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Everything posted by Juno

  1. Ha ha, hisbabybird, I have the exact same problem! Novellas are fairly "easy" for me to write, and novels take some time, but I can do it, it's just the short stories that have me. I suppose a lot of my ideas are fairly complex, and I feel like I just can't tell it in a scene or two. Even at that, though, my chapters tend to be pretty long, about 11-13 pages. That's also saying that my stories tend to not focus on the erotica aspect, but something else. I've only written one sex scene and that was a long time ago. It was so awful I think I tramatized myself into not writing another one. That will more than likely change, though. As a reader, I think I'm equally drawn to both short stories and longer stories, depending on what I'm in the mood for, what captures my interest and how well they are written. I do agree that the longer ones that leave you hanging are just aggravating, though.
  2. Like a lot of people here are saying, I get my inspiration from life. Daydreaming is a big factor, but one of the biggest factories for my mind to create ideas is if I go driving while listening to music. Something about how all the scenery passes by just jumpstars my creative drive. I also get ideas from dreams and nightmares I have, and personal experience. Life is just a big muse to me, I guess.
  3. Zyx, your Harry Potter idea made me laugh, just at the thought of that becoming a fanfic. It sounds hilarious. Shinigami, Are you talking about a backstory for Draven? (I do not know if Solstice is a fandom or an original story. From what you've said thus far, it sounds like an original, so forgive me if I'm giving you advice that's not relevant). If so, start with why he hates werewolves like he does. Was he attacked when he was young? Was a friend or family member killed by a werewolf? How is he related to Inigo? Is he Inigo's mother's brother, or is he related to Inigo's father? I think if he were related to Inigo's mother it would call for some awesome conflict within the story. That's usually how I go about thinking up backstories for my characters, but if this is a fandom I could just be spewing useless information. StoryJunkie, I have crazy dreams like that too! I've written them down, but not really in a story format. Even though my dreams are usually long, drawn out things, that's a great idea to make them into a story! Thanks!
  4. Title: Winthrop Manor Author: Juno Rating: Adult+ (This may increase due to later chapters) Language, M/F, MC (for now) Description: Mira Claybern and her family have happily been living at the "haunted" Winthrop Manor for many years. Out of nowhere, the Ritval family comes in, claiming an "unimaginable wrong" has been perpetrated to them by the Clayberns. The only solution they see is for the family to gain half ownership of the manor and move in with the Clayberns. Not much had happened before in regards to hauntings, but after the Ritval's only son, Eli, moves into the third story of the North Wing, very strange things start happening, all relating to this "unimaginable wrong." Mira procclaims it up to her to find out what's really haunting the house, and if there isn't something more to the strange and ellusive Eli Ritval. Too bad she's scared shitless of ghosts. Feedback: Yes, please! Fandom: None. This is an original piece. Url: http://original.adult-fanfiction.org/story.php?no=600096188 Thanks! --Juno
  5. Well, as some people here are saying, I think it all depends on personal preference. If your breasts are giving you problems, I think that's a great indicator that you probably need breast reduction. Growing up I was a very early bloomer, which not only made me uncomfortable with myself, but also made my body look disproportionate. Now I'm 5'2", 105 pounds with D cups, but I got them back when I was around 12 or 13. Back then I received a LOT of attention from all the little pubescent boys, and I admit that, at first, I was flattered, but now that I've grown into my body and look more proportionate, thus I don't always have the problem of guys staring at my chest and not my face (not to mention that most guys I knew have to look down at me anyway). Right now I'm perfectly happy with my body shape and what size breasts I have, but I can see how going either way can make you feel uncomfortable or inadequate. However, I think part of the whole "guys looking at girls' chest and not their face" thing can actually be seen as flattering to some girl. I know someone who has around DDD cups and she complains all the time about how she has back problems and how she hates how big they are, but she normally wears very, very, very low cut shirts or very revealing corsets and she talks about her problems when our guy friends are around. Despite all of her complaining, I think she likes the attention she gets when she points out how "too big" her breasts are.
  6. I would be careful with the Unresolved Sexual Tension thing, though. There was a series I used to be interested in that had the same exact thing between the two main characters, but the story and tension just dragged on... ...and on... ...and on... ...and on. I just felt like there was no development between the two characters as the story went on, and when it seemed like there was, a new chapter or episode would have everything back to the way it originally was--no emotional development within the characters' relationship. Not to mention the series was overflowing with poorly-written angst. I eventually got fed up with the series and I no longer follow it. So my advice to you is that, when using UST, just remember to use it tastefully, and that the experiences this boy has will affect him as time goes on. It sounds like your story has the potential to be very funny, but don't drag it out "just because its a good thing." Otherwise you'll bore your readers.
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