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Guilty Or Not Guilty

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Oh, everyone's had her...

G/NG: been to the Grand Canyon

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Not guilty anymore. I just posted mine. I may update again soon...

(I've never had hypothermia. Then again, I don't live north of the 49th parallel.)

G/NG: Likes the introduction of a machine that can bring in fictional characters to the orgy.

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Guilty - Trying to, but I had a rather unusual distraction.

G/NG - Likes programmes that brings them back to their childhood.

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Guilty some times. I do prefer to stick to canon characters in my stories.

G/NG - Prefers Own Characters to canon.

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Not guilty. Never really had to, as Hermione is so much like me anyway.

G/NG - Writes original fiction only.

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Very guilty. Ten years on one bloody story with eight important characters in it spanning over almost an entire century... fairly so.

G/NG - Is just as ambitious.

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