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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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NG: At the moment, i don't support ANY charities...

G/NG: reads the fortune cookie gleefully for how WRONG it is...

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NG: Not a lotto player

G/NG: only plays the lottery when on vacation

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Guilty... I prefer spending my money on things I know I'll win with - like Chocolate...

G/NG - Spends too much money on the Lottery only to discover that he'd probably be just as rich if they saved that money in a bank account.

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Guilty. I wake up tired every morning.

G/NG - Is not a morning person.

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Guest Madapple

NG- didn't know about the comment until I scrolled up. I am thinking 'trae needs more protein. ( XD )

G/NG: Is thinking about the movie 'Fried Green Tomatoes."

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Wasn't until you mentioned it, so guilty.

G/NG - Is now thinking of the line: "Secrets in the sauce!"

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Not guilty. I can't stand endless blather.

(When I worked for the local transit agency here in Dallas (DART,) I saw a bunch of drivers spend in the neighborhood of $400 on the lottery each week, and win nothing. This went on for over a year. That turned me off to the lottery big time.)

G/NG: Rethinking about their chances to win the lottery after hearing about the DART drivers.

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