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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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You slimy little bastard, so YOU'RE the one! I Liked that Mazda!

er, I mean no. Never.

G/NG: has had to break into your own vehicle because you locked the keys inside.

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Not guilty. However, I once had an alternator belt break on me and ran out of power on a lonely country road. I had to walk about 9 miles to a gas station.

G/NG: Changed someone else's member title to something they knew would piss them off.

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Guest Melody Fate

Not guilty...

Although, I have to admit, it seems sorta amusing, but knowing me I'd feel so guilty I'd then send them a nametag so they could change it. (BTW, Quamp, do you need a nametag? I have extras.)

G/NG: Wished someone would change your member title, just because what you came up with sounds so lame and you can't think of a better one.

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Guest vorheesfan07

Guilty. Speaking of which, is Agaib a guy or a girl? If it's the former, my apologies.

G/NG ~ Stole someone's avatar and/or siggie from a different forum and now claim it as your own

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Guest Madapple

not guilty, although I really liked TricksterKitsune's siggy about the slash writers, and for 10 seconds thought about kaifing it.

g/ng: has pretended to be gay or straight (depending on orientation) to avoid advances by someone you found extremely undesirable.

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Guilty. I even frenched my best friend to prove it. Of course, I ended up banging a different guy later that night. I had to convince the guy I slept with that I was married to get him to leave me alone after that. I guess that's what I get for playing with jail bait. Luckily I had a scary looking guy friend to help out with that ruse. Ah, those were the days....

G/NG: Lied about being married to get rid of someone you found undesirable.

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Guest Melody Fate

Guilty. Of course, now that I am married, I don't have to lie.

G/NG: Told someone they were the best you'd ever had when really they were below average.

(Poly, hey, you want to change my title? Go for it. I wasn't saying you should or shouldn't, but I do admit I get a big kick out of seeing what people say. And if I hate it, I can change it!)

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Guest Madapple

guilty, but I don't know why he believed it. It was over so fast. I was like, WTF? Has it been a while?

g/ng: has used the "it's not you, it's me" speech to dump someone.

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Guest Adara

Not Guilty. My ex truly was the problem in the relationship.

G/NG: You've called into work claiming to be sick, but in reality, you were just lazing about at home.

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Not guilty. Most of the guy friends I've had either had girlfriends that weren't worth having or didn't date.

G/NG: left an anonymous love letter in someone's locker at school.

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Guest Adara

Not Guilty. The closest I ever got to something like that was writing the letter. I never had the balls to actually pull through. tongue.gif

G/NG: Taken the blame for something your siblings did?

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Guest Melody Fate

Guilty. Not by choice, mind you.

G/NG: Deliberately did something wrong that your sib had done before so your parents would think they'd done it again and punish them.

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Guest vorheesfan07

Guilty. My brother was pissing me off at Mount Vernon, so I just grabbed his arm and smacked him across the face.

G/NG ~ Took a foreign language just to learn how to cuss in that language

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