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Everything posted by Anonymous_Nanotyrannus

  1. Prior to Nazi Germany, the Swastika was considered a very positive thing in both the Western and Eastern world (espiecally in Buddhism) for thousands of years. It still has negative connotations in America and Europe, while it's still viewed as highly positive in Asian countries. It is a religious symbol. It's been around for millenia. Swastika is important for "enlightment" and statues of Buddha often feature the swastika on his forehead. http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2007/9/16/89609.html Many animes feature the swastika, however when the animes come over to America or Europe things are "dubbed" or colored over to make the series appropiate for the Western Audience. In the Sonic the Hedgehog, Rouge's cleavage is covered up, Melfina from Outlaw*Star wears a swimsuit when she's in her navigational state, and any reference to "swastikas" in anime are covered up. I'm going to assume Neji had originally had a swastika on his forehead before it being covered over by American censors. Another anime, hell if I remember it, also has a similiar thing happen where cartoon wrestlers had their symbols on their masks covered for syndication on American television. A lot of artists often try to remain as truthful as possible to original culture of the character, instead of what has been "Americanized" so they draw the Swastika. The Nazis and Manson fucked up a good symbol for the rest of us. I hope that helps.
  2. The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell! Here is how you matched up against all the levels: Level | Score Purgatory | Moderate Level 1 - Limbo | Low Level 2 | High Level 3 | Moderate Level 4 | Very Low Level 5 | Very High Level 6 - The City of Dis | Very Low Level 7 | High Level 8- the Malebolge | Moderate Level 9 - Cocytus | Low Level descriptions: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-information.html Take the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-test.mv I took this same exact quiz a few years ago (2004 or 2005) when I spent a lot of time LJ, I ended up in purgatory with limbo being my second highest. It's amazing how a few years and a few jobs just change people's attitudes.
  3. J: Jumbonium (from Futurama's "The Lesser of Two Evils) Yeah, it's a fictional element from a dorky animated TV show, does it still count? :B
  4. I worked in a very small grocery store for 4 years as my high school job. I hated it. A huge chunk of my faith in humanity grew violently ill, suffered, then finally died (and is still rotting) at the registers there. The elderly (who I thought I got away after quitting there only to run into again at my newest job) were probably among the biggest offenders when it came to bad customers. These weren't people who were confused about an ad or misread something. No. These were downright obnoxious people who spat in my face, swore at me, harassed me and would try to bully me into giving them deals. They weren't beyond throwing stuff onto the counters if they didn't get their way and storming off. For example, when the store would have a particular item on sale Buy One Get One Free, the store would have the items' original price cut in half. So if an item originally cost 5 dollars, it would cost 2.50. It's just splitting the cost between the two products. This was so that customers who did not want/need to buy two items, could buy one and still enjoy the deal, unlike most stores who made customers buy two products to get the deal (the first product would ring up full price and the 2nd would ring up free on the slip). People did not like that and did not like that the 2nd item had a price and insisted on getting it for free, EVEN AFTER A VERY SIMPLE EXPLANATION and math lesson and store policy. People still threw a royal fit over it. They did not like getting charged for the 2nd grocery. Needless to say I had a lot of Breyer's Icecream hawked at me.
  5. Green is my favorite color. Maroon, black, and silver are next in my line of favs.
  6. *Takes a photograph of phallic Dora the Explorer Aqua pet, fowards it to friends' emails* Chucks a brick that was once a loaf of pumpkin bread three weeks ago.
  7. Guilty. Ever buy a book/movie/comic just because a favorite character makes an appearance?
  8. My avatar is Taurus from the animated series Gargoyles. Minotaurs happen to be my favorite mythical creature, but they're not too common on television, unlike books, and definately not common in a position where they are a good guy, well drawn, and multifaceted. I wanted something obscure and dorky for my avatar.
  9. The only amusing thing I ever found about Krystal was when she could not enjoy her sandwich. Overall I found her drab, boring, over-rated like many of the typical "furry staple fan babes" such as Minerva Mink, Rouge the Bat, Amy Rose, Maid Marian. Personality wise, she was Mary Sue-ish. I was either too young or too busy to be around for Katt, but from what I heard she was a very unique, orginal character that they got rid of in favor of some flat (in character) Mary Sue with pointy boobs. Then again, this is just me. I'm very much pro personality and love unique characters.
  10. Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit Piccolo from DBZ Taurus from Gargoyles T-Bone from Extreme Dinosaurs Schnitzel from Chowder (Facepalms) I have a thing for kickass femmes with big boobs and very serious male characters with broad shoulders and deep voices. Sadly, other than what is on the History Channel, Tru TV, and Discovery, I just watch cartoons. I don't if I'm really in love, or I'm just generally drawn to characters like that. When I actually see porn involving said characters, I normally just go "WTF?", not "Holy heck, that's hot *fap* *fap*fap*.
  11. *Flattens woodchuck with Contour* *Points and lets loose a shrill scream. Chucks an alien plant pod*
  12. I am no longer allowed in the ice cream isle of Giant Eagle while on my period.
  13. Having stolen a case of his pickled herring milt-y To eat on top of her toast and whole wheat crackers
  14. He: Helium @ Silverfox-Chan. Don't worry, but what you want to do is in your reply state an element that corresponds with the next letter in the alphabet after the previous post, not repeat another element that also begins with the same letter feature in the previous post. So the next letter after me would be I.
  15. This thread is just to tell jokes, that's it. Clean jokes Bad jokes Dirty Jokes Tasteless Jokes What's worse than finding a worm in your apple? Getting Raped.
  16. Weeaboo
  17. Yellow
  18. W: Whippings and Whipped Toppings
  19. *I'm a bibliophile, I love Literary terms!* U: Underwater
  20. *As long as you're not allergic. Latex allergies blow chunks. I'm sure those rubber suits are scented or have something done to control the odor.* S: Sadistic Strap-on Sex Alliteration!
  21. I have no idea either, I've seen pictures (in either furry porn or hentai involving the end result of tentacle rape) of it so someone finds it hot... Q: Quick and dirty
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