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Everything posted by Peace-Love-Yaoi

  1. Hello, I am PeaceLoveYaoi. I really need a beta for a Naruto fanfic. It is an AU fic, and the main pairing is ShikaNeji. I already have written 12 chapters, and am planning to write many more. I don't really know what my strengths are, but my weaknesses include repeating words in an annoying way. I really try not to but it's hard to see your own mistakes sometimes. I also am often unsure if I put in too much or not enough detail. I am good at spelling, and decent at punctuation (though I could probably use a bit of help). So... if you could take a look, I would be so grateful! Here is a link http://naruto.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600103010 If you are too swamped, or aren't interested for any reason let me know.
  2. It Gets Better in my pants...
  3. I am looking for a fic where Neji is set to marry a girl, so he has sex with like EVERY guy in konoha. In the end, I think he ends up with Shikamaru. But it is so dirty, and I cant remember the name. Please help me !!!!!
  4. L- Lord of the Flies (By: William Golding)
  5. I- Iliad, The (By:Homer)
  6. G- Gulliver's Travels (By: Johnathan Swift)
  7. E- Emma (By: Jane Austen)
  8. C- Count of Monte Cristo, The (By: Alexander Dumas)
  9. Classic literature? I guess I'll start... Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The (By: Mark Twain) It's not the best, but it's all I could think of! If this has already been used, tell me! I am one of the newer people on this board! Peace-Love-Yaoi
  10. I have to admit that I am a Yaoi fangirl. (Like you couldn't tell from my name. ) But I also like Het and Yuri!!! Yaoi is simply my favorite. My fav parings are as follows: Yaoi- ShikaNejiShika- My OTP. Alot of ppl don't like this pairing, but I think it is GREAT! Give it I try. I would suggest you read "Kindred" it is literally my favorite fanfiction that I have ever read. NejiGaara- I only like this in AU fics. It never works out in canon. NarutoShino- I love this pairing as written by Neko Izumi. I can't get enough of their stories. Depending on the story I can like almost any pairing. Like I read an AU that was ItachiKisame, and in it Kisame was black. It was really good. Yuri: TentenHinata- I wrote a story about them as a request, and I fell in love with the pairing. TemariHinata- They are so different, but opposites attract you know. Het: GaaraSakura- "Kazekage of Love" actually changed my view of this pair. They gave them a good realtionship, and they had great chemistry. NarutoHinata- Cute. What more is there to say? ShikamaruTemari- She's got him in check. I read this story on FF. net called "Explore Fuckfight" and it was the funniest most erotic story I have ever read for the pair! ----- I don't really have any particular dislikes. I don't like reading Neji Het. It just isn't my cup-o-tea. Peace-Love-Ya i
  11. Z-Zinc Yeah... I always sucked at science...
  12. S- Silver (Rotherfordium? Never heard of it...lol)
  13. I would love to read a fic set during the time of Ender's Game and Ender's Shadow that is between Ender and Bean. I know I'm not the only one who sees this happening, yeah? You can make it a lemon or a full story, either one! It could start with Bean getting his first hard-on, and him asking Ender what it is or something. You choose! IF you could like me to help you withit, I am more than happy to help! All you have to do is ask. If you decide you want to do this, you can post a link on this topic, or send me an E-mail at kaycedeann@yahoo.com Thanks!! Peace-Love-Yaoi
  14. Some douchebag out there thought it would be awesome to copy a story and put it in all these fandoms with different names. I am so amused . Here is a list of the plagiarized works. If you take a look, they are all exactly the same word for word except the names, which are changed in each story. DeathNote- L's Song Code Geass- Lelouch's Song Pokemon- Pikachu's song Ranma- Ryouga's Song Ouran High School Host Club- Hikaru's Song Prince of Tennis- Tezuka's Song Gundam- Duo's Song DBZ- Goku's Song Fullmetal Alchemist- Alphonse's Song Bleach- Byakuya's Song FF7- Sephiroth's Song Naruto- Avatar the Last Airbender- Zuko's Song Harry Potter- Draco's Song Supernatural- Dean's Song This is the real fic, it is in the InuYasha section: Moon Song Hope you'll get this fixed up soon. Peace-Love-Yaoi
  15. I am always looking for Neji/Shika stories from the Narutoverse. Even though there are quite a few, I wish there were more. As for crossovers, I can't ever get into them, all I can think is "WTF is Lara Croft doing in Konoha??? " Maybe that's just me... I also love Oliver Wood/anyone for Harry Potter. But he is used so rarely. I just don't get it. I also love Sirius/Remus in the Marauder Era, but there are so few really good ones with plot and not just porn. Believe me, I like nothing better than a nice smutty Slash fic , but occasionally I like a little plot. I love the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer but I can never find Edward/Jacob, Edward/Carlisle, Edward/Jasper, Jacob/Sam or ANY Slash fics. well not many... So for now, I will cry... Peace-Love-Yaoi
  16. I have a fic that started as a songfic, but after it was done, I took all the lyrics out. Mine was inspired by "Hero/Heroine" by Boys Like Girls. (Which is actually kind of ironic since it's a yaoi fic ) But I didn't want to turn people off to the fic if they just didn't like that particular song. Here is a link to my story: LINK Take a look, if you want, just to see how I did it. Peace-Love-Yaoi
  17. I get where you are coming from. I used to have that same problem. What helped me was a series of articles on writing written by Barry Lyga (author of The Astonishing Adventures of Fanboy and Gothgirl, Boy Toy and Hero Type). He explained a lot about dialogue that I didn't know. If you are interested here is a link to his articles. LINK Peace-Love-Yaoi
  18. There is a request for a beta in the Naruto section. It is posted as a story, and I guess it needs to be moved to the boards. Here's the link: LINK Thanks! Peace-Love-Yaoi
  19. I would say that the phrase "he took her" could be appropriate for a woman's first time, even if she is not a virgin. If you write it, and it still doesn't feel right, you could try something more along the lines of: "She opened herself to him and he took what she offered hungrily(lovingly?)." That is what I would use anyway. Peace-Love-Yaoi
  20. I am in love with these stories! I want to share them with you because she doesn't have a 10th of the reviews she should have! Title: Kindred (Part 1) Description: What kind of relationship might two young, ridiculously sexy, effortlessly handsome geniuses have with each other? Author: Prism0467 Rating: Adult++ Summary: Neji and Shikamaur are investigators, and have been partners for 2 years. The longer they know each other, the more their strange reliance on the other grows. Fandom: Naruto Link: Kindred Title: Indisposed (Part 2) Description:The morning after their first night together, Neji has to explain to their boss why Shikamaru can't report to work. Author: Prism0467 Rating: Adult Summary: Neji explains the absence of his partner/lover to their boss. Fandom: Naruto Link: Indisposed Title: Constructive Posession (Part 3) Description: The geniuses take their relationship to new levels. Author: Prism0467 Rating: Adult++ Summary:The events in this story take place a month after Kindred in the timeline. Fandom: Naruto Link: Constructive Posession Thanks for reading my suggestion, and I hope you will read this story, it is amazing! Peace-Love-Yaoi
  21. Okay, does it bother anyone else when people use the word "bloom" to refer to a butt-hole. That makes the think, "Hmmm... he has a flower on his ass? Hope Joe doesn't have allergies." That just bothers me for some reason. I prefer the words: hole, entrance, or maybe "the puckered flesh." I just hate the flower analogies. We aren't plants, true? So I am going to discuss some of the words from the list you guys made, as well as a few of my own. Penis- I don't mind this word as long as it isn't hard. For example: "After his lover came into his mouth, he let the limp penis fall from his lips." Here is an example of it used wrongly, "He pushed into his lover with his hard penis." It just sounds wrong to me. Manhood- I actually like this word, IN MODERATION! Throw it in when you feel you need a little diversification. Cock- Honsetly I use this word alot. It is best used with masturbation in my opinion than actual sex. Jizz/Jizum- Eww! Does that sound like someting you want inside your body? NO! Mounds- This is the worst word for breasts that I have ever read! All I can think of is piles of dirt... very flattering. "He massaged her piles of dirt with his calloused hands." Nice. Boobs- This just sounds like a 4th grader wrote it. "He unbuttoned her blouse, exposing the flesh of her chest. He finally pushed the fabric off her shoulders so he could see her boobs fully." Turn off! I actually like the sentence until that horrible word. Essence- I don't like this word because it makes me think of perfume. "With one last bob of her head, John released his essence into her willing mouth. Sue was touched that he remembered Axe body spray was her favorite." Yum. Cum- I think this is better in rough situations, come is for more romantic or intimate settings. Now! This is my biggest pet-peeve I hate in scenes where there is oral sex and a male is on the recieving end, but they make it sound like come tastes sweet. I guess they have never had performed oral sex on a guy. Cum is salty, not my favorite afternoon snack, okay? This is from one of my stories: "He moaned as the taste that was half salt, half Shikamaru, and completely delicious. "This makes it seem semi-realistic, on the other hand: "He moaned at the taste that was as sweet as sugar." Cum is not as sweet as sugar!!! End of rant.
  22. I am actually there right now. But sadly, due to certain monthly circumstances, I can't do anything about it for a little while.
  23. Actually I have. I even told him he could pick the other girl, but he said no. I am from West-Texas, basically everyone is a homophobe here. I hate this fucking place. One time a bunch of idiot football-playing-jerks got ahold of my notebook that I write fanfiction in, and comepletely destroyed it. Just because I write yaoi and yuri. They wrote things like "Fags go to hell" and "God hates you" all over it. They called me a lesbian, carpetmuncher, fag-lover, etc... I didn't care about the names they called me, but I was really upset that they tore my notebook up. It had probably 30 stories in it. I think they kept the pages though, because sometimes one would surface and they would read the sex-scenes out loud when the teacher was out of the room. They were in gay-denial if you ask me.
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