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Okay I like read these then lost them, i read some of them a really long time ago though, but if you know them please tell me! iv been loking forever!

um some of these summarys are dark and/or angsty so i dount wish to offend anyone, im sorry!!

1)SUMMARY: okay what i remember about this fic is that, harry was missing or goes missing, i think, and then the prince and princess of the elves i think, who are sibling with the prince being older, come to hogwarts, threw a form of deplomacy between wizarding society and elven society, come to hogwarts to attend. (im pretty sure they were elves) The prince is meaner and stricter then the princess. but when they come to attend they have (i think) four, bodygaurds, who are dressed in clokes that keep there heads covered so you cant tell who they are. Harry is one of them, and gets reveled when he is protecting one of them(masters) and the wizarding world finds out, i cant egxactly remember the rest but, i know there is a sceen were harry gets punnished because he moves, when hes not alowed to, i think. and another sceen were they explain that harry is a specail slave/bodygaurd for the elves because he can do magic.

2)SUMMARY: vernon/harry/oc i forgot how old harry is in this but, vernun locks him in the cubard with no food or water and then gives him laxativ? laced water, and takes pics when he makes him go in a bucket, he also dresses him in girls cloths, i think a green silk dress? then he brings him to a place were there going to do stuff to him, and make videos of him with a largly humg male. they talk about his green eyes a lot, and how expressive they are.

Please help me find them!!

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