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Posts posted by englishwitch

  1. a little childish, but hay how want to grow up? growing up is boring. i can't stand WINX it is a terrible show. such a clear rip off of W.I.T.C.H but they thought they could corner the market by getting thier show on the air first. anyone with half a brain known W.I.T.C.H came first with it's infamous comic seires that swept europe.

    terribly written scritps, a bad imitation of an anime style, 2 dimensional chracters and badly drawn out plots. Then there are the sheer number of similarities between WINX and W.I.T.C.H. the only thing they didn't parody was making the name of the group out of the main chracters monograms.

    also i seem to be the only person i know that doesn't like Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon.

  2. its not the heat, its the humidity. thats what really makes it feel hot. I remember a vacatyion in Ibiza, 30*C heat during the day, but it was a dry heat so i barely felt it, more like a warm 23*C to me really.

    but today in England, 27*C and a high humidity, i must have lost a couple of pounds through sweating alone.

  3. i think the only other word for nipple is Teat, or Arioli. (excuse the spelling, i don't know if i have it right or not) but they are both such cold and sterile words that it's a real turn off for anyone reading them.

    we need to invent some new words for nipple. something erotic and yet simple. something that can really catch on. There is a lot of writing talent on AFF, surely we can think of somethng. if we combine our imginations we could be in the dictionary before 2010.

    I offer the challenge of thinking up new words for Nipple.

  4. OMG Thanks for the reminder Kothoga

    Bravestar, Defenders of the earth and Capitan planet, i can't believe i forgot about those. i really liked watching those when i was young but it was still TMNT and Thundercats that were my fave.

  5. I know this sounds crazy, englishwitch, but just start your own daycare.

    Running your own business is the shiznick.

    Sure, you may have to spend a little time putting together proposals and finding a spot, and setting your rates, and saving for your retirement, and you have a 75% chance of failing, but damn, when you work hard and you get your reward, its all yours, and you're the queen of everybody who works for you.

    I'm twenty years old, living on unemployment benefits and don't have a lot of money at the best of times. i don't think i've got what it takes to actually start a buisness just yet. While thats where i want to end up eventually, i think i need a few years experience and savings first.

    By the way, i'd be king of everybody who works for me, not queen. I'm a guy.

    RE, Big Samurai: i too am an aspiring writer, adult fanfics are just a hobby. i have a coupe of serious stories i'm trying to get published. i know its weird, i write every day as a career, then to relax, i write some more. My Bohemian lifestyle is more forced than chosen.

    i know the odds of making enough money to live on writing alone is very slim, thats why i'm trying to get a job in the only other thing i'm good at. childcare.

  6. I used to go to college, now i'm trying to find a job in childcare either as a plagygroup worker or a teaching assisstant, something along those lines. surprisingly its not as easy as it sounds and at this perticular moment, I am unemplyed.

  7. i don't seem to take after my family in any way, in fact i seem to be the opposite.

    All the people on my fathers side of the family are short. i have five uncles, the shortest is around four feet and the tallest five and a half. yet i'm six foot four. I'm starting to doubt them when they say i'm not adopted.

    everyone on my mothers side is average height so i don't know where i'm getting my height from.

    the only way i take after my family is the waist line, isn't DNA wonderful!!! the men in my family always seem to have a fairly wide midsection and i'm beginning to take after them. its the first place the fat goes to, but the last place it goes from when you diet and exercise.

    all in all i seem to be the mutant freek of the family.

  8. thats nothing compared to what i had to go through. its one of the reasons i stopped working in the call centers. there was a least three guys lik him every day. i don't know how the rest of my work mates manage to keep doing the job.

  9. a little boring. a good Stephen King novel and a large Mocha.

    Also, when the swallows return, there is a nest right ouside my house and i can look into it and see the eggs and little chicks and everything. very sweet.

    sitting on the beech and doing nothing for hours.

  10. that is the worst kind of writers block. you have the ideas but no way to express them.

    You're getting too wound up, your expectations are too high, you've been thinking about this for so long that nothing you write seems to do it justice, the words have to be perfect and nothing else. am i sounding right so far?

    There are a few ways of getting it out of your head, i've not tried them all but the ones i have tried work.

    1) if your old enough to drink, have some alcohol. not enough to get you wasted, but enough to make you open up, lower your inhibitions slightly. the slightly drunk but still coherent stage. for me thats one beer drunk within fifteen minutes, but you'd know your own tolerence.

    The only draw back is that it can become a viscious cycle. you can start heading into the mindset that you need a beer to work properly. its an easy habit to get into and harder to get out of. I got out, mostly because i ran out of beer, there was a week where nothing seemed to happen in my writing then suddenly, bamm, a flow of ideas. I've had similar things happen when i run out of coffee.

    I never said these methods were perfect.

    2) write in the nude: like the beer it loweres the inhibitions and allows the flow of ideas. obviously this is soemthing best done in private, unless you have a very open family. its not one thats i've tried, but its a hot summer and theres a lot of time left in the season. it will aparently feel weird at first but after you've done it a couple of times you'll find yourself opening up not only with your flow of ideas but other things as well. an open mind is a rare and wonderful thing. like a rainbow or some other cliche.

    3) just write anything, no matter how crappy. leave it over night come back in the morning, read through what you've done, delete it and then rewrite it. you'll find it gets better the second time around. keep on repeating this until you think you have the story just right.

    4) tell yourself a little poem i like to call 'the writers mantra.'

    I can't Stop.

    I'm possessed by a deadly muse.

    It steals me of my sleep.

    Robs me of my health.

    Turns every moment of life into a possitbility for prose.

    It affects the mind that guides your deeds, sacrafices friends and

    burns away enemies.

    Every person encountered is looked upon as a plague of mediocrity

    and each face of beauty haunts your sleep until you die.

    Pain is the fuel that drives your art.

    Hatred is the spark that ignites your mind.

    You spend all your life working on a piece that will be

    misunderstood by most and in the end,

    ultimatly fogotten

    And I do believe it will be the death of me.

    Germain and Foamy the squirrel. ::iLL WiLL PreSS::

    Thats about all i got, hope something helps.

  11. it sounds like someone is reviewing their own story. i can't belive that someone would be so sad and desperate for readers that they would do that. it defeats the whole principal of the review system. he/she thinks that with a lot of good reviews a lot of people will read it, but they don't realise you can't force a person to likeyour work, if its crap its crap. they should just accept it and move on.

  12. with a bad case of wirters block there isn't much you can do. stop writing, step away from the computer, if its a laptop close the lid. brew a coffee and watch a movie. you cannot force good ideas to come. try not writing anything down, just ask yourself 'how am i going to get him/her out of this, what happens next?'

    in concern for what should hapen next there usually an obvious, and by obvious i mean boring, answer. but the borng answer makes a good base. Just keep it in mind and stuff will begin to build on it from there whether it takes a few hours or a few days you'll get through the bad patch eventually.

    I can't Stop.

    I'm possessed by a deadly muse.

    It steals me of my sleep.

    Robs me of my health.

    Turns every moment of life into a possitbility for prose.

    It affects the mind that guides your deeds, sacrafices friends and

    burns away enemies.

    Every person encountered is looked upon as a plague of mediocrity

    and each face of beauty haunts your sleep until you die.

    Pain is the fuel that drives your art.

    Hatred is the spark that ignites your mind.

    You spend all your life working on a piece that will be

    misunderstood by most and in the end,

    ultimatly fogotten

    And I do believe it will be the death of me.

    Germain and Foamy the squirrel. ::iLL WiLL PreSS::

  13. I start like any other fic writer. what am i going to write about? then i think, is there a scene in that book, movie, cartoon, or TV show that would leave an opportunity for sex?

    for example, a star trek episode when two people get trapped in the lift.

    or Harry Potter, there are boys and girls on the quidditch team but i've heard no mention of seperate showers.

    if no obvious situation seems to present itself then i just think what would quickest way to get to a sex scene? usually something pops into my head because there are so many ways to start a sex scene.

    for stores with plot and not just porn, it is more difficult. you need to have an idea where you going or its gong to start sucking very fast. reference material is good. say you want your chracter to meet an alien, then you just watch a sci/fi movie for ideas.

    Inspiration comes from everywhere, you just need to look.

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