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Ah ha!

I just found this forum section and realised I've been posting in the wrong one (d'oh!)

Admin has asked that I use the forums to reply to reviews so does anyone think it would be a problem to use this area?

If not my fic is called

Serpent's Tongue's and Lion's Tails


I am currently looking for a beta so if anyone is interested (for the sake of the readers because my editing, spelling and grammer can be appauling at times) please let me know.

So, yeh, if anyone wants to discuss anything Draco/Hermione related whether its reguarding my fic or not then I would love to chat :2tubs:


(Sorry my pen name is Vixen71 but then i joined this forum a lil while ago and my screen names else where had changed to Rain... habbit :S)

  • 2 weeks later...



One more question for those with fresh eyes- Did I ever mention it was Middle of winter for this section? :S

Thank you those who replied and helped me with the previous questions. I was worried about how much interest there still was out there because since i was asked to put my review replies into a forum post rather than on here I felt there had been a lack of reviews. I wanted to judge whether that was me and my writing failing you, the readers/ you guys had gotten bored and disinterested in the fic/ people just don't like to respond on the forums.

starlight-x-A-x- Thank you so0o much for your input. Annoyingly I am aware of what you mean by Hermione's character and there has been a reason for this. However, I also acknowledge that this has been drawn out. Sadly it's mainly because of my condition and inability to churn out as regular updates as I wish to do. I now make sure my chapters are at least 12 pages long in a word document in size 12 times new roman, just to ensure that there is a lot in there and so that my readers do not feel i am writing random, short chapters. There has been a reason for the slowing down of the plot and the frustrating relationship between Hermione and Draco but I hope that this shall all become clear in the following few chapters.

I have written before about my current condition, disability and medical problems that prevent me from being as active as I would like and although I am not about to go into great detail I can give the example that three weeks ago I was on an operating theatre under general anaesthetic so all of the next chapter has been written around my recovery period :(

I really, greatly appreciate your review though and I don't think you'r a heartless bitch either. I really appreciate your honesty that you feel Hermione has begun to get annoying because, at this point that's fine but if it had gone on then I would be concerned. So thank you :)

thebrat- Thank you for reviewing as it always helps me judge how much interest there remains in my fic. It means a lot that you would review in answer to my question so thank you so0o0o much! :)

Aviendha- I am sincerely flattered. I must admit I have been very worried recently because of just how dark the fic went and I know that a lot of readers turned away at that point. it does concern me how dark I took it because the last thing i want to do is upset or offend anyone. However, it was my fic and it was in the plot and I felt it was nessecary. So along with my own doubts, the lack of interest in the forums and reviews to have you add an account to add your review means so0o much to me. It really does so thank you. thank you so0o much.

If anyone does want to discuss anything further you can reach me at:


Thank you

Sorry, im in the middle of writing the next update but I need help from a fresh pair of eyes. Did I ever mention how old Hermione and Draco are in this second part of the story? And have I ever reffered to Snape as Draco's godfather? :S

I'm a lil worried ppl have gone completely off of this fic. I'll carry on for those who would like me to but im worried that no ones reading it anymore :S Is this the case?

Sorry! Update sooooooooon!

B xxx



Hey y'all!

First and foremost I just want you all to know I GOT A NEW BETA!!! :D That's right. The fic shall now be gutted and edited and all those nasty, irritating mistakes shall be gone! mwahahahahhaaa! SlytherinGoddess http://www2.adult-fanfiction.org/forum/inde...c=15096&hl= Is the amazing new beta who will be making your reading experiences that much mor enjoyable. :) Please send her your love on the forums because without her the fic is even more annoying and full of my many ghastly mistake both spelling and grammar wise.

I also want to use this opportunity to tell you that, you may or may not have noticed; I am English. BUT I own a MAC. The Mac currently says NOOOO to any other language but American english... which, as you know isn't the same as English over here. Soooo I try to write in English as much as I can but if I need to spell check it comes up as American and some words are corrected in american english automatically. Sorry if this has caused annoyance or anything. I have tried to sort it but I do art... art and technology don't mix. there's that whole artist/technology curse thing going on, so really im just thankful this baby hasn't broken down on me yet. :) **hugs Mac**

Just a reply to the recent reviews:


Hello there.

Im sorry to hear about your recent time in hospital and your health worries I hope you are feeling better and recovery is going well.

I have in no way turned off from your story it is one of my fav. I personal love how dark you went with it in the second half and parts of the first. For me Draco and Hermione are a dark secrative explosive couple. And the you are one of the authors who portrays that for me.

I think I have said this before I will not read updates until you have finished the story as the story is very complex and and I have forgotten very key things that have happened in the first half. So I wnat to sit down and just read from start to finish then you will get a mamoth review. But i do really like this story

Thank you soooo much for sticking with me. You're one of a few readers who's name I remember from waaaaay back where you were reviewing regularly like a few others. It means so0o0o0o much to me that you've stuck with the fic and I really appreciate you reviewing to say you're still interested. I completely understand you wanting to wait until it's finished. I keep having to go back and re-read the fic to make sure I include the right info so it does take me a while, however, i'd rather keep to my plot bunny and take my time rather than bash out the story that doesnt match up with details in the first half. Thank you for your concern with my health and as I've said before if i wasn't struggling with everything in life due to my health issues I would have finished this fic by now. However, I am glad I haven't I love working on this fic. I started writing fanfics when I was in hospital (Search for all truths- old old bad bad fic) and got into this the summer before uni....it started back in 2007! :S ooops. So yeah, for everyone's sake I wish it didn't take so long. But on the plus the longer I've had to work on it the more story I've thought up and I really really really enjoy writing it. Dunno what I'll do when its finished :S

... Probably start another.

thanks again and talk soooon!


Wow! I just spent the last few days reading this fiction. It is fantastic. You are a very good storyteller! Very exciting plotline, I couldn't stop reading.

Please do continue. I absolutely love it.

thank you sooo much for adding your review. I'm really glad you like it! :D I dunno if you've read all of it so far and if you have i am really really appreciating it, but I hope that you liked every twist and turn it took you down. Its thanks to reviews like yours that I don't stop the fic and it really spurs me on with writing updates :) Thank you so0o much! I hope you enjoy the rest of it and I hope to hear from you again soon

The Dragoness

Im up to chapter 34... I can't put my computer down. I love your story!

Although i do hope in the end she will be light again and accept Draco, I'll keep reading!

I'm thrilled that you couldn't put the computer down! That is an amazing review for a writer to hear so thank you!!! I do tend to get a bit sucked into the 'zone' when I write it so I hope it does the same for you guys. As for what will happened to Hermione and Draco... ahhh there is a lot at play here and unfortunately you will have to wait and find out... Hopefully you won't have to wait that long tho


Thank you everyone for reviewing! And I hope to reply to you all personally but there will be times in which i cannot. This does not mean I'm ignoring you. I take each and every review I get very seriously, whether its just to ask me to update or whether its a serious crtique. I hope you all keep reading and enjoy the fic. As for now I'm seriously sleep deprived from my update and will be in need of much sleep. I hope to hear from you all soon reguarding the update. :)

Peace out guys! MWAH!

B xxx

I also want to use this opportunity to tell you that, you may or may not have noticed; I am English. BUT I own a MAC. The Mac currently says NOOOO to any other language but American english... which, as you know isn't the same as English over here. Soooo I try to write in English as much as I can but if I need to spell check it comes up as American and some words are corrected in american english automatically. Sorry if this has caused annoyance or anything. I have tried to sort it but I do art... art and technology don't mix. there's that whole artist/technology curse thing going on, so really im just thankful this baby hasn't broken down on me yet. :) **hugs Mac**

B xxx

I don't own a MAC but I've got the 2007 Word on my laptop. I'm Brit born but live in Australia. It took me 5 hours to get the spellchecker to be anything but US spelling. One of my pet peeves is American spelling, it just bugs the hell out of me and I refuse to use it. (I'm not saying that other people shouldn't use just that I won't) I also have the problem of not being very technically minded, and I don't have the excuse of being artistic (I can't draw a straight line :rolleyes: ).

I randomly stumble on forum topics and add my unwanted two knuts. Having said that I think I might go and give your story a read.

Keep on writing, even sporadically is better than none.


I don't own a MAC but I've got the 2007 Word on my laptop. I'm Brit born but live in Australia. It took me 5 hours to get the spellchecker to be anything but US spelling. One of my pet peeves is American spelling, it just bugs the hell out of me and I refuse to use it. (I'm not saying that other people shouldn't use just that I won't) I also have the problem of not being very technically minded, and I don't have the excuse of being artistic (I can't draw a straight line :rolleyes: ).

I randomly stumble on forum topics and add my unwanted two knuts. Having said that I think I might go and give your story a read.

Keep on writing, even sporadically is better than none.


Thank you for adding your two knuts and they're not at all unwanted! On the contrary any randomness is welcome here :) I find the american spell check annoying but have no idea how to turn it off and i'm just not 'down with the' technology these days. So if you do read it and come across it I do apologise :D I'm really glad you came to add a reply :) And even gladder that you might read the fic :) really hope you do and I look forward to hearing from you about it :D

B xxx


Ok so here's something special for you. Just a few sentences that were supposed to go into chapter 49 but some how didn't quite make it there. If you like this paragraph let me know and I'll see about fitting it into that chapter :)

On asking Hermione who she lost her virginity this was meant to be put in:

“Please tell me is wasn’t Weasley?” Draco asked in disgust and horror.

“Do you want me to tell you the truth, or just tell you it wasn’t Ron?” Hermione half-smiled in exasperation, still irritated by the question overall.

And this was meant to go in there somewhere but it just didn't happen. I may edit and put this back in coz it feels necessary to make the love making night more special.

"I’ve never been made love to Draco. Ever. With krum it was curiousity, teenage curiousity. Everyone had me up on such a pedestal back then, and they still do, that something like that seems so out of character and unusual. But perhaps maybe there’s the problem. Maybe if I hadn’t been placed upon the pedestal in the first place there wouldn’t have been such fucking decimation when I fell off of it."

What do you reckon? :)

B xxx


I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who's been supporting this fic! Especially to those who have been with me since the beginning.

Review Replies:

The Dragoness- I am ECSTATIC that I made you stay up till stupid-o-clock, although I do hope it didn't cause you any trouble :S I'm excited that you'r excited over the fic. It means I'm doing my job right doesn't it? :wub: I'm looking forward to the next couple of chapters so I will pleasantly await your reviews :):D I hope you keep reading. xxx **here, a cookie for you! :) **

Goldhorse: :D I'm soooooo happy you felt like that. SO happy. It means that I didn't mess up I hope :S It took me a long time to write and edit that chapter. i wanted it to be as perfect as it could be with me as the writer... which means it won't EVER be perfect. Your comment made me happy. :) I hope I did it up to everyone's standards.

Meeo: 'You left me teary and speechless. I'm in awe with this chapter. I'm sorry, but, I can't find the words... All I can say is, thank you for this masterpiece. This is amazing.' Reviews like yours and Goldhorse's are the reasons I write. This made my day completely. I was so dead chuffed :) Words can't describe how thankful I am to all of you, but to get a review like that? well, wow! :) Thank you.

Well well. What shall morning bring? Will they capture Potter? Remember if Granger mucks up then Draco will be punished for it. And will Ron EVER stop being a dickhead? ... Stay tuned!


margaritama- Thanks for getting back to me. I have already sent a msg to BreenieWeenie but not heard back sadly. But i hadn't heard of the other person so thank you v. v. much for that. Are you affiliated with them in any way? :) I looked at your profile and gasped. And then felt sooo darn happy. You have written so0o0o many great fanfics and it means so0o0o much to me that you would be reading mine :) Thank you Thank you Thank you :)

I hope you are enjoying reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.

The Dragoness.- :D Hello! I've replied to your email so thank you soooo very much for mailing me! :D That was a wicked surprise :) As for the synopsis it would be good if there was sommat that sums it up without giving much away. Like the whole, good versus bad, light vs dark and Draco vs Hermione. but not mention which side theyr on. Does that make sense? I'd like to think its sommat like what i've got up now where its only him that can save her. but it doesn't mention why or where or any real plot details. Does that make sense?


I'm working hard on the next chapter. I hope very much that everyone likes it. I'm eagerly awaiting your views, opinions and thoughts on here :)

B xxx

Again if anyone can add to any of this. Or wants to make a trailer vid. or write a synopsis please feel free to email me at


Lov lov!



MacPhisto- I hope you're liking the fic. :S from the first couple of reviews I thought you were but now I'm not so sure. I'm hoping that because you're stil reading that you're still enjoying it.

As for Blaise. I started this fic in 2007 and it was never in my mind gonna get this serious. Or this long. I'd read fics with Italian Blaise in long before I even took much notice of him as a character. It just kinda happened that in my head Blaise became this italian guy and I never did any research to find out otherwise. It wasn't until the film that i kinda went... ooops :S So yeh I'm sorry if that annoyed you, but that's the only reason he's not black.

I will warn you again about how dark the fic will soon turn. I hope you don't go off it and as I say to everyone, I never want to upset or offend anyone with my work. :) Hope you're liking it :)

B x


MacPhisto- In answer to your reviews on chapter 26 I haven't specified for a particular reason. It's supposed to be a mystery to the readers till later on. I've not had others complain about it. :S I'm sorry you're not enjoying it though.

B x

  • 3 weeks later...

Some Bad news...

Firstly I am NOT stopping this fic!

However, I got some very bad news from the hospital last week and I now have to make the most difficult and important decision I've ever had to make before. I have been told that there is nothing else they can do for me save but one. So I may be under going another painful operation. I am waiting to hear more information but from what I have found out there is a very long recovery period. There is also no guarantee that it will work. I have a while to see specialists and make my decision ect. But I can't live on morphine either. I have to decide if i want to be in pain for the rest of my life or risk this op. I will be weighing up the risks and of course there will be a fair few months, I have no doubt, before anything happens. But I wanted you all to know that the next update will not come as fast as the last. :) I apologise profously and hope so much that you will all continue to support me by sticking with this fic. It's not over. I'm still going. Please don't quit on me.


  • 5 weeks later...

Got a new site for info on the fic, author notes, other fun stuff like music and videos ect. Fanart and Fanmade trailers welcome! http://serpentstonguesandlionstails.blogsp...7e77cece614eccc


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