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Posts posted by Psychostorm

  1. I personally like flames as long as they are either creative, funny or filled with undying hatred for me(that doesn't make me a troll does it? :( ). One of my favorites to this day was an Anon saying "I hope you get cancer and die." I laughed my ass off. Its the boring flames that really annoy me, like ones saying my fics are a waste of time and stuff like that. I hate seeing that I have a new review and then looking on there only to see something like that, its a huge let down really. At least tell me about how you think I should be castrated or something.

  2. Seriously, members of the opposite sex are just there to make you feel good about yourself. Once they stop doing that its time to move on and find another. Some people say there are more fish in the sea, I say there are better fish in the sea. Why waste your time being hung up on just one when there are millions more out there? Its like deciding to eat shrimp for the rest of your life then when you get to the point that you are sick of it you still keep eating it anyway and ignoring all the other great foods out there.

  3. You'd think people wouldn't mind someone else hanging out with them right?

    What's up with the fact that they do mind? :huh:

    To be blunt it means they don't like you, not that its any fault of yours(as far as I know :( ) Just find some people who do like you. As you get older it does get harder to make friends but a good way would be to just be friendly with the people you work with or go to school with and once you are on relatively good terms with some who are decent people you can be like "So, why don't we get some people together and go do <insert activity of your choice here>. Sometimes it pays to be the one with initiative and get things going rather than waiting to be invited.

    The only time I had real friends was back when I was in the army. I don't have any friends right now and that mostly stems from the fact that I'm stuck living with my parents at the moment. Though I should be getting a job as a firefighter soon and will have the money to rent a place with a few other guys. From that point it should be easy to have crazy parties and make friends with people and bang all kinds of different girls.

  4. Most Christians are decent enough people, their main flaw being that they tend to see things through "Bible glasses" and reject reason and logic if it conflicts with their religious views. Also those raised in religious homes are conditioned to believe what they're told on the basis of authority rather than to reason things out for themselves based on factual evidence, making them more vulnerable to being manipulated by various sources, including the government and media. A good example of this would be all the people who actually take Bill O'Reilly seriously, despite that a lot of what he says is just opinionated bullshit and the fact that he has no credentials to even claim to be an expert on politics. Though I guess even liberals arn't immune to believing what they want to hear, I guess its just a flaw of human nature.

    Anyway, the fundamentalists(of all religions) are the ones who would drag us back to the intellectual dark ages if they had their way. The muslim fundies are pretty much openly trying to do that now through their little jihad bullshit.

  5. hey does anybody think that our idiot in the white house may have done something illegal by now? cause i think he must have by now. just an matter of time before he gets caught..

    I'm pretty sure that him and all past Presidents and their administrations have done illegal things. People in positions of power tend the think they are above the law. I don't really hate Bush personally, I think he's the kinda guy I could kickback and have a few beers with but he is mentally retarded and has no business running a country.

    As for all this talk of a New Word Order, a one world government wouldn't be a bad thing if it had a kick ass leader, such as myself for example. I'd turn the world into a beautiful utopia for everyone. Of course everyone would have to bow down to me as their master and those who refused would be tortured to death in the most obscene way possible but hey, its give and take you know. :(

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