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Ok I've read this story once years ago maybe 3 or 2 years and it was incomplete. I can't recall the title or author name, sorry but I can give a description.

Neji was being held by sex or slave traders in another village. Shikamaru with Ino and Chouji's help (they pose as a married couple looking for a servant boy to give the information to Shikamaru) Once they know who's selling Neji Shikamaru rescues him but ends up caught himself, and they are both forced to "perform" with two other boys infront of people. Thats all I remember, on epart really stuck out when Neji was standing nakedin this shop for customers to pick and choose who they wanted. I'd like to know if it was ever updated or completed so if anyone can help me that'd be super sweet I'd really appreciate it.

And I'm still searching for that Neji imprisoned by Orochimaru so he could take his byakugan and rapes Neji in the process. Its a oneshot completed so if you come across it please let me know. Thanks in advance

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