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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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NG. It seems that my sex scenes benefit more from repressed libido.

On the other hand...

G/NG: Has reread a sex scene they wroteearlier and THEN found it necessary to relieve the pressure.

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God, i JUST did that. Vore. Squicky, squicky vore.

G/NG: has written a story to express personal political views.

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NG: I don't vote, usually, but not because i forgot.

G/NG: can be used as a float in case of a water landing

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I am a teacher.

G/NG: regrets at least one job choice

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Guilty, actually. I am truly a nature child. An evil one, but nevertheless, at one with the pain (and shit shoveling) of the world. I can stand in an open field and tell you what the weather will be for the next two weeks. I can also fiddle with mechanical stuff, I know what purple gas is and I hate dogs (unless they're my dogs), but I hate turkeys worse.

G/NG: has gone too far with a joke. Pushed the limits. Opened the envelope, so to speak.

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