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Everything posted by Lost_Soul

  1. I am back~! And I have great news, I have chapter 6 and chapter 7 up! Taking a break now and will be working on chapter 8 soon when it's not busy for me. Enjoy~!
  2. I wish I could go.... ;__; But alas, I am so busy. >.< Maybe in the near future I hope, when I have money and a costume and can go the distance. XD; Have fun and good luck squall~! :3 Tell us all about it when you get back from it so that I can relive your memory in my mind as if I was really there! lol XD
  3. Well I have some good news... uhm... I am helping a friend of mine go through her depression and so far, she is doing ok. It's been difficult and yes, stressful but it has brought us closer together. :3 Since I know all the tricks a depressed person will throw, I knew how to get around that to get to her and still be close friends. So I guess... having to suffer depression wasn't fruitless but helpful for me to help another person out who is dealing with it and I am happy to have helped her and hopefully others in the future. Still not taking any meds and my depression is under control somewhat but enough that I can help someone and do the daily things in my life. I am moving out of this god forsaken town finally! And moving into a home of my own, which could be the reason of me not being depressed. Anyways... I hope this post I made can be a place for anyone who is depressed to come here and vent or even talk, because it's nice to talk and maybe me or someone on this site can help and give you comfort. I hope things go well for her (my friend) and me and everyone else on here too in the future! PEACE! :3
  4. Well thank you for the smile~ ::smiles back:: :3

  5. I asked you who this uncle was that you mentioned to have in your past life and YOU said General Meade. Okay, if that is the case then if I remember correctly and there is proof in what I am going to say is... General Meade never started out as a general when the Civil War broke out and was a Captain most of the war and earned his rank as a general later on. He also was already apart of the Volunteer in which he volunteered to join the war, not because he HAD to go as you state. I don't know how this has to do with anything Agaib has this post to be about the proof of God but I thought I say this in case you are unaware of this very fact about General Meade."At the outbreak of the Civil War, Captain Meade offered his services to Pennsylvania and was appointed as a brigadier general of volunteers. Like many American families during the Civil War, Meade's was also touched personally by sectional strife. His wife's sister was married to Governor Wise of Virginia who later became a brigadier general in the Confederate army." from General Meade's Biography, (taken from the U.S. governmental site) third paragraph down. I rest my case....
  6. Interesting... Though I use an online dictionary and thesaurus to help me with the sexual words and such... I don't mind coming here to help others with such words and phrases as well with mine. ;3
  7. 5th chapter up! Will be taking a break, since I will be busy here. >.> It might take me another month to update the 6th chapter, if not, hopefully, not... -__- Then it will be posted soon than I anticipate. ^__^ Enjoy~! <3
  8. I instead, read your story in the anime section under Death Note. The story I read was 'Chained Heart'. You already know I am a Death Note fan. >.>; My review: I like how you have the story so far. I would like it if you put more detail into the plot on the hunt for Kira and as well L's thoughts on the whole matter of being with Light who he still suspects to be Kira. He does that a lot throughout part of the series and you don't really show him thinking that very much or state it much. I know you do once or twice, but not enough as would L have done it. Don't get me wrong, I still like the story so don't think I am flaming you for this, lol XD; There is also a lot of smut in it... >.> which seems kind of weird for the two, but that doesn't mean I don't like it cause I do! X3 I guess I am one of those people who aren't in it for the sex when it come to reading a fan fic... yes, I know... I am weird... -__- But I do enjoy reading one that do have it in there. Anywho, I like it so far and wonder how you will end it. Have you watched the whole series or are you only following along to what is shown on tv? Here's the Death Note series in case you haven't and want to watch the whole thing to help you out with your story. I must warn you that it is subtitled in english. o.o Well I hope I was of help with my review! :3 I hope you read my story~! X3 My vote: +++
  9. Well greeting to you to my fellow geek~ ...whore... >.>; (JK) ;3

    o.o I really am unless you think its funny! >_<;

  10. XD; I think you are the first fluent Japanese speaking person in here. o.o; Well... Kononnichiwa~! <3 :3 I don't think I can be of any help because my Japanese is a little rusty as well as I am not a native from there... >.>; ...Gomen nasai... -__-; If you speak English and can type it, I do believe I can help and be one step closer to a friendship! Anyways, see you around AFF forums and welcome to our yancha spot~! ;3
  11. I love your naughty avatar of L and Light kissing! X3 I wish I was there doing my share! ;3

  12. O.O! This is an awesome idea! XD Why didn't I find this sooner!? >_<; A Devil's Heart My story is a WIP. But I have 5 chapters up so far, welll, I will have the 5th chapter updated here soon, need to have it go through my beta and then me again. -__-; I hope people likes it! Whoever reviews I will read a story of theirs they want me to read and review it as well! Thanks! Lost Soul
  13. Guilty! ;__; Noooo~! Xo
  14. Lost_Soul


    ^Banned for banning me for not recently continuing the madness... >.>; sorry about that, been so busy lately... ^^; I have continued the madness! X3
  15. I have 1-4 chapters up! Working on the 5th one... >_>;
  16. I actually think the title 'The Asylum' fits fine. I dont see it as cliched. I mean, thats where it takes place right? I also think you should keep the reader in the dark. Asylum seems to be a mystery type and not many people knows what goes on in those places... believe me o.o I think it would be better that way. I have my story where the reader is left in the dark and keeps you guessing, with plot twists added here and there. >3 just to throw the reader off. ^^ It makes the story more interesting and brings the reader back for more! and will also beg you to write more... >.> But it makes for a good story in my opinion. I cant stand it when an author throws everything on the table, then it doesnt make the story any interesting and I lose interest. I mean... it wont give the reader much reason to read the story if everything is put forth in the beginning and not give any little room for thinking for the reader as to guessing and trying to figure out what is going on in the plot you know. Anyways, thats just my thought on it, but do whatever you think would work better for you and please ya. If you want, you can read my story and get an idea on what I am talking about. I have a link below, the story is called 'A Devil's Heart' ^^ But I am interested in yours to get a feeling for it and see how you did. Good Luck! ;3
  17. XD you know, to solve your guy's problem, just freakin DROP comcast and go get DSL or some other internet connection company. o.o Don't get Joink >.> I use verizon and/or time warner. ^^ I haven't hardly got much trouble from them and they aren't a bitch about charging you unfairly. Hell, when I didn't have a week of internet, I called time warner up and complained, they helped me through the phone and gave me tips that I needed to try, and if that didn't work, sent someone out to give me help and it went well. Everyone was nice. ^^ That's just my advice... >.>
  18. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I am the youngest! XP 21! Take that! WOO~! B) ::goes off to drink:: X3 I am LORD of... uh... >.>; <.<; o.o* ...of YOUTH! ...yeah~ >D heh heh heh where are my 300 virgins~!? jk jk XD; Anyways... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the other 4!
  19. Happy Birthday to YOU and to ME! X3 or should I say... happy 30th birthday to you and happy 21st birthday to me! XD;

  20. Happy Birthday to YOU and to ME! X3 or should I say... happy 47th birthday to you and happy 21st birthday to me! XD;

  21. Happy Birthday to YOU and to ME! X3 or should I say... happy 23rd birthday to you and happy 21st birthday to me! XD;

  22. Oh wait... o.o uh... >.>; yeah sorry, nvm! XD; Guess its not your bday... read it wrong. -__-; Sorry! >.<; (delete my last comment) ::is hugely embarrassed::

  23. Happy Birthday to YOU and to ME! WOO! X3

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