Guest Soulsearcher Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 Alrighty, this is a question for everyone. Do you shave? Do you prefer your partner to be shaved? Do you prefer just trimming? Waxing? Since I asked the question, I'll be the first brave soul to answer. Personally, I shave. I find it's super comfortable. The first time I did I remember pulling on a pair of jeans and wondering why I hadn't done it years ago! ^^ My husband definately prefers it as well. Personally, I also feel, if you want oral benefits, it's only polite to make sure everything is neat and clean down there. So, shave? trim? wax? au natural? Do tell!
Guest lightgoddess Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 For years I kept myself trimmed very short because really, Jimmi Hendrix in a leg lock just isn't sexy. lol Now, I shave. It's just quicker. Yes, as I've gotten older, I've gotten lazy. lol It's actually quite nice on those hot summer days going commando in a skirt.
polywolly Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 Well, I am happy to add the third vote for shaving. It's just more comfortable. I've thought of waxing, but the thought alone scares me stupid. So, until I feel the need for painful hair removal treatments, I'll stick with shaving. Like everyone else, at times, I get lazy, which seems to keep my husband guessing. He seems to like the variety. I've been shaving for so long now that if the...growth...gets out of hand, I can't stand it. So I'm afraid I'll have to keep it up for the rest of my days, or until I'm too old to bend that way.
Guest DarkVampWriter Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 I don't shave I like my soft hair it's a bush! I shampoo and condition it and lotion it! It's soooo soft and so long soooo furry! Nice!
polywolly Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 DarkVamp? What'd ya say? I was too busy staring at your avie to listen... *goes back to staring at avie*
Guest Serenanna Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 Anno . . . I don't shave . . . I have my own reasons, most of while including if and when I decide to shave down there, someone else would have to help since I'm disabled. I'll leave the topic at that. Sere
NightScribe Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 Count me in on the shaving, (and the laziness factor, too). Something so nice and free about it. As for partners...I had one lover who shaved his, "twins", shall I say, and that was very, very nice indeed. He said it made them more sensitive and he wished he'd done it years before. Another guy I knew, just a friend, said the same thing.
Guest DarkVampWriter Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 DarkVamp? What'd ya say? I was too busy staring at your avie to listen... *goes back to staring at avie* lol hehehe
Guest ChibiShiva Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 I do bikini line in summer, else I don't shave. I keep clean though. However, if the cream I use to shave my legs would work well on genitals, you bet I'd use it... I'm too afraid of pain to use wax x.x. As for my partner, when I have one, we'll see *laughs*. It does look cleaner though.
Guest Big Samurai Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 Hmm. Whether or not a partner of mine shaves is up to that partner. I, personally, don't mind -- excuse the rhyme -- the hair down there. As for myself, well, I'm a fairly clumsy individual, and I'm deathly afraid of the possible consequences of having a razor in that region. After all, I don't want to have to change my name to Big Eunuch.
quamp Posted July 10, 2006 Report Posted July 10, 2006 Well, I shave my face... Oh, down there. Sorry, I can't. I get those little red bumps if I do. Do I mind it if my S.O. shaves? Not really. It's more of what's inside a woman that's important to me.
Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi Posted July 11, 2006 Report Posted July 11, 2006 I shave if I feel like it. i remember the first time and having my boyfriend go "I'll never make fun of [femal friend] for completly shaving ever again!" Honestly, he doesn't mind the pubic hair so much, but loves teh nude. I'd love to shave my boyfriend though ^___^ He's like a bear...
StoryJunkie Posted July 14, 2006 Report Posted July 14, 2006 stupid, cock-sucking computer! I know I promised not to swear, but I had a couple of paragraphs, and then *boot* off I went, and lost it all. Grr. Now, try to recall last five Well, as I was saying, I am au naturale, since having anything sharp and metal in a place I can't quite see what the hell I'm doing makes me rather nervous. I've trimmed now and then, but again, I feel I can't quite see what the heck it is I'm doing. And well, only one person, theoretically, is allowed that close to my twat anyway, and as for bathingsuits, meh, I've done the bikini line a few times, but only when absolutely necessary. I hate the pimples that explode the next day, and make me itch like a monkey. It's crazy and not worth the pain.
Nanaea Posted July 14, 2006 Report Posted July 14, 2006 Wow, this is a question I've been dying to ask for a while too. Thanks Soulie! Um, well, up untill recently all I ever did was my bikini line in summer. For the past year or so tho I've started trimming down to about 1/4" with my trusty Wahl electric clippers and sugaring (Moom) the bikini line and my bum (don't we have a blushie?) Now, my 10th anniversary is coming up in August and I've decided as a special treat for my hubby that I'm gonna take it all off. The question remains as to how tho.... I've thought about shaving but I know teh bumps and itchies would drive me insane the next few days. I could do the Brazilian with the sugar because the bumps and itchies would be a lot less when it finally does start to grow back in, but the pain factor makes me nervous. I suppose I could try Nair or something like that.... Q. For those of you who shave: Um, preferences for shaving creams/razors and how do you avoid all those nasty little red bumpies?
Iggy_lovechild Posted July 14, 2006 Report Posted July 14, 2006 I only trim. Um, I guess I just hate the prickly itch I get as it's growing back and I'm too lazy to keep on it. That and that raw meat look that happens down there just after you shave (I'm too afraid to wax. I can't even fucking pluck my eyebrows....) disgusts me. As for lovers, with women I prefer well-trimmed to shaved and men, just so long as it's not too hairy down there, I'm pretty forgiving.
Guest lightgoddess Posted July 15, 2006 Report Posted July 15, 2006 Nanaea I use Skintimate shave gel, or my husbands Edge. My razor is a Venus with the three blades. Through trial and error (quite painful errors I might add!) I have discovered that using a brand new blade on my pubes tends to make the irritation and knicks worse. I shave my legs and pits at least twice with the blade to dull it a bit and get a wonderfully close shave without the irritation if I do that. As far as the little red bumps. I don't get them unless I shave and then have a really, really good screw right afterward. Then, well, all the alcohol in the world isn't going to stop them from popping up and itching.
Guest Corvis Posted July 22, 2006 Report Posted July 22, 2006 Wow, this is an interesting topic. I was actually sort of worried about this as well. My husband just started pretty much demanding that I shave. I never have before! I trim, you know, summer maintinence, but other than that, it doesn't bother me, and I sort of like it. How many people seriously just let it be? But it's become a point of friction (no pun intended) for us. He shaves, and I'm cool with that, I wouldn't care if he did or not, I mean it works the same either way. But he doesn't get that I have SUPER sensative skin, I'm allergic to most soaps and lathers. And that means, I get not only the little red bumps, but a super insane itching rash that leaves me humping sandpaper to stop the itch. It's not a pretty sight. I'm glad to see that the view of the guys here is that they don't care. It can't be that big a deal then. I mean, it's not his, I'm just allowing him to lease it for a few hours at a time. I'm the landlord, and I deceide when the damn grass gets cut...
Nanaea Posted July 24, 2006 Report Posted July 24, 2006 I have super sensitive skin too - that's why I'm hesitant to take it all off. That said, I really am itching to get rid of it all but... I have an apt. for a pap thursday and now i'm kicking myself for forgetting and triming down to almost nothing today. I usually let it grow back in before I go see my GYN. Oops!
Guest DarkAvenger Posted July 24, 2006 Report Posted July 24, 2006 I trim. I tried waxing once, just along the outer edges and OMG THE PAIN!!! I'm a total pain wuss... shame, cause it looks so pretty all waxed up, but oh well. I tried shaving once, but I'm a lazy ass and frankly, shaving once a day, itching the entire 2nd half the day, and then risking chopping up such a very sensitive part of me, just isn't for me. So, trim it is, and trim it shall remain.
Guest Soulsearcher Posted July 28, 2006 Report Posted July 28, 2006 Wow! I'm so loving all these really thoughtful answers! ^^_v My skin is usually super-sensitive too, but one way I do try to avoid the discomfort is shaving WITH the direction of the hair. Otherwise I get the razor rash really badly. And I do the same thing lightgoddess does. Use my razor a few times first on other areas, THEN use it on the super-sensitive areas.
Nanaea Posted July 28, 2006 Report Posted July 28, 2006 Here are some links I've found: Guide to Shaving @ Shaving, waxing, and other ways to remove pubic hair @ SFSI Organ Grinder: News for Pervy Little Monkeys: On Bonsai Pussy
Guest arora Posted July 28, 2006 Report Posted July 28, 2006 Well, When I’m on a ship and have to share the showers with with 129 other girls i leave things as they grow. curlies clog the drains and, well, I would hate to step in to curlie infested water so I give the courtesy to others as well. When on shore I leave just a landing strip above the fold. As for partners, lets just say I don’t like to hunt for my meat. as long as its trimmed to a manageable level, I'll give him a go.
Guest Animefan249 Posted July 30, 2006 Report Posted July 30, 2006 I like to shave, it just feels so much better and i feel that guys should do it too. That's actually the reason why i like Anime boys so much because they have no hair there. Even in some of the naughty ones, they have very little.
Guest Mike256bit Posted July 30, 2006 Report Posted July 30, 2006 I'm a little weirded out by bare genitalia. I think I'd laugh aloud if ever asked to completely eliminate the old forest, and I think my SO would do the same. I really rather like it -- granted, I like it neat, especially since I already have dental floss. EDIT: I think I'd also worried about removing skin. I've heard horror stories from experiemental fellas.
JewelMaiden Posted July 30, 2006 Report Posted July 30, 2006 I shave or rather my Hubby does me That way we both enjoy it Just remember to mosturise afterwards or you get the sore bumpy bits.
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