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I'm searching for two fics. I can't remember the Author or titles. The first one had Harry, Draco, Ron, Hermione and Blaise as aurors and they went undercover to investigate corruption in the ministery. Ron became involved with Susan Bones, who was actually a Polyjuiced Pansy. They moved to Switzerland(I think.) Harry and Draco found them and revealed Pansys' deception to Ron. Blaise took Hermione to get her hair done and buy a new wardrobe. They eventually became a real couple. The second fic Mrs. Weasley became a home-ec teacher at Hogwarts. Crabbe and Goyle were her top students. They ended up opening a bakery after they graduated. That's all I remember. Any help finding these fics would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.


The second one sounds like possibly the greatest idea for a Harry Potter fanfiction I have ever heard here. I hope someone finds it for you so I can have a read too!

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