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Just a quick note. I'm going away for a week or so. I'm going to try and get another chapter up before I leave on thursday but I don't want to rush these very important next few chapters. So0o0oooo, if I don't update by Thursday it won't happen until the week beginning the 7th. I must apologise for this delay as usual but it can't be helped. I feel you would rather I didn't rush and ruin it anyways ^_^

Sorry again for the hold up. It was great coming back to find more reviews even if some of them did leave me feeling a bit depleted.

The Dragoness- You are a star!!! Sorry u got the brunt of my writing angst in that email. I was feeling immensely insecure about my work. :( I always will. It annoys even me so thank you for putting up with me. Thank you also for defending me ^_^ It makes me feel better knowing someone is backing me :)

Lady Disdain- I am so relieved not only to hear from you but to be told that you still love my story! That is a huge boost! I hope you have been well, and you know what I'm like with updates. I'm too sporadical I know. I go like two weeks with three updates and barely any sleep and then i'll go over three months before my next update. Its stupidity on my part. If I pace it, write and wait so I always have an extra chapter then ppl wouldn't be as effected by it. But no0o0o00oooo I don't use my brain I post them asap and then check hourly for the next week or so just to see if i've got any reviews and did I upset anyone and do ppl feel I'm still keeping them in character. lol I wait anxiously every time I post and i wait for the criticisms and negative comments. lol. All in all I fail. I can write for myself and enjoy it but as soon as i put it up for anyone else's opinion I cringe and hide away lol.

As always thank you everyone for your continued support and thank you very much guys for your patience. I will have the next chapter up when I get back or just before I leave. :)

Lov lov everyone!

B xx

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