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I Am No Longer Allowed To...

Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi

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Guest Melody Fate

I am no longer allowed to get pissy when I write a review that's less than glowing and immedietly the writer and and one of their sock puppets, er, uh, I mean friends, bitch me out.

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Guest Alien Pirate Pixagi

I am no longer allowed to get all levels of curious and nosey at the though of Melody giving someone a "wonderful" review.

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Guest Melody Fate

(Never said it was wonderful, it *was* critical, but since they said reviewers shouldn't candy coat reviews, I felt it was justified to state my opinions, without being gentle.)

I am no longer allowed to get Pixagi all curious without PM'ing her with the object of her curiousity.

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Guest Enchanted Faery

I am no longer alowed to imagine my husband dying a slow and painful death, cuz it makes me psycho....but I'm not psycho....heh heh not at all....DIE HUSBAND DIE!!!!! Sorry....what was I saying???

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I am no longer allowed to keep my opinions to myself, and neither am I allowed to mutter them to anyone besides the object of my discontent. for I have found that If I Do, they fester within me like the bubonic plague of opinions. Whereas I am now freely expressing my views, I must forgo all friends and amicable relationships.

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