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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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Guest Little_Girl_Lost

Not guilty. Went out at two in the morning to go on trampoline, not four in the morning to go drinking/partying.

Guilty of having a crush/once having a crush on an actor/actress that all your friends think ugly and repulsive.

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Guest Little_Girl_Lost

Guilty. What? I do it to be ironic, to my ridiculously right-wing, pro-war father and his wife.

Guilty or not guilty: Have you ever said you were doing something, or going somewhere/to visit someone to get out of going round to a friend's house/having a friend over your house, because you had grown sick of them/recently fallen out/just feeling spiteful, goddamnit?

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Guest Little_Girl_Lost

Not guilty.

Guilty: Accepting a fiction request from a friend, became disinterested in it, and gave some uber-clever sounding excuse for not doing it/getting past the first few chapters (e.g "It's just that it was torturing my artistic soul, [insert name of friend here], the characters were just not meant for each other-I felt like a criminal putting them together, I really did!").

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