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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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Guest Mike256bit

I once brought a pillow to a morning art history lecture. Good thing, too.

G/NG: Have passed notes in class, been caught, and forced to hear your embarrassing secrets read aloud to a pack of hungry bastard children.

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Guest Mike256bit

"Blue streak speeeeeeds by. . . Sonic the Hedgehog."


G/NG: Have looked up lyrics just to pretend to be such an avid fan of something as to "remember" the theme song.

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Oh God, yes! That was my name when I was a kid. "Don't be such a gwenga" (gwenga is Ukrainian for whiner)

G/NG: laughing when someone hurts themselves (Like a spectacular fall off a bike when they were showing off)

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Guest Melody Fate

Guilty. I swear, if I didn't force him to eat something he didn't like once in awhile, my husband would live on chips, water, and Peanut M&Ms

Ordered a dish in restaurant that contains something you hate, just so you won't finish it.

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Guest Madapple

guilty, was suspended from work, with pay! idiots they were. I said thanks for the vacation.

g/ng: has sneezed on food at a family dinner, but didn't tell anyone.

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