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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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Tried it, but it didn't work.

Encouraged everyone at a party to draw in permanent marker on the body of the first person to pass out?

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Would have if I could have- does it count if I spent at least half my time at work reading fanfiction? Cause then I'm guilty as hell, lol.

Used the fact that you were medicated to seriously screw with your co-workers?

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Does 'didn't do it at all' count as cheating? Oral report that I totally winged and a written one that I never so much as considered and the entire class bitched at the teacher till he agreed to give me a 100- cause my oral 'report' was more like improv stand-up, lol.

Completely ignored a teacher for an entire semester, made sure he knew it, and still passed with an "A". He totally hated me.

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Guest Soulsearcher

Not guilty. ^^;; Although I have ignored a teacher. Paid for it with the grade though. --;;;

Had someone come on to you and invite you to come have sex with them.

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Plenty. Especially in bars. Always sorta flattering and sort of weird at once.

Had one chic feeding you cherries through kisses chased with shots, while your *attached* female friend got so jealous *she* started feeding 'em to you too.

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Guest Soulsearcher

Um ... not guilty. Although my husband probably would have loved it.

Had a completely random person IM you and start having cyber sex with you without you even participating.

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Guilty- tho *years* ago and it freaked me out.

Had a guy grab your hand in a crowded bar and start babbling and not let go until your guy friend came to the 'rescue'.

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Guest Soulsearcher

SO guilty. The last time I went to a bar, a random gay guy kept trying to kiss me and was hanging all over me. My friend I was there with came over and put his arm around me and saved me. ^^_v

Met a really awesome person at a bar and had a totally fun conversation.

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Guest Soulsearcher

Unfortunately, guilty. Thank God I never go out alone. My gay boys always go out with me and make sure I make it home safe. I <3 them.

Met someone IRL that you first knew on-line.

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Not guilty. I've never actually met anyone in RL that I met first online. (Good plan never going out alone, I stick by that rule myself)

Gotten so drunk you blacked out.

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Guest Soulsearcher

Not guilty. I've never gotten that drunk. I have a rule. For every glass of alcohol I drink, I have a glass of water. It has served me well.

Had someone start talking to you, thinking you were someone you weren't.

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Guest Soulsearcher

Guilty. Isn't it ironic that it both means friend and that stuff you put in the water to attract sharks?

deliberately jumped out to scare someone.

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