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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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Guest Madapple

ng: window open, yes! hoping to be seen? no

g/ng: has yelled at neighbor at 3:00 a.m., or p.m. for that matter, out an open window, "For God's sake! Put a God-Damned sock in her/his mouth!"

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Guest Madapple

i know, shooting irons here, too, quamp.

Guilty, he chased me around Target, what could I do? He was between me and the exit!

G/NG: spit on someone's sandwich and watched them eat it.

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nope. although I've eaten something the baby spit on. I like spit. After all, I exchange spit alot when I ...ah, never mind... the answer is no. never have. Backwash, yes...but not to be mean. I just love sharing spit...did I mention...?

g/ng: picked up and ate what looked like a left over potato chip crumb the next day after the night before.

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I DO worry about them eating each other (OH, the horror). (Is that why the tank is so cloudy?) ohmy.gif

g/ng Don't brush off the bottom of your shoes before you enter.

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Guest Melody Fate

Ever? Then I'm guilty. On a regular basis? Then no, I'm not guilty.

(And yes, overfeeding can make the water cloudy. Of course, so can poor quality water or poor filtering/changing water issues.(

G/NG: Let a dog lick your ice cream cone then continued to eat it afterwards.

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Guilty. Over a decade ago, I had a teeny tiny Pomeranian who was my bestest friend. We shared ice-cream cones, but never on purpose. She'd sneak up while I was watching tv. Lord knows I probably licked dog spit occasionally over the course of her lifetime.

Has told someone they like their hair/outfit/tattoo even when they didn't

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Guest vorheesfan07

Guilty . . . she had a knife. A really sharp one too. It was pointed at me.

G/NG ~ Performed a bodily function in a swimming pool on purpose after the age of five.

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Guilty, but I have to qualify that by saying that I had to go and this bully wouldn't let me out of the pool. He repeatedly punched me in the stomach while two of his friends held me down.

They let me go after the accident, though...

G/NG: Forgot your S.O.'s birthday.

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er. But my brain cells, you see, they are going....sighs. I forget my Own birthday for chrissakes!

G/NG: Stop whatever you are doing when a really good song comes up and you dance and singalong to it.

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Guest Mike256bit

Guilty, but, to be fair, the song was a good 30 minutes long.

G/NG: Played music you don't even like for the express purpose of annoying someone nearby.

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Not guilty. I was in the vehicle when my friend hit a raccoon and when my dad hit a horse, oddly enough while towing a loaded horse trailer. The raccoon didn't make it. The horse got up, gave us a dirty look, and promptly headed for home unscathed. Tough critters, them horses.

Has hung up on someone during a conversation with someone they knew (telemarketers don't count) and then pretended they got disconnected.

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well, not technically. I simply ended the conversation. I'm incredibly arrogant, you see. I never apologize for my rude behavior. It's Always warranted. Besides, everyone can tell when I lie.

G/NG: cannot tell a lie

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Guest vorheesfan07

Guilty. Best part was, I asked for it in pennies. I tell you, them bank tellers have NO sense of humor. Neither do the security guards, come to think of it.

G/NG ~ Saw someone with their fly open and didn't bother to tell them about it.

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