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Guest Dominic Shade

Ugh, I hate the crossovers with Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho. I just can't stand it...mostly because I can't stand Kagome. dry.gif

Guest Chilli

A couple years ago, FF.net was forced to bow to the whims and pressure of 'concerned' parents and kicked every NC-17 fic off its site. Over time, not only did the NC-17 stories get booted, but also songfics and other types of stories such as Scripts writings

In the past (and I don't know about now), all complaints were ignored. If someone made a complaint about you, whether rightly or spitefully, then your account was deleted. You received no warnings, nor were any emails requesting info answered.

  • 3 months later...
Guest Pureevil230

yummy i like yusuke and kurama pairing.

that story 'seducing yusuke urameshi' someone posted was hot!

i like any yaoi stry with yusuke involved, preferably him as uke he makes such a sweet and yummy one lol.

is this only for discussion or do you post stories too?

  • 3 weeks later...
Guest SweetMisery1

I love Hiei/Kurama the most, but really I enjoy and combo of Hiei, Kurama and Yusuke

  • 3 months later...
Guest Emikochan

I remember being a big Yusuke/Hiei supporter (yes Yusuke has to be the seme, no other way) but Yu yu hakusho yaoi kinda is bleh to me now-plus i dont really care for Kurama (sorry guys he's kinda a Mr. Perfect to me and i hate him for it) I've lately come to support Yusuke/Botan a lot and Hiei/Yukina or Kuwabara/Yukina. (and yes, i hate Keiko with a passion)

  • 2 months later...

*pats sobbing Kurama on the head*

Don't worry, baby, me and Yusuke still adore you! smile.gif

When I write Kurama, I don't pretend he's Mr. Perfect. I write him with faults and a cold-eyed objective that could possibly be construed as manipulative. Which could cause problems with someone not able to roll with it.

Someone like...Yusuke.

Maybe it's because all I see is Hiei/Kurama, Kurama/Hiei that I'm so firmly resistant to the pairing. But then, I always got to be a rebel! shifty.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

I have pretty much found that all the pairings from yuyu hakusho are rather fun. As for

that teenage-koenma/yuusuke/kurama/hiei thing does sound interesting and hot ^__^ (if you have a link i'd love it)
ladygizarme Posted #21 on January 03, 2006 04:00 am

I have found an arc by hcolleen that starts with


To say the least it is interesting. shifty.gif

  • 6 months later...

I like Yusuke and Boton. I like Yukina and Hiei. I like Kurama Koronue(MY FAV CHARACTER OF ALL TIME!!!!!). I like *teen* Koenma and Hiei too!!!

  • 6 months later...

I have nothing against Kurama/Hiei in fact i myself have been reading Kurama/Hiei fics since '03. back when I was seventeen and discovering the bishounen craze.

It's no suprise that they make a cute couple.

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

I generally like a lot of pairings thus I like Yusuke/(insert character) which is why I wrote Kido/Yusuke and plan to write Yusuke/Hiei, but bashing makes me sick and I feel that it's-plain disrespect to the anime if you can't stop butchering a character just because you dislike them. Often when I try to sit down and enjoy a pairing bashing comes into play and that just ruins the story for me. I rate stories down just for that.

Edited by bitBlackmage
  • 1 month later...

I think pairing bashing is pretty stupid. I'll write it if it makes sense. (Although there was a time when I was a fandom n00b, and all I wrote was Kurama/Hiei because I mistakenly thought it was canon. Oh GOD, I'm so embarassed to look at those fics now...)

I like Kurama/Yusuke...even better with Keiko involved. A part of me is reluctant to see Keiko lose the love she's worked so hard to get, poor girl. But Kurama and Yusuke definitely have chemistry...

I hate to sound like a pimp for my own OTP, but why does the canon m/m get ignored in favor of Kurama/Hiei? *points to avatar* I personally think that Itsuki and Sensui are ten thousand different kinds of awesome. (Maybe it's because I'm a dude, and not a girl who likes bishies? I dunno.)

  • 11 months later...
Guest Sahna
hmm i have read a few Kurama/Yusuke, but i still read Kurama/Hiei most of the time.

personally, i'd like to see some Kurama/Kuronue wink.gif

any takers?

i've seen lots of Kurasu, but do they always have to be so psychotic?

not that i won't enjoy good Kurama/Yusuke, but i almost only read NC-17 ones *muahahaha*

but i find the yaoi sub-section isn't that accurate or somethin like that

i've got a few kurama/kuronue up. check stormwofl

Guest Sahna

My personal favorite is Yoko/Suichi, which is absolutely impossible unless you go AU. But I'm generally a fan of all the yaoi pairings (except for anything with Kuwabara--sorry if you like him lol) possible in YYH 'cuz it's been my absolute favorite anime for 7 years and counting. Actually I've written so much flippin fanfic about this series that I'm just about out of ideas that are any good and aren't the stuff my brain comes up with at 2 AM when I'm trying to fall asleep...

  • 1 year later...

See, I'm in an interesting position, in that I hate Hiei/Kurama, and never read nor write it. When people ask me for good Hiei/Kurama fics, I hem and haw and toss them over to the yyh archive or BlueUtopiah's Recommendation list.

If you asked me for Hiei/Mukuro I'd have more fics for you than Hiei/Kurama, honestly.

(Oh, and since lots of people are lamenting the lack of Yusuke/Kurama fics, here: http://web.archive.org/web/20050318193303/freehost12.websamba.com/lyntek/yyh.html has at least twenty GOOD Yusuke/Kurama fics, and then there's Dirge: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3349781/1/Dirge , and oh Blossomwitch's stuff: http://www.fanfiction.net/u/552045/ , and of course Villain: http://yuyu.adult-fanfiction.org/authors.php?no=1296778396 . Those should tide you over for awhile - if you want more, come ask! I've got plenty of great fics locked in my vault.)

  • 10 months later...
Guest Moon_Minamino

About, I'd say, a year ago, I got obsessed with Yusuke/Kurama and Kurama/Yusuke (I'm not one to searched based on Seme/Uke, so the order has never mattered to me). I searched high and low for some good stories with this pairing, and came up rather empty using ff.net, mediaminer, and all of the other old standbys. I was quite disappointed.

So I took a different route and found a YYH yaoi community to livejournal that linked to Lady_flamewing and her amazingly written stories, several of which are Yusuke and Kurama. The community's name is "yyhyaoi," but I'm pretty positive you could find stories directly on Lady_flamewing's journal. You'll probably need to acquire a livejournal before utilizing these resources.

I hope this helps quench your pairing thirst.

As for why this pairing is underutilized, I'd venture to guess its because the characters just don't fit the mold? I mean, really. How many stories are there where all of the YYH characters are paired with each other and the pairings are always some variation of Hiei/Kurama, Yusuke/Kuwabara, Koenma/Botan, Jin/Touya. The characters that interact the most within the series tend to be paired. Hiei meets Kurama in cannon a year before everyone else. Yusuke and Kuwabara have a shared backstory. Botan works for Koenma. Jin and Touya are both shinbi, etc. I guess it just seems natural to not break that mold, but when people break it, they really break it. (Kurama/Youko, etc). Yusuke/Kurama isn't natural enough to be a default pairing, and its not crazy enough to be a niche pairing.

But I do prefer it to Kurama/anyone else.

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