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Crossovers To Cry To

Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi

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Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi
Huh? I am surprised people don't like crossovers. I love them lots! They are so funny most of the time. smile.gif I thought the whole idea of crossovers was for the humor. I rarely see dead serious crossovers.

...oh do you mean adult fanfiction crossovers? *thinks* I liked the few that I read but they were PWP. I think if a fic is unashamedly PWP, readers should take it as such or not read it and complain about the mostly nonexistent plot. Sometimes there is no plot, just smut. *shrugs* I enjoy PWP (crossover or not) fics.

Don't get me wrong, I love crossovers too! At least, when I find a good one. I don't expect them all to be dead serious, but I do want them to be good.

What I mean by good is believable. I'm a firm believer that each and every x-over is possible, but it takes the right writer and situation to make it work. The reason I don't like LotR/HP x-overs is the fact that I've never seen believable ones. All the elves and the type of magic used in Harry Potter are completly differant from the ones in Lord of the Rings. Yet, it can be intigrated if done right.

Same goes for an HP/Charmed story.

Really, all of the stories I've seen from those two examples were nothing but shamless excuses to pair up charcter A with charcter 2. And for the most bart, it's bad and the characters are nothing more then the authors OC living in that character's body.

Maybe it's because I can no longer stand to read PWPs :: shrugs ::

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