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Who do you think are the angriest girls in anime today? Someone who just goes ballistic at the drop of a hat, either using her razor-sharp tongue to give everyone around her what for or beating on them when things don't go her way.

Among my choices are:

1. Kirie and Tomoka (Girls Bravo)

2. Dejiko, Pikoyo, and Rabi-en-Rose (Di Gi Charat)

3. Asuna and Evangeline (Negima! Magister Negi Magi)

4. Forte and Ranpha (Galaxy Angel)

5. Sakura (Hyper Police)

6. Emi (Bomber Girl)

7. Ichi-Kun (Ninja High School)

8. Komugi (Nurse Witch Komugi)

What are your picks?

Guest Twinstar

I would have to say Asuka from Evangelion. I'd also say Faye from Cowboy Bebop but Asuka would win that one tongue.gif

Guest Big Samurai

Representing the Love Hina vote, I'd have to say Narusegawa Naru, especially if you're looking for sheer punch-to-comment ratio.

  • 1 month later...
Guest yaoiboydaisuke

Meiling (ccs)

Akito (furuba)

Rei (sailor moon)


Guest Serenanna

Arguements could be made for Winry Rockbell (FMA) on wrench to Ed's head ratio doubled by her reaction if you insult her work. But, if we're following how many time can the heroine trounce the hero type of anger and violence, then Kagome (IY) wins since there's at least one cry of "Sit!" an episode, usually in multiples, and there's alot of episodes.


Guest jedi30

Naru(LH) almost anything Kentaro does prevertly she punchs him sending him flying in whatever direction he gets nailed.

Guest Weaver

Akane (Ranma 1/2) - She's so easily pissed off. XD

Liz (IGPX) - Not really that angry in general, just easily angered by Takeshi.

Kikyo (InuYasha) - She doesn't show her anger, but she can sure keep a grudge. happy.gif;

Akito (Fruits Baskets) - She's just a really, really, REALLY angry person.

Guest vorheesfan07

Sakura Haruno ~ Naruto

(Anger management issues . . . big ones)

Misty ~ Pokemon

(NOT someone you wanna piss off)


wow, I haven't even heard of 1/2 those girls

I do agree with yaoiboydaisuke about Rai from Sailor MOon. That girl had a temper

Also, Weaver regarding Akita from Fruits BAsket. She scared me, as did that scary psychic friend of Honda's. She could zap people from afar.

In Mai Hime, it was that little cat girl that had the temper problem. Big sword, little kid, what a combination. Watch out when she became mesmerized by her "brother"! I'll go look up her name.

EDIT: Mikoto

Guest Big Samurai

The funny thing, though, is that Rei only has a temper where Usagi is concerned. Most of the time, she is friendly enough, the bimbo just brings out the worst in her.



The thing about Rei is that she channeled all that anger. That's probably why. I wouldn't want to get on her bad side. If she were real, that is.

I thought of another screwy powerful bitch, that main character from Gokusen. She was off the wall, but again, another disciplined person that you just did not want to piss off. Of course, she WAS the head of the Yakuza.


Guest SilverFox-chan

Asuka - NGE ( she scares me sometimes! ) ohmy.gif

Rei Hino/Sailor Mars - Sailor Moon

Karou - Rurouni Kenshin ( she picks on Kenshin so much that's cute )

Kikyo - Inuyash ( that's one mean grudge she carries )

That's all I can think of right now.

  • 4 weeks later...
Guest vampkitten27


Lina Inverse

Series: Slayers

Why Lina? She's always beating up on poor Gourry

Sakura Haruno

Series: Naruto


1) Inner Sakura

2) She's always losing her temper and usually takes it out on Naruto.

Kaname Chidori

Series: Full Metal Panic

Why? She acts like she has constant P.M.S. and ends up taking it out on Sousuke.

Guest Mike256bit
Lina Inverse

Series: Slayers

Why Lina? She's always beating up on poor Gourry

Go figure -- I was just watching Slayers last night and thinking "Lina, you are so angry."

Unfortuantely, I was also reminded of why I hate Lisa Ortiz. Oh God. Her and Amanda Wynn Lee are destroying the universe with shitty voice acting.

  • 2 weeks later...
Guest bebopsfeje

Rena from Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni


Revy from Black Lagoon

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Emikochan

I think we can all agree Akane Tendo from Ranma 1/2 takes the prize for this one! biggrin.gif

Other than that I would say Sakura Haruno from Naruto, Kaoru Kamiya from Rurouni Kenshin, Kaname Chidori from Full Metal Panic, Keiko Yukimura from Yu yu hakusho, and possibly Kagura Sohma from Fruits basket (those all gave me some scares muches ohmy.gif )


I can think of the rain spirit of xxxHolic and Kuokaru's (I think that's his name ) girlfriend in Genshiken.

Guest SilverFox-chan

San from Princess Mononoke, she was pretty dang angry. Granted she isn't one of the angriest.

  • 3 weeks later...

I'd say Diva from Blood+. She has serious world-dominating, people killing, familial-angst anger management issues that transcend what is displayed in a lot of other series.

Aside from that, I would have to agree on Asuka.

Guest Masatar_Torlyl

Kaoru of Rurouni Kenshin. I love when she gets angry-- it's very frightening yet very amazing. I know a lot of people hate the archtype of the girl that summons up inhuman strength when angered (then proceed to call that angry girl a bitch), but I like it and Kaoru takes the cake out of all the ladies you all can name.

  • 11 months later...
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