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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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Backfire? Isn't that the way sane people refer to 'an opportunity to escalate?'

Not Guilty...

G/NG: Has a favorite food that's a guilty pleasure

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Guilty. I used to work as a trash collector in college. Often I'd have to climb in to get stuck material out. (Yecch!) tongue.gif

G/NG: Has a collection of action figures from your favorite fandom.

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Oh, my goodness, yes. X-Files, Holy Grail, Farscape, Babylon 5, Star Trek... Hell, i play with them all

G/NG: is planing to sneak into my basement to play with my collection

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NG: Danced at my wedding in '87. Never again.

G/NG: Considers Barbeque a food group

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NG. I get the minimum 8 hrs every night. I don't sleep-walk, I don't sleep-fight, I don't sleep-talk. I'm totally normal. My idiosyncrasies come out during the day.

G/NG: has bizarre eating habits.

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With my Coca-Cola addiction, nutrients ARE the supplements.

G/NG: has name brand loyalty for a beverage.

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G: The bake sale at the shopping market? I sold a box of their cookies to the guy that runs the bakery. He came back and asked me for the recipe. I'm...still not sure if he was joking....

G/NG: has killed something just to watch it die.

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A goose.

G/NG: Has plucked a chicken for non-prank-related purposes

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Yes. Although I've never dreamed I was dreaming before. I've always known when I'm dreaming.

G/NG: has dreampt that you were dreaming, woken up in your dream and then realized you were still dreaming....

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