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oops. I started the insult the writer thing (a bunch of guys went to watch twilight and then some started making out). But man, desu is a bit "eh". It's not an insult as much as posting 28 times the same thing, which says nothing. Fix it please. I mean, it's a crap sentence "THE INTERNET HAS HAD THE FUCK ENOUGH OF TWILIGHT" and doesn't need to be capitalized or multi-posted like that either.

It's a shame that grown people don't know where to put there curse words. If you're not going to use it right, you shouldn't use it at all, especially when it's one of those words like "f*ck". It's so strong it has it's own meaning. But yeah. Get to the ip blocking please XD

url is above and in bold


we get alot of that certain times of year. so, after I get some zzzzz (been working crazy hours the last few days) I will go through all the review boards and delete the spam bombs I'm sure to find.

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