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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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Guest Melody Fate

Guilty. It was winter, we were too cold to get too naked.

Borrowed a minor sum of money then never paid it back because the person never asked for it.

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Guest Soulsearcher

erm ... you know what, I honestly don't know. I mean ... I don't remember at all! So, I'm gonna go with a probably. ^^_v

G/NG: being a tattletale

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Guest vorheesfan07

Guilty, she redefined the term "bitch", but I needed some Brownie points.

G/NG : Placing an empty milk carton, box of ice cream, etc. back in the fridge after you were done eating out of it.

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there was one gulp left in the jug, honestly!

g/ng: considered inappropriate behaviour while at some refined public event (like church, or a town meeting)

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Guest vorheesfan07

VERY Guilty. It wasn't my fault, though. I was feeling gassy in church so I leaned to the side a little bit so it wouldn't be too loud. There wasn't any noise, but the smell was enough to kill.

Guilty or Not Guilty ~ Walking across the bathroom with your pants down to get at a stall with toilet paper in it. (Bonus points if caught; Naughty Points if caught by a member of the opposite sex and have proof)

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Guest Soulsearcher

^^;; Not guilty. I usually check for toilet paper before sitting down to take care of business.

G/NG: Having sex with one person, while imagining they were someone else.

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Guest Melody Fate

Guilty. (Isn't that perfectly normal? biggrin.gif )

Ran out of toilet paper and had to find other things to use until you could get some more.

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Guest Melody Fate

Guilty. (I was just teasing with the above thing... it seemed like a good way to continue the game. I've made the same mistake too, I think we all have.)

G/NG Did something stupid after being told not to do it.

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Guest Melody Fate

Not guilty. (For all my quirks, I am amazingly grounded in reality. It's rather sad)

G/NG tied someone's laces together so they tripped when they stood up.

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Guest vorheesfan07

Guilty, though I don't know what you mean by "cute", I do have an ego.

Sorry for forgetting to continue the game. It was an honest mistake.

G/NG : Saw a Girl Scout and first impulse was to take away her cookies and sic your dog on her.

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ng At least she had something tasty, and didn't try to call me an evil Pope-lover. I gave her money and bade her well.

G/NG: Thinks the NG stands for "Natural Gas" instead of "Not Guilty" every time you look at it

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Guest Soulsearcher

oO that'd make a mess in the purse ...

G/NG: Attempting to ignore someone who was trying to get your attention because you didn't really like them, but didn't want them to know.

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