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I am looking for a story involving Voldemort/Harry. The only part I really remember is the scene where Harry puts a bunch of Quidditch figurines up his ass and that Voldemort has an extremely long dick. I wish I knew more. Hopefully someone can help me.

EDIT: I have also now remembered that it had two sequels. Somewhere in the series Harry and Voldemort create decrees which help the wizarding world as well as the creatures. Hermione is unable to handle this and ends up losing her status as a witch.

Edit again: Actually the above part belongs to another story which I believe is Mirror Image and its sequels

Hope that helps someone find it for me. If it was taken down that's fine. I would just like to know so I can stop searching for it.

Edited by Dravanamyst
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  • 7 months later...

This is one of my all time faves, however it has been removed from AFF. The Admins removed it, as well as all other fictions posted by this person. I say person rather then author, because apparently many of their stories belonged to other authors. I've been trying to find this at other sites and have so far had no luck... Sorry I wasn't more help, but I truly hope you are able to find it! If you do find it, could you please give me a heads up!?

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This is one of my all time faves, however it has been removed from AFF. The Admins removed it, as well as all other fictions posted by this person. I say person rather then author, because apparently many of their stories belonged to other authors. I've been trying to find this at other sites and have so far had no luck... Sorry I wasn't more help, but I truly hope you are able to find it! If you do find it, could you please give me a heads up!?

Looking at the above post, if we removed for the reasons stated (in particular the part I bolded), plus the author account, it would be because the author PLAGIARISED others. The other alternative, that the author account is still here, would be most likely that the person is Hall of Shamed. Without knowing which author MuggleAngel is referring to, can't give you a more detailed answer than that.

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Guest wont u want to know

This is one of my all time faves, however it has been removed from AFF. The Admins removed it, as well as all other fictions posted by this person. I say person rather then author, because apparently many of their stories belonged to other authors. I've been trying to find this at other sites and have so far had no luck... Sorry I wasn't more help, but I truly hope you are able to find it! If you do find it, could you please give me a heads up!?

whats the name of the storie maybe i have it

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whats the name of the storie maybe i have it

I think I know who posted it... And I may have been wrong about it belonging to someone else. I'm pretty sure the author was Tesgura and the story was called Truth and it had two sequels. For some reason all of Tesgura's stories disappeared and they are curently reposting what they still have. I don't know if they removed the stories from AFF themselves, or if the admins did. But Tesgura's computer crashed and Truth is one of the stories that was lost... If you do have it, can you send it to me too.. Please and Thank You!

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