenrir smell the lies on them? Why wasn't he more aware of Harry's injuries on the full moon? Harry wouldn't have been hunting that night, he was the prey.

I’m really not familiar with the body’s reactions to the state of mind, but I would imagine that dogs can smell lies because the liar is nervous, guilty or otherwise preoccupied. Lin and Sawyer didn’t see what they were doing as wrong so I just assume that Fenrir can’t smell their lies... And Harry didn’t allow Fenrir to come close enough to see or get a clear sniff of his injuries... You know that, but Fenrir didn’t...

Aussiereader: I love your story! Please keep up the good work, I can't wait for the next chapter.

Thank you! I’ll certainly try to and I hope you’ll like the next chapter...

dominique: i so hope that fen finds out the true because they wore ass hole and i love it woul like more so hate ciffy

Oh, he will, don’t worry. Sorry about the cliffy, but I hope the next chapter will make up for it...

lazybean: damn i'm good lol i like it you can really feel the emotions the characters harry's angry frustration, the pack hostility, and fen's confused frustration

Congratulations! Thank you, I’m glad you liked it...

Inadvertent: Oh...my...god...I almost cried from this chapter. But then again I'm such a big baby. Wonderful. Please keep up the great work. I love love love your writing. Update soon :)

Oh, I’m too. I habitually start crying when reading stories or watching films ;-)... Three loves! I must have done something right. Thank you!

hytare: good fic!! I love it! I loved basic needs, I never expected a sequel! The only problem I have is with fenrir, how can he be so blind!? harry is hurt all over and he doesnt see anything. A good alpha should be more perceptive. why is he like that?? is he so blind because of the love for his pack?? it just bothers me so much! hehe - i cant wait for another chapter! good work!

You didn’t? Well, then I’m glad I could surprise you! Of course, this chapter didn’t portray Fenrir in an exceptionally good light, but I think you also need to realise that Fenrir’s shouldering a lot of responsibility and trying to do everybody justice, and not just Harry. He’s been away for years and now everybody, including himself, expects him to be the Alpha once again. That can’t be easy... Thank you!

DTDY: Very good. I can't wait to see how Fenrir reacts when he figures it out.

Thank you! Hope Fenrir’s reaction doesn’t disappoint you!

Wynia: Hi! Long time no see! Had to look through the first story before starting reading this, just to get a new grip on things, but now I'm caught up... and just in time, too, as the shit just hit the fan... damn hard-headed men refusing to just be fluffy snuggle-bunnies... make Fenrir wear a bow! ;)Really like it so far, have no idea what will happen, just the way I want a story to be...

Welcome back! I have a hard time imagining Fenrir wearing a bow, but what I came up with was very amusing so thank you for making me laugh! Other than that, there will be some snuggling in the next chapter though I’m pretty sure it’s not exactly what you had in mind. Still hope you’ll like it... Thank you!

pat: yay ! more &more &more that's what all of us want ;D Great can't w8 4 more

You know what? You just gave me an idea for a chapter title :-) Thank you!

PG: Went on vacay and come home to find two new chapters from you is probably the best surprise ever! I love this story so much. And Harry is so obstinate. Why can't he just tell him? Is he so afraid he won't be believed? I hope Remus tells Fenrir. And maybe that Harry is pregnant, that'd be quite the plot... Can't wait for more!

Because then I wouldn’t have a story, and yes, fear also plays a part in Harry’s decision to keep quiet. But then again, he did try to tell Fenrir, didn’t he? And Fenrir told him not to worry... Stupid story warnings give away the surprise *pout*...

mrequecky: Oh, no pressure :D Still love this!

That’s good to know! Thanks!

Abrasa: My love for this fic is big enough to represent more than 5000 million reviews. Should I write so many reviews, or will you take my word for it? Update fast! And as another reviewer pointed out, Harry being preggers now would be quite the plot! Keep it coming :D

Lol. I certainly wouldn’t mind 5000 million reviews – though, considering I’d have to answer all of them, I think I’ll pass, thank you! Thank you...

dragonlady: poor harry

Too true... I’m so cruel...

Anon: I'm liking this story so far :) I just wish Harry wasn't so damn stubborn. If I was Fenrir I wouldn't be taking that xD. Can't wait for the next chapter to come out! I'd love if you had a set day, so I know when to check

Thank you! I think Fenrir is just as stubborn, if not more so – I guess they deserve each other ;-)... Thanks for your opinion. For now I’ll continue updating at random, but maybe I’ll change that if I get a few more requests for a set schedule. As of now, my question has been mostly ignored...

Lina: Wow, I can't believe Fenrir was that clue-less...but I kinda liked it that way rather then all knowing and all that. Wonderful chapter and I can't wait to see what he does when he finally realizes what his pack was really doing to his Harry. Considering how much I love your stories, itchar should be good! :)

Exactly, Fenrir is the Alpha but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t make mistakes... Thank you. I hope you’ll like the next chapter...

Whitewolfie: Just wanted to say the latest chapter was as good as all the previous, and that im looking forward to the story's continuation.

Thank you! I hope you’ll enjoy the next chapter as well...

linika: This story, and Basic Needs is one of the best Fenrir/Harry fictions I have ever read, and it's just getting better and better. I can't wait to see how Fenrir is going to get out of this mess that he has created for himself.

Thank you very much! I’m sure Fenrir will find a way. He was never good at taking no for an answer...

Missi_Young: Somehow, I blame you for this new FG/HP fetish of mine lol. I read Basic Needs on another archive recently (I believe that I reviewed there as well, under missianne) and when I saw a sequel here I just had to read it. I love your work, and can't wait until Fenrir realizes exactly what his prejudices have done!

So now it’s my fault? Very well, I can live with that :D ... I’m sorry if I don’t remember your review, but I’m very glad that you found the sequel and I hope you’ll like the next chapter... Thanks for your review!

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Unintentionally Yours

WolfPup5683:wonderful story, thanks for posting it.

Thank you and thank you for reviewing!

msremus119: I like this so far. I can imagine how badly Rudolphus was hurting from Bella's "fun". Is Tom ever going to get over his jealousy? Keep it up, you're really good.

Thank you, I'm glad you do! I don't think Tom will ever fully get over his jealousy (every relationship needs a little jealousy to spice things up, after all), but maybe he'll tone it down to a more healthy level....

Madame de Coeur: I really loved thiss story!!!!! I wish there was a way to favortie this one. Great plot, character interaction everything. Great job!!

Thank you! I thought there was a way to favourite stories on affnet - not that I ever figured it out... Anyway, I appreciate the thought :) And I guess you found me again...

Princess Kay: Woohoo! I finally finished it after... a week! yay! I loved it! However, I am sad we don't get to meet the kid or find out if both Harry and the kid make it. :rolleyes: I'm going to assume they do. But otherwise, BRAVO!! :D

Yes, it's kind of long, isn't it? Thank you! I had to leave a little bit up to your imagination...

Jennifer: I know you wrote this a while ago, but I just recently came upon it, and spent the last week reading it. I must say, you really know how to write a great yarn, and how to pull someone in. You were really vicious in your description of Harry's rapes, and really brought to head the fears and feelings a repeatedly raped victim goes through. Sometimes people forget how the victims feel. Most of the time, people don't want to know or to understand.......Thank you for bringing to light a really disturbing fact of life, that some people don't even want to consider.

Thank you. I tried my best with the descriptions and feelings. I don't know if they're are accurate or not, but after all everyone reacts and feels differently and what I wrote seemed to go with my characterisation of Harry... I'm not sure if it's even possible to understand rape or to fathom what the victims go through. You think that what happened to them is horrible, scary as hell, something that changes people, but in the end it's only guess work. You can't understand and of course, in a way, you don't want to understand because understanding would mean that it would happen to you, too. It doesn't mean you don't want to help, though... Anyway, I'm rambling, sorry. I'll just say thank you for your review and shut up.

Anon: wow, this wqas really good!!!!! random thought... since sirius is harry's godfather, doesent that mean he would have had custody of harry after he was pardoned? dumbledore has no real relationship to harry, and so shouldnt have any control over him... or did i mis something important... that is actually more likely...

Thank you.... Hm, it's really been a long time since I wrote that story so maybe this won't make any sense, but I think Dumbledore had custody of Harry in lieu of the Dursleys during the school year because, well, the Dursleys weren't really up to it. After the wedding, custody of Harry went to Voldie. So, yes, I guess for the time between Sirius' pardon and the wedding, Sirius could have assumed custody, but that would most likely have included a lot of paper work so why would he have bothered for those few days?... Thanks for your review...

These are only the review replies from the reviews I got in this year, so if you reviewed before that, I'm sorry but I probably won't reply individually. Nonetheless, I want to thank everyone for reading and reviewing and for all your encouragement! Thank you!


Care Less

Ri_love: I just reread this story, so I thought I'd review again. :)

I love their terms of endearment to each other. How Harry notices and understand every gesture of them, every shared look between them. That they call Harry 'angel' and 'raven' and 'theirs'. It's very good, and very interesting, to read a story like this, I think, because I don't think there's much out there of Rodolphus and Rabastan, and that's a shame because their names alone are just so cool. So it's good to read about them with Harry. Not to mention, it's pretty hot. XD

I'm glad that Harry's plan succeeded because the brothers, and Severus, do deserve their freedom. I'm very amused with the ending! I think I missed that last time. Did Severus see them having sex, or just the end, or when they were going to sleep, or what? Anyways, very good little fic. =] It's stayed in my mind for a while. XD


That's very thoughtful of you, thank you :D! I'm glad you liked their pet names for each other - I seem to have a fixation with those... No, I don't believe there're many stories with the Lestrange brothers out there, but then again they don't play a huge part in canon, either. *sigh* So much unused potential!... I would hope that Severus would have the decency to not stay and watch once he discovered what they were up to - though, he might have been unable to move for a bit, paralysed by shock, you know? :rolleyes:

Ashilily: I love it! This is so-o-o-o cute! I love how they treat him and how they love them so much.

Thank you! They're rather adorable, aren't they? I'm glad you liked it!


Four Words

hieisdragoness18: even though i wanted to strangle draco when he told harry he didn't love him though i understand him not wanting to hurt harry more because he's an idiot but hey there was a happy ending!

I think Draco felt that it was unfair of him to keep Harry in the dark about his (perceived) lack of feelings for him, which shows that he did care about him... I had to add a happy ending - I don't think I would have survived otherwise :rolleyes: Thanks for reviewing!

SecondStoreyStairwell: All I can say is that I loved it. Thank you sooo much for writing it. SSS

That's quite enough, thank you!

sarahsendoh: profound~pleasant~perfect~:)

Nice alliteration :D Thank you!


Winter and Ice

Kyle Evadne: OMG...OMG...OMG...OMG

i'm not even sure how long it took to read this entire story, i've been continuously reading this for like the past 2-3 weeks. I hadn't read any other stories i was following or even checked up on them until yesterday. I AM IN LOVE WITH YOUR CHARACTERS AND YOUR PLOT AND ESPECIALLY YOUR STORY!!!!!!!!

i almost wish i was reading this from when you were updating, but i don't think i could've truly dealt with those 'horrible'(well not horrible but i cant think of a word) cliff hangers you left...sometimes i would have to , even just for the night because it was too late to keep reading, and i needed some sleep.

OMG i dont know what to say, besides repeating the fact that i love this story.

it had all the perfect twists and turns and it ended so wonderously...i've been laughing, (almost) crying, angry, happy...its just been this amazing roller coaster ride that was just amazing.lol, i'll stop rambling on now. great story!!!! -Kyle

PS-i jus wanted to say that the story i'm working on now is H/L/D, also, even though i think i might have some more incesty type stuff between them in the future. but if you would like to read it, and comment on mine as well, i would be very pleased... can't say it enough GreaT StorY -Kyle

Wow, thank you :D Though, thank you is kind of lame considering how very flattering your review is... I guess, I'll just have to say it again. Thank you! Thank you! Still kind of lame, but what can I do? I'm a bit overwhelmed... I'll try to check out your story when I have the time, though it might take a little while and I'm not very good at reviewing. Just to warn you... For now, I just wish you a lot of motivation and inspiration for your story! Good luck and happy writing!

Brandi Potter-Malfoy:I just wanted to tell you that I loved this story. I thought you did a great job and I never wanted to stop reading once I started and would stay awake till my eyes couldnt take anymore so I could like now. I just had to finish. Just wanted to let you know. XOXO

Thank you. I'm happy you liked it, though I'm a bit concerned about your health...

Raie: After a couple days of reading, I just finished reading this great story. Everytime I read something that made me question or that confused me, I just hunged in there, kept reading and all was cleared up. I did have a bit of a worry that Harry would unconciencly slid into a spoil brat syndrom. He had plenty of reasons to get upset at the guys at times, especilly with what happened to him... but everytime something happened that upset him, the guys would bend over backwards to please him. It would have been so easy for them all to get stuck in that awlful groove of Harry throwing a tantrum or just getting upset and then getting his way to settle him down. I am so happy that it didn't happen. I really loved the way you put the whole story together. The flow from future to past then back to future was smoothe and easy to keep up with. I like to believe that a baby is on the way. I like the way you left that up to each reader to decide. I also like the fact that you made Luc and Draco so close yet keep the love intrest centered on Harry. I look forward to reading more of your works. :D

Thank you, I'm glad I managed to clear up any confusion... It was a bit of a balancing act to keep Harry and the Malfoys from falling into a sort of routine because I did want Harry to be a bit moody, emotional and fragile, but I didn't want Harry to start taking advantage of the Malfoys wanting to help and support him... I'm glad you liked the way it turned out... Thank you!

Mila: Ch. 20 “... and above all,” they chorused, “eat no lemon drops.” Lol'ed at that :D

Thank you! I'm glad I could make you laugh...

Ray 4 Ever: I just started to get into HP fanfics, and i found this one. Obviously I love yaoi and I love unusual pairings. i've been reading this story straight for 3 days. There were a few times I wanted to strangle Draco in the beginning because to me he was acting like a selfish brat, even if he did it out of love for Harry. Overall, I kind of liked Lucious. You went so in depth with the character development, I felt like I really new them (even though I haven't finished all the HP books). I actually liked how you made Ron a traitor because you don't often see him as a bad guy. I pretty much liked everything about your story from the little surprises for Harry to the interactions between all of the characters. I also liked how you made the maruders. Good writing.

You thought Draco was selfish? That comes as a surprise to me, I always thought he was very chivalrous... But I'm glad you liked Lucius and aren't disappointed with ron being the traitor. I mean even in the books, Ron's not the most loyal of friends, is he? Thank you!

mandee89d: OMG! I absolutely positively ADORE Nightmare... she's so snarky and brilliantly awesome!

Thank you! I'm glad you like her so much :-)

Ch. 45

/I don’t like them!/ Nightmare retorted. /I just happen to know that you like them and that they more than like you back. That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t exchange them for a cooked carrot, given the chance./

A cooked carrot LOL... You're bloody brilliant and an excellent author and I love your writing and all the characters... but, Nightmare is like my very FAVORITE character... so snarky... so "snape-ish"

Do you think you can write a story where your main pairing is Harry & Severus? I'm madly in love with Sev and I'm dying for a GOOD story about the two of them... maybe even a genderbender with a fem. Harry... (makes fantasizing and daydreaming easier :rolleyes: I mean a girl can dream, can't she? and I'll give you my very own *bambi eyes*...

Cheers, Mandee

I didn't even remember that quote :-)... Thank you very much! It's kind of telling, though, isn't it, that Nightmare and Snape mutually dislike each other... And no, sorry, I'm really not a huge fan of Snarry. I don't know somehow I just can't imagine them together and the one time I wrote something in the direction of them having a relationship (Crepererum), poor Sevvie ended with a broken heart :)... I wouldn't want to put him through that again...

Tsuzuki Aralaiqualasse Asato: May I ask is Harry pregnant? A lot of stomach touching I see.... Hope you reply ^^ I love a fic where Lucius and Draco both Harry lovers but both have to sexual relation only father and son,

Ah, so you noticed :-). Yes, I was alluding to Harry being pregnant, but I wanted to leave it vague enough so that it could be read either way... I can't really imagine Draco and Lucius having a sexual relationship, especially as they had enough problems to overcome with their father-son-relationship... Hope this reply doesn't come too late...



momoko: wonderful story

Thank you!

Sevslittlesecret: That was such a wonderful story! ^-^ I used to only like Harry and Sev (it's still my fav) Harry and Lucius and Harry and Voldie. You basically put my favs in here and most of them didn't die! ^-^

Oh the reason why I have told you what pairings I like (besides crossovers) is that this is my first Harry and Sirius story and you have now made me a favoirte of this pairing too! ^-^

Thanks for making such a wonderuful story!

Thank you for your review! I'm glad I could make you like this pairing and I'm sorry for killing Voldie. I like him, too, you know, but I couldn't allow him to cause further trouble...

Zie: hello, i just wanted to say that i am absolutely in love with this story. though the world is completely miles and miles away from any reality, the struggle hits very close to home. i also think that one of my favorite songs fits perfectly with your story. its called I Felt Free and its by Circa Survive. it would be totally fucking awesome if you had already heard it, but if you haven't then you should. And re-read like chapters 29 to the the end while you listen. it made me cry... hah but i am a little baby. anyways just wanted to share some music and thank you for your beautiful work.

much love, zie

Thank you! I listened to the song and I liked the lyrics :rolleyes:... I'm a cry baby as well, which can be kind of frustrating when I'm trying to write something but can't because I'm too busy sniffing...


Basic Needs

Hige: Oh man... I wish you have written more to this story... Maybe a continuation of how they escape and maybe some scenes with Volde and harry? anyways, good work

I know it took me a long time, but I'm now writing on the sequel :D Maybe I'll see you there. Thank you!

VellaAngelik: This was totally awesome. I loved how you wrote the pair! So sweet!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the story!

Seacilin: I've read your work before however, this is the first time I have r&r'd a FG/HP fic of yours. I think the story was right to end here, it felt like the right time to end it although, I think maybe that Harry's change of heart did too fast a 180 for me. Still impressive and as usual your character development puts the rest to shame.

Thank you. I wanted it to end there and I'm glad you agree with me... Harry's change of heart, I don't know, I mean it's been more than half a year and he came to visit Fenrir quite frequently - he wouldn't have done so if he didn't like him... Thanks :rolleyes:

HentaiZaru: I loved it, it was highly entertaining.

I'm glad you enjoyed it, thank you!

mithrilandtj: This so needs a sequel!

And you found it!

dragonlady: i loved it and would of liked more

Thank you and there's now a sequel.

Ri_love: I really, really enjoyed your story. It made me see Fenrir Greyback in a completely different way, and I really thought a lot more on what his character could be. Harry as well was quite different from the norm, and with good reason. I can't believe he's gone through all that! God. Can you imagine...? Well, obviously, you CAN imagine if that really happened, you wrote this! XD Anyway, just the betrayal of it, of being thrown into Azkaban for the murders of your family that you didn't even commit, being tortured and imprisoned because he doesn't WANT to kill someone, that he has compassion for the other side. It's a wonderful thing that he has so much compassion for human beings, but terrible in what it forces him to live through.

Anyway, I really enjoyed your story, all of the 'basic needs' of life incorporated in there. It all made complete sense, and I was so happy when Harry finally accepted that they're supposed to be together. One question I have though: All of these plans Harry was making... Why do they have to escape that way? Like it was stated, they have Dobby. Dobby can Apparate them all out of there at any time.

Anyway, great story.-Ri

Thank you! I'm glad my characterisations of Fenrir and Harry made sense... About your question: I just assumed that Harry wouldn't want to put Dobby in any more danger. I mean Dobby is still working at Hogwarts, right under Dumbledore's nose. Of course Dobby could have popped them out, but then there would have been an investigation and they might have been able to trace the magical signature... That's my explanation, anyway...

misto713: Somehow I hoped Harry bit that bastards thing off completely :P That would have been interesting :) Especially seeing guard from hell trying to come up with an excuse of just how exactly did he get his penis chewed off by one of the prisoners.

I already read some Fenrir/Harry stories, but I like yours so far the most of them all. Only, can you upload it somewhere else than on adultfanfiction? Hate this page, so unpleasant and hard to navigate. How about hpfandom.net? Or TheSilverSnitch.net? Or Ficwad.com... It is just by someone else giving me the link to this story that I even know of its existence.

My, you're cruel! Though, that explanation would have been interesting :D... Thank you! But no, I won't upload my stories anywhere else. I have an account on fanfiction.net as well, which I think is pretty easy to navigate...

The end already? :D But still was a great story, even though a little short by my standards. :D

That's why there's a sequel :) Hope your friends tells you about it...

mrequecky: Yay, absolutely loved!

Thank you!


Basic Wants - Chapter 5: Forgiveness

mrequecky: Loved! :(

Thank you! Glad to hear that :cheers:

lazybean: ahh he understands man if i where harry though i would so become moldies heir power is awsome

:samurai: Never heard of the expression "power corrupts", have you? Thanks for reviewing...

dragonlady: love it please update as soon as possible

Thank you! Hope you'll like the next chapter!

luv-blonde-bunny: yay!!! YAY, YAY, YAY!!! i'm so happy to see that u wrote a sequel to Basic Needs ^^ i was really sad when i thought that such a great story w/ such wonderful potential was simply done

I'm glad I could make you happy! I hope you'll like the sequel as well...

Missi_Young: do love this chapter, as a matter of fact, although I'm a bit disappointed in Fenrir for not following through with his instincts and listening to Remus instead. He knew how close Harry felt to Travers, how could he possibly not think that Harry would go find the man?! And don't even get me started on Voldemort's stupidity! lol, yes, you are responsible, and I couldn't be happier! Thank you so much for the amazing update, and I happily await the next. And don't worry about not remembering my other review, I can't even remember what it said! lol

Hm, I thought it was rather sweet that Fenrir listened to Remus and admitted that maybe someone else does know Harry a little better than he himself does... And why exactly is Voldie stupid? He thought himself very cunning, let me tell you... Thanks for the review and I hope you'll like the next chapter...


Four Words

Amiyom: Beautiful. I cried my eyes out. Very nicely done.

Thank you, need a handkerchief? I'm glad you liked it...

thrnbrooke: Just had to reread!!! Wonderful!!!

:samurai: Thank you!

Posted (edited)

Basic Wants - Chapter 6: Closure

qwerty: Dumbledore? Ron? Fudge? Rita? Hmmm... Good chapter!

Nope, not at all :( Thank you...

Varjo: I'm guessing it was either Dumbledore, a Weasley or Sirius... if he's still alive, can't remember... Anyway, it has to be someone close or you wouldn't be making it out to be such a big shock for poor Harry. I'm expecting for Harry to try to kill himself when he finds out, it wouldn't follow the path if he didn't... Anyway, good writing once again, keep up the good work!

:samurai: No, no, no! *pout* You mean person, you! That's... That's unfair! You cheated! Do you even care that I was planning to make tiramisu? Do you? Well, let me tell you, you ruined that plan! Instead I had to edit the next chapter in a hurry just so that I can post it now. And all that because you had to guess right! Mean! :cheers: You better be proud of yourself because you're the only one who guessed right... Huh, well, that makes me feel better :)... Okay, fine, I can be a fair loser: Congratulations! And I hope you like the next chapter, even though not all your predictions will come true...

dominique1: will albus for money or moody tonks are maybe kingley only because in order for them to do it they would have to be allowed past the wards i didn't pick the weasley because that would be to easy granger for the same reason but if am wrong about the weasley than i would say minnie

No, none of the above, though I like the Minnie suggestion :)

lazybean: i'm gunna guess ginny just for the hell of it

As much as I don't like her, no.

TRG: I feel like Fudge ordered their deaths. But maybe I'm wrong.

Maybe you're right... about being wrong :P... Fudge, I don't think he's even mentioned in the story...

Edited by Dinkel

Basic Wants - Chapter 7: Family

yaoigirl: I love your story and can't wait until you update but I have one question why is Harry so moody? It seems like he's always jumping from happy to mad for no apparent reason. Hope you update soon.

Thank you, I'm glad you like the story so far. And I think right now, Harry is really on edge because of the whole Sirius-situation and some of the things Fenrir says or does seem like a threat or an insult to him even though that never was Fenrir's intention. But all in all, Harry appreciates everything Fenrir does for him and he tries not to drag everyone down with him... Hope that made sense!

myniephoenix: Loving this!!!

Thank you! :)

mrequecky: Oh my, what a chapter :D Loved!

Thank you! I hope you'll like the next chapter as well...


Basic Wants - Chapter 8: Victory

mithrilandtj: Geez, Sirius was the one? What was he thinking killing the Dursleys? Ad why didn't he step up when Harry (his GODSON) was arrested?

Uhu, all good questions that will be answered in time... Have a bit more patience...

Missi_Young: total awesomeness, but I still don't like sawyer...

:rolleyes: Thanks, and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to convince you of Sawyer's good qualities...


Basic Wants - Chapter 9: A Shoulder to Cry On

PG: Hey, just got an account on the forums to be able to see if you gave out any clues there... I'm addicted, that's for sure! I should go to bed, my classes starts tomorrow... But you deserve a longer review! :)

I'm willing to bet Harry's pregnant already. Whilst I understand anyone can get sick from seeing that dead rabbit and the blood pouring down, it feels more like a sign of his pregnancy.

And to your reply earlier, I LOVE the warnings XD I love mpreg stories, pretty much feed on them! Well, them and chocolate, lol...

Fenrir is adorable when he's jealous... And Sawyer is mean to Harry. But considering the special treatment Harry gets, I kinda understand him, in a way. But still, Harry is my fav. Especiallyifhe'spreggers,sopleasesayhe'spreggers,please.

I can't wait for more, so HURRY! :D I'm greedy and needy and I want more!

Love! PG/PGJ

Clues? No, not so much. That would ruin the surprise, now wouldn't it? Oh, no, not that I'm not happy about long reviews because I am, but I wouldn't want to miss sleep because of me... Hm, maybe he is or maybe he's just sick... Hm, chocolate :) I don't think Sawyer is trying to be mean, but Harry's arrival made his life a whole lot more complicated. Of course, he isn't too thrilled about it... :lol: All right, I'll update...

Anon: love it update soon plz

Thank you!

mrequecky: Awesome chapter!!!

Glad you liked it :)

linika: this really is the best Fenrir/Harry Series around, There certainly ain't enough of them. I look forward to every new chapter!

Thank you very much! :P I'm glad you like it so much. Enjoy the next chapter!

dominique1: i love it i do hope that sirius has a good reason why he killed harry family i do hope that harry is pregger's now and what about what happening with the death eather that stay

Sirius certainly had a reason, but if it's a good one... You mean the ex-prisoners? Well, they'll hav e to live with their choice, won't they?

Madam Coffee Kitty: Alright, alright! I give already, enough with the puppy-dog eyes! This was a really good chapter and I really enjoyed it. I am happy that Harry is back with Remus; I'm also hoping that Sirius and Harry will work out their problems. I would hate for Sirius to be alive only to be hated through the whole story. I can't wait to read more! I wish you good luck, good health, and happy writing! There, are you happy now!?! Sheesh! LOL.

P.S. I had a lot of fun writing this review. I hope you have even more fun writing the next chapter.

:lol: Glad they worked! Thank you. I'm afraid I like Sirius far too much to leave him in the dog house for more than a few chapters... Thank you! Honestly, I didn't mean to guilt-trip you into reviewing - glad it worked, but really didn't mean to... And yes, I had fun writing the next chapter, a few problems as well, but I like a challenge...

Evil Cliffhanger Lady: So, just got into the whole Harry/Fenrir pairing, and I really like this fic and the prequel. Lots of angriness and sex, and a Harry/Remus relationship that I love. Keep it up, hon.


Thank you! I'm glad you liked Basic Needs and Fenrir and Harry's relationhip... Hope you'll enjoy the next chapter!

Ladyal: Seeing as you asked so nicely... I think your story is brilliant! Can't wait for the next installment

I did, didn't I? :) Thank you!!!

Kera-Izaki: Yea! Another Chapeter! ^^ Just what I need after a long day of school, lol XD Can't wait for teh next chapter!



Well, after a long day of school you certainly deserved a reward... And I think you need another reward before another long day of school! Thanks!

DYTY: Oh I can't wait till Fenrir finds out what Sawyer said.

Hm, do you think Fenrir would be angry? Because I think Fenrir, deep down, would agree with him...


Unintentionally Yours

ladyedgecombe: OMG I totally loved this story. It took me a week to read it (Real Life is a pain and interferes with my fanfic reading time) but I am so glad I found it.

Thank you! Yeah, Real Life can be rather annoying, always demanding attention, but all in all, it isn't so bad :P


Basic Wants - Chapter 10: Health

Sagotan: Just wanted to give you some choco coocies... hope you like them... I love this ff it's funny to read... but... how long will this go on... between Harry Fen Rem... won't his pack lose there respect for him? If he let Harry do what he want like that I mean...

alright... I think I will just have to wait what will happen, won't I?

see ya

yours Sagotan

Yummy! Thanks :shifty: And thank you again. I think they all know that if Fenrir wanted to he could make both Remus and Harry submit - so instead of losing their respect for him, shouldn't they be asking themselves why he doesn't? I guess you will...

Sirin Black: i'm loving this fic! harry/fenrir is my fav couple :)

Thank you! I'm glad you like it!

mrequecky: Yay, totally loooved the last chapters! So cool :D

:samurai: Thank you!

Missi_Young: *hands you my super secret awesome seven layer cookies* I know I just keep reviewing and saying that this fic is awesome, but that's because it continues to be awesome! I am worried about Harry's illness and the way it's lingering and really hope Poppy has something good to say! And Sirius! Oh, don't get me started! That pendejo knows what Azkaban's like, how dare he get Harry sent there? I love possessive wolfie alpha Fenrir, and i love that he's learning to temper that with what passes for affectionate consideration where Harry's concerned-I worried about a pack uprising for a few chapters, but now it occurs to me that by teaching his pack a form of love and tolerance that's only going to make them stronger in the end. I still adore this fic, and look forward to more!

Yay! I think it will be difficult to eat, but yay! Thank you! Sirius will be in the next chapter, trying to explain himself. Let's see how well he does that... I don't think that the only thing holding Fenrir's pack together is Fenrir's authority; I think they have a really strong bond regardless of the pack hierarchy... Thank you again!


Updates Basic Wants

I decided to update more regularly (which is an euphemism for less often).


  1. I've been having a bit of trouble with the last few chapters, and since I don't want to ruin this story, I want to give myself a bit more time in future.
  2. My prof oh-so-considerately lent me 10 books and though I don't have to read them all, I have to read as many as it takes to find the right one, which, knowing my luck, could be all of them :samurai:
  3. I'm lazy and since this is my holiday, I fully intend to continue to be lazy because otherwise I'll be all powered out at the beginning of the semester, which would have a series of unfortunate consequences and thus, has to be avoided at all costs.

=>I'll update once a week, every Saturday.

Thanks in advance for your understanding! :shifty:



Unintentionally Yours

Rose Creighton: I'm pretty sure I've reviewed this before... but I can't remember, and I just reread the whole thing and I still love it. ^_~ I wish more people would be like you and finish really long awesome stories. Shoot, I wish I could be more like you and finish some of my stories that I've gotten half way through. Of course I'm just not that awesome, but enough rambling about me and my problems. I just wanted to say that you did a great job with this story, as well as probably a few of your other ones that I'm almost positive I've read. At the same time I've been rereading a lot lately so you'll probably get some rambling reviews on some of the other ones in a few days or so... Heh, I don't know why I keep rambling on like this. Boredom and Lonliness probably. Anyways, great story. Keep up the great work if your working on something. If your not working on something maybe you should be. I need more amazing completed stories to keep me occupied when my boyfriend ditches me to go hang out with his best man friend.... Again with the rambling... I'm gonna stop typing right.... NOW!!

Oh, I don't mind you reviewing twice, don't worry :) Thank you! Hm, I can understand that some people have problems finishing their stories - me, I'm just too stubborn and proud to give up :shifty:... Good luck and motivation for your stories! I'm sure you can do it! Besides, I don't mind rambling reviews; they're amusing... I'm working on something - I should probably consider myself lucky because that almost sounded like a threat :samurai: ... Don't be too hard on your boy-friend; I think boys just need to be boys, you know? And that doesn't work too well if there're girls around...


Basic Wants - Chapter 11: (Good) Reasons

mrequecky: Loooved!

Thank you! (I feel like I should add a few more u's, but I tried it, and it looked weird...)

tamikolee: Luv, luv,luv this story :spank:

Thank you! I'm glad you do and hope you'll like the next chapter as well!!

Sirin Black: B) you can't leave a cliffy like that :P nice chapter!

:jaws: Oh, I can and I did. Besides, it wasn't really a mean cliff hanger, was it? Thank you!

Basic Wants - Chapter 11: (Good) Reasons

mrequecky: Loooved!

Thank you! (I feel like I should add a few more u's, but I tried it, and it looked weird...)

tamikolee: Luv, luv,luv this story :spank:

Thank you! I'm glad you do and hope you'll like the next chapter as well!!

Sirin Black: B) you can't leave a cliffy like that :P nice chapter!

:jaws: Oh, I can and I did. Besides, it wasn't really a mean cliff hanger, was it? Thank you!

laiko: I love this pairing. It's nice that Harry has someone who will watch over him, protect him if he would just let him. I found it realistic that Harry isn't certain if he can forgive his godfather. He's confusing the notion of forgiveness with accepting or condoning Sirius' behavior with his own love for his godfather. It is sad that Harry can let himself be happy with Fenrir if he can't be accepted or useful by the pack. That little pity party needs to come to an end, but not too soon - I like angst. Great job on the story. Just wanted to point out one thing I think is a mistake. “Good,” Harry said forcefully, bringing a grimace to David’s face. “I couldn’t like a person who can emphasise with a rapist.” You meant "sympathize" right?

laiko: I love this pairing. It's nice that Harry has someone who will watch over him, protect him if he would just let him. I found it realistic that Harry isn't certain if he can forgive his godfather. He's confusing the notion of forgiveness with accepting or condoning Sirius' behavior with his own love for his godfather. It is sad that Harry can let himself be happy with Fenrir if he can't be accepted or useful by the pack. That little pity party needs to come to an end, but not too soon - I like angst. Great job on the story. Just wanted to point out one thing I think is a mistake. “Good,” Harry said forcefully, bringing a grimace to David’s face. “I couldn’t like a person who can emphasise with a rapist.” You meant "sympathize" right?

Hey, thanks. I'm glad you found Harry's emotional state to be realistic :) I had one reviewer who pointed out to me that Harry was being selfish for causing both Remus and Fenrir so much trouble with his inability to fit into the pack. Well, that's my response because I don't think that Harry is trying to be mean or even does it on purpose. He wants to fit in - but without giving himself up... I'm glad you like angst because there's sure to be a lot more of it :D ... Yes, I meant "sympathise", thanks for pointing it out, and I made the corrections! See you next chapter!


Basic Wants - Chapter 12: Bias

mrequecky: Yay, loved >D

Thank you! Hope you'll enjoy the next chapter as well!

Anon: Yay! The part I've been waiting for is comming up. I'm looking forward to Harry's reaction. How he's going to tell Fenrir. Whether Harry is going to curse him. Whether Poppy puts him on bed rest for the next 8 months. How the entire pack will suddenly coddle him since he's carrying their alpha's cub, well except for maybe that jelous bitch.

Oo, is the babe going to be a werewolf? and will (s)he turn the 'mother' into one too?

I can just picture it. Harry chasing the poor alpha around firing off hexes all the while cursing his lover. "You couldn't get me to agree to being turned, so you got your spawn to do the dirty work."

I'm looking forward to finding out. O the possibilties.

;) Yes, we're getting to that part, though you'll need a bit more patience... Well, the baby will at least be part werewolf, right? But what that means for Harry, I won't reveal yet :)... I like that mental image, but I think Fenrir would be more likely to stand there, with his hands raised, and try to reason with Harry (all the while with a smug grin on his face)...


Basic Wants - Chapter 13: Invincibility

brunehilda: I think this story is really good. I wouldn't abandon it. I usually only review when something really exciting or significant happens in a story. Keep up the good work though, I can't wait for Harry to find out hes pregnant.

Thank you. I’m not going to abandon the story because I like it. I just wanted to know if someone else does too… Let’s see if maybe I can make something review-worthy happen in the next few chapters…

ereieke: no don't stop writting this is one of my favorite stories.

Thank you! I’m glad I made it onto your favourite list…

mls1971: love this story keep up the good work!!!!!!!

Thank you! Hope you’ll like the next chapter!

EvaNone: I understand you have crisis, but I hope you don't think your stories are not liked. Since I discovered fanfics couple of years ago, your stories were on my favourite list. So don't be depressed at lack of revievs. Your readers are just speachless from envy and admiration.

I wouldn’t call it a crisis. That sounds so harsh... Let’s call it a mild case of self-doubt… But I quite like your explanation, makes me feel special... Thank you!

Jennifer: I don't review every chapter. I think it gets kind of repetitious if I kept saying something over and over again. Your story is really good and you shouldn't need reviews on all your words. You are writing because you enjoy it. You are doing this for yourself. What others feel or think shouldn't matter. I know that you are looking for appreciation from your readers, but unless you see your hits slowing down and less people actually reading, then you have to worry about people not liking your work.

You know, I agree, in theory at least. Of course I’m writing for myself, because I enjoy it. But that’s not why I decided to put my stories online. I do that because I want to know what others think of my ideas, my character development, my writing , and yes, also because it feels incredibly good to read that people enjoy your story and can’t wait for another update. So maybe it shouldn’t matter what others think or if I get reviews or not, but it kind of does. As for the hit count, I never really pay attention to that. Maybe I should… Hm… And I understand if you don’t feel like reviewing every chapter.

dioeraclaire: i love your story! keep going! however, i don't believe in giving my own ideas on what should happen next- it's your story, and i'll follow it wherever you decide to go!

Thank you! So much faith in poor little me…

mithrilandtj: I haven't stopped reading and I thoroughly enjoy this story. I just don't review every time you post a chapter. BTW is Harry pregnant?

Well, that’s good to know. You’ll have to keep reading, to find out…

Althydia: I'm really enjoying your story. Your characters are well developped and the relationship between Harry and Fenrir is very entertaining and not rushed. You take your time to build the plot and I think you're doing justice to Harry's personality and the ambiguous feelings he may have towards people who were close to him before his ordeal. I was quite glad to find Fred and George here, who I've always seen as really supportive of Harry (in the books I think they are often more supportive than Ron and less overbearing than Molly). To be perfectly honest, I have never been overly attached to Sirius in canon - although I didn't expect him to have been the murderer of the Dursleys in your fic, but you did a good job explaining his reasons and state of mind - and I've always preferred Remus, so I'm very glad he is Harry's father figure in your story. I do hope Harry will finally see Madam Pomfrey in the next chapter because I'm waiting for the mpreg and all the consequences it will have on H&F's relationship. You'd raise new issues with this development, like Harry's living arrangements (although they seem to already be a bit of an issue - but I'm really intrigued by the solution you'll choose for that particular problem). Fenrir would probably want him with him, but I can't see Harry perfectly happy with the other werewolves and he will still want to check on David (nice character, by the way) and the others at the castle, right? So I'm very much looking forward to the next chapters and the reactions of the different characters (particularly Harry, Fenrir and Remus) to a potential pregnancy. Also, I'm starting to miss Fenrir... Wouldn't it be great if Harry and him were more honest about their feelings for each other? But no pressure, it's your story, and a very good one at that!

Thank you! I quite with what you said about the twins. Even in canon, Ron isn’t the most reliable of friends and often feels overlooked. The twins create their own limelight, so they don’t feel threatened if Harry gets a lot of (unwanted) attention. Actually, Sirius is one of my favourite characters, but I think as a father figure, Remus is much better suited… Harry’s pregnancy will raise some questions and cause some trouble (of course), but living arrangements is not on the top of my list… I’m afraid you’ll have to miss Fenrir a little longer, sorry. And yes, it would be great if Harry and Fenrir would talk about their feelings and drop all pretence, but where would that leave my story?

Michelle: I love your story. In fact I'm always looking for an update, please don't stop writing it!

Thank you! I won’t stop writing, don’t worry!

Moon: if you want reviews this isn't really the good site, the best is ff.net ^^ it's easier to post reviews there. but, don't worry, your story is really good ;)keep writing like that, it's great :rofl:

Hm, I know that you get more reviews on ffnet, and I’m posting there as well, but I was wondering why so few reviewed here. Anyway, it’s good to know that with enough whining, I can get a reaction out of you... Thank you!

tamikolee: I love this story. You got me hooked on Harry/Fenrir, I had never read one before BN. The last few chaps have kind of felt like filler chaps because they are dealing with other character interactions with Harry, not with Fenrir. I have a good idea why I think Harry is sick, and if it is, I can't wait for Fenrirs' reaction to the news. As a reader I'd like to have Harry back with Fenrir ASAP, but I have no patience lol. Keep going, this is a great story.

I’m glad I could get you interested in the pairing… Hm, I see what you mean about the last few chapters, but if you believe me or not, some of the things they dealt with will be important in future chapters… Well, I’ll be testing your non-existent patience for another chapter. Thank you!

Blackcrimsomerose: I usually do not review on this website because I'am not signed up for it, and usually the authors I do read on this site, you have to be signed in. So I usually don't think of reviewing. I really do enjoy this story very much, and read every chapter when it is updated. Even if I do not review. I'am still cheering on this story and would really love to see where it goes!

It’s good to know that you like the story! I hope you’ll like the next chapter!

Anon: as to why the few reviews it may be that there has been little fenrir-harry interaction in the last couple chaps

That’s a thought. Thank you!

Under Draco: I like this story. I'll review every chapter i read from now on. Sorry for not reviewing earlier. I like the interaction between Voldemort and Harry and i'm just waiting to see how it all plays out. Draco needs to grow up. I'll review more and better when i'm not typing one handed.

Under Draco

Thank you, but you don’t have to do that. Don’t get me wrong, it’d be great, but that wasn’t my aim. Review if you feel like it (or if I sound really depressed) and just enjoy the story… I’m glad you like the Voldemort-Harry-interactions… I hope you were just eating or balancing a tea pot…

sassmacfru: don't know why you are not getting reviews. I tend to be a lurker but I have been following this story since the first one and do want to see this one continued. I am enjoying it, the only complaint i have is more updates B)

I’m not much closer to an answer either... Oh, well… It’s good to know that you like the story so far. As for more updates, no can do, sorry!

mrequecky: Still totally love this story!!! I always click the rating thingy, too :D Wonder what Voldi will do with Fred and George...

Thank you! What would I do without you? :)

qwerty: Good chapter! I think the general trend is to review less as any story progresses so it's not reflective of your work. I like how you're taking time to develop some of the other characters. Even though I love Harry/Fenrir, it's nice to take a break once in a while (and that way the Harry/Fenrir moments aren't overdone and become uninteresting!) Keep going!

Thank you! But… Most of my other stories were quite long as well, and I never noticed anything like this … I’m glad you don’t mind the lack of Fenrir too much, though I will try to get him back into the story as soon as possible…

Genevia: A lot of people don't like reviewing. If it's your second language, or in my case fifth, one may not feel overly confident in their language.

However, this is a Harry/Fenrir story, and whilst I like the way you develop characters, some of them are taking too much space from the actual pairing. I do like David, although it's very reluctantly that I'm starting to do so. Draco on the other hand... It does not feel that important to focus on him and David, it's not a pairing in my taste. Can't you make a side story in its own category, if you want to focus so much on them, and just do small side stuff here for when Harry visits him? I for one am here for the Harry/Fenrir pairing, Darling! ;P

Plus, you're staaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllling the thing I've been waiting the most for since I saw the warnings! XP The past like 5 chapters or so, I've thought that it'd FINALLY happen, but instead something about David or Sirius gets in the way. Don't get me wrong, I do love your writing and so, but I'm an impatient sonuvabitch! XD GIVE ME THE MPREG! :P YOU CAN'T STALL FOREVER XD

Your fifth language? I’m impressed. English is my second language as well, and that’s also part of the reason why I really appreciate reviews because I need some feedback… While I understand your concern of David taking too much space, he’s kind of important for the story – for the Fenrir/Harry story, that is. I might be focusing a bit too much on him right now, but I’m also setting the basis for what will happen in future chapters. And Draco will have his part to play as well. Thus, a side story wouldn’t really help you because you’d be forced to read it anyway to understand this story. Sorry! But I’ll try to get back to Fenrir and Harry as soon as possible… And yes, I’m stalling, I realise that... Give me one more chapter, and I’ll give you the mpreg… Deal?

Kera-Izaki: Hello ^^ I really liked this chapter, though I miss Feriner! XD Is Harry Pregers? :3

In truth, most people now aday's, most people review on the first chapter, and then do it no-more. It might take a while, but durring this time, new people are comming in and finding this story. Some'll review one, but other will become your loyal reviewers. Just give it some time, and make sure to beg and pleed XD I'll try to review every chap from now on ^^



(You also might also wanna put the chapter review reply link at the begining of every chap ^^ If they know they're getting a reply, their more likely t review :3 And it just makes eiser for us to get to them, insted of looking for the chap that has it ^^)

Harry pregnant? Why would you think that? Ah, okay, well, it seems I have to take my own advice and exercise patience… Begging and pleading, I can do that… And thanks for the tip, I’ll put the link in every chapter from now on!

Queen-of-the-Lore: NO!!!!! I love it! Don't stop writing

Besides I want Harry to end up preggers with Fenrir's cubs :) UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE

Its very well written and the whole being the reluctent Voldemorts heir thing is really cool

Hope to read more soon

Thank you and I won’t stop writing, don’t worry. Alright, update heading your way! Glad you like it so far…

Vibora: ahaha! @draco. (i really didn't want him with david ;P) awesome story! i love the rare fenrir/harry! there's so many emotions running through this story...wow. :) i like the characterization and you have wonderfully long chapters! and oh! is harry pregnant!? 8D i hope the pack accepts him soon.

i can't wait for more! great job!

(and no! this is not a boring story!)

No? Did you have someone else In mind? Thank you! I’m glad you like the long chapters and the characters… Hm, wait and see… Good to know…

Anon.: like reading stories more than reviewing them. I'm sorry if my lack of reviews bother you. I really like this story. Please keep going.

I can understand that, don’t worry… Thank you for reviewing!

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