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Guest Septra

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Guess this is answering a lot of questions. One thing I know for sure, is reviews are getting lax here and there. Most people are just plum lazy. So, I have an idea. A fellow author challenged me to an update/review deal. I'm asking all of you to pick up on that note and play along.

Reviews are something nice to see, just don't take your fics hostage. Though in my case, if I want to see an update from a fav author and I know they like my own, I tend to add some angst. rolleyes.giflaugh.gif

But thats my own way to make things more of a challenge. There's always a way to get more reviews... We just got earn them half the time. But, it would still be nice of people reviewed more for others. Yes, even if you have a ton of reviews. It's still nice to know your loved.


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Yes, even if you have a ton of reviews. It's still nice to know your loved.

Unlike lightgoddess, and other fortunates, I am not loved. I am shunned. I am a lone wolf. I walk alone. As a result, I am the lunatic fringe! ph34r.gif

Eh, with each day that passes, you kind of get used to it. Oh, I've had my share of mini-breakdowns, can't deny that, but the hell with 'em. I don't even care anymore about trolling or "mining" as I like to call it (you know, mining through other people's fics to find the good stuff and tweaking it a bit for one of your own-I'm only referring to my own stuff with that, of course. Everyone else should foam at the mouth if it happens to them). I get hits to stories, jack for reviews. Such is life. *shrugs*

Now, could one of you kind folks please kick me in the butt so I can actually start writing my next fic, instead of just making notes day in and day out? Anybody? Please? biggrin.gif

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Guest Melody Fate

I don't know if this helps or not... but I have a lot of reviews for my story. (No, I'm not saying this to imply I'm better, or to brag. I bring it up as evidence I might know what I'm talking about.)

The only thing I think of that I do that others might, is I encourage people to leave feedback. I don't beg, but the first chapter... I wrote that so it might have just been a one shot, then told people I really didn't much care if they liked it or not. I was just tossing it up to see. If people wanted to see more, they had to tell me. If they didn't, all they had to do was say nothing.

The next dayI had a lot of reviews.

I've hit some hard times writing, not just with the story, but lately, my hands have been acting up (Once I'm done writing this post, I'll probably get off the computer for the day) so at the end of every chapter, I let my readers know honestly that it's their support that keeps me going when I might well have given up.

I don't hold the story hostage, but I am fragile enough to admit that when there are times I just want to abandon the story until I think of the people that have stuck with me, who have admitted how much they care for the characters. Then I just can't do it. I owe it to my readers, my characters, and finally myself to continue.

I think I walk a fine line between demanding ("If I don't get X number of reviews, I won't write the next chapter!") and appreciation. I try to make my readers feel like they have a part in this. When I post a chapter, even if it takes a month or more, I want everyone who gave me feedback to know that they can take credit for that chapter coming out. "Yeah, I encouraged her! I rock!"

That's about the only thing I can think of to explain my luck. Because I've read a lot of stories on this site that are just as good and in many many times better than my story.

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Melody, you're one of the lucky ones in that you have people who respond to what you write. Your stories obviously impact them enough so they leave their comments, whatever they might be. I've always put the old "feedback highly desired" bit in my fics; right after the disclaimer, which heads up every chapter. I put it in the author's notes for each fic (at least I think in most of them) and I remember after one fic, I put an AN at the end saying something along the lines of "let me know what you think; good, bad, or indifferent. Interested in what you have to say." Apparently, I was speaking to an audience comprised of house bricks and fence posts. huh.gif

About halfway through my last fic, I really slowed down the pace as far as posting. One chapter, every three weeks. I figured that would give people time to read, digest, leave a comment. No change.

A thought occured to me the other day. I don't write one shot, PWP, wank-o-rama stuff where everyone's satisfied at the end. Nor do I write "these two characters belong together", romantic, WAFFy stuff either. I think in the fandom I work in, it's gotta be one or the other. I'm big on plot and character development, with peaks and valleys, twists, revelations, conflict (internal or otherwise). I think my approach isn't exactly suited for this game. Even my new fic I want to write, as psychologically dark as it is (and with a fair share of sex) I know it's not gonna fly either. I think that's why I just can't get motivated to write it, as much as I personally like the idea. It's not writer's block, it's writer's malaise.

But thanks for your suggestions, you lucky dog you. smile.gif

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Guest lightgoddess

NightScribe, your stories often have OFC's in them, correct? I think I took a look at a couple of them a while ago...Can't remember now. lol Did you get many reviews before the site went down or is this just a recent thing???

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Good God, lightgoddess, all my fics have OFCs! (which I realize is part of the problem, especially in the HP fandom). As for the time frame...it's pretty much always been like this. I got a whole whopping 8, count 'em 8! reviews for a PotO fic (and those people usually hate OFCs) and people really seemed to like it. Unfortunately, halfway through posting is when the site went a little screwy. I managed to get the last chapters up in a little window of time before it went down again. I know people read the end of that one, but they couldn't leave a review and they never thought to go back when the site was running again.

Like I said, I realize the OFC thing is a hinderance. Although...other stories in the same sub-category don't have the "lack of review" problem.

Hey! Could it possibly mean I SUCK???!!!! That's soooooooo AWESOME!!!!

I'm seriously considering writing really, really, really, (and I mean REALLY) god-awful canon character slash. Just to fuck people up. I could say I hit my head or something and haven't been the same since. tongue.gif

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Guest lightgoddess
Good God, lightgoddess, all my fics have OFCs! (which I realize is part of the problem, especially in the HP fandom). As for the time frame...it's pretty much always been like this. I got a whole whopping 8, count 'em 8! reviews for a PotO fic (and those people usually hate OFCs) and people really seemed to like it. Unfortunately, halfway through posting is when the site went a little screwy. I managed to get the last chapters up in a little window of time before it went down again. I know people read the end of that one, but they couldn't leave a review and they never thought to go back when the site was running again.

Like I said, I realize the OFC thing is a hinderance. Although...other stories in the same sub-category don't have the "lack of review" problem.

Hey! Could it possibly mean I SUCK???!!!! That's soooooooo AWESOME!!!!

I'm seriously considering writing really, really, really, (and I mean REALLY) god-awful canon character slash. Just to fuck people up. I could say I hit my head or something and haven't been the same since. tongue.gif

I thought they did. Do you think that it could be that the readers don't connect with them? I kind of shy away from OFC's, but it's a personal preference, since I write mostly slash.

I've done one story with an OFC and wound up at the end (90k words, there about) with 60-odd reviews. The vast majority were repeats. The biggest message I got from my reviewers was that they identified with her. She could have been any one of them or a sister or cousin to any one of them. Of course, I got the obligatory 'you suck' and 'what a bitch mary-sue', but in all of my years of writing (which has been most of my short life), I've never had a character that I personally loved more. I actually cried when I finished the story she meant so much to me.

I think (and I'm probably waaaaaaaaaaaaay off here) that readers in general see OC's and immediately cringe and wonder what super powers or giant brains they are going to find in the story because the vast majority of OC fics contain MS's and when a good writer comes along with an idea and an original character, they do not give it a chance. So, it's probably not you NightScribe, but the readers being closed minded and sucking. *gives closed minded readers the finger*

As for the totally gay (pardon the pun there) slash fic, I think you should go for it! A good writer can take the most cliche situation and turn it into something to be proud of. Besides, everyone needs a token crack!fic. biggrin.gif

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Guest Serenanna

::ponders:: It sounds like you need either a. a new fandom, or b. to try to mesh a little more romance in there, maybe? Or a little more smut? I haven't read your fics to know, might start now, but it sounds like . . . I don't know, a little less seriousness. It is fanfiction after all. You should be doing your bend on canon and having fun with it, not trying to outdo Shakespeare.

It doesn't need to be perfect I think so much as plausible. I bet you're good enough of a writer to make anything work. Probably don't need to change over to yaoi either if you can find at least a plausible couple you can stand and saddle with enough tension plot to keep the story from going stale. Maybe it doesn't need to be as WAFFy as you think, it can be done without being cornball, just like real life romance. Same with smut, doesn't need to be all, well . . . smut.

. . . I know I had a point when I started this post . . . Does this make sense at all?


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Besides, everyone needs a token crack!fic.

lightgoddess, babe! Been there, done that. Remember Snape the auto mechanic crackfic!? tongue.gif

Damn, that was a good one, lots of fun to write. laugh.gif In fact, a friend of mind from work, who just started another job, sent me an e-mail the other day. She had read the fic and said she can't see a biker dude without thinking of Snape. I've warped her little mind!

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Guest lightgoddess
lightgoddess, babe! Been there, done that. Remember Snape the auto mechanic crackfic!? tongue.gif

Damn, that was a good one, lots of fun to write. laugh.gif In fact, a friend of mind from work, who just started another job, sent me an e-mail the other day. She had read the fic and said she can't see a biker dude without thinking of Snape. I've warped her little mind!

Hell, I forgot about that one... laugh.gif

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Before the...dark time, before AFF had all those problems, I regularily got reviews, but since the site's been running they've dropped off a lot. I do get more reviews for my anime based fanfiction, though. That much I agree with from a previous post.

My current fandom doesn't get me many reviews (despite my high hit count dry.gif ) even though the pairing I write for is quite popular.

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Guest Pepperedjack

My one story posted here so far received 7 reviews over a long period of time, and has 2683 hits right now. I have no complaints, since I wasn't too sure of the story quality. Still, I'm surprised no one called me on any of my many, many mistakes.

I finished posting just as server performance descended into a firery circle of damnation and we had the big move.

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Here it goes. I've been meaning to reply to this, but I got lazy. rolleyes.gif

273 hits 3 reviews 5 rating not complete

69 hits 3 reviews 5 rating not complete

663 hits 8 reviews 5 rating complete

631 hits 0 reviews 5 rating complete

2316 hits 6 reviews 5 rating complete

2291 hits 33 reviews 5 rating complete

1266 hits 2 reviews 5 rating complete

654 hits 1 reviews 4 rating complete

733 hits 3 reviews 4 rating complete

692 hits 2 reviews 5 rating complete

All my reviews were good. I did get flamed 2 times,

but deleted them. I love criticism, cause it makes

me want to be a better writer, but flamers suck! dry.gif

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Guest Enchanted Faery

I get them, but not many! I mean 1982 people have read it, but only 7 left reviews! 2 of them are from the same people, but I guess I kinda understand, cuz if I HATE a story it think its just horrid, I won't leave a review, especially when I can't find anything positive to say, so it could be that my readers are the same way. Anyway, just a thought. tongue.gif

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