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Posts posted by Psychostorm

  1. Change your font please, it is painful to read.

    As for moderation... well I personally believe in the free exchange of ideas. Let people talk about whatever they want. So what if a flame war erupts, if it does, it's becaue the people wanted it.

    I mean really, is surpessing human nature by the moderators going to solve anything? Fuck no. Let humans be human, let them flame, let them have bad grammar let them show you their true nature.

    But you are in a precarious position yourself. It's human nature to abuse one's power so I expect you will do so at some point or another.

    Anyway, don't be the next Fanfiction.net, they are worthless grammar nazis. Let anything be posted. If it sucks it will pay the price. This is just like natural selection, only the strong will survive. If you interfere it will just be fake.

  2. Give me a fucking break, the reason people lable others as a troll for having a different oppinion is smiply becauase it is easy. Its an easy low blow becasue trolls are universilly hated. So just lable your enemy as a troll. Jesus, its no different than other low blows like comparing some one to Hitler, calling them "gay" or other such bullshit. Its like how the conservative garbage call Obama a socialist, its just a cheap, bullshit thing to say because they don't have a relivant way of brining him down.

  3. So lately I've been looking for people who are online in real time to talk with during what are, for me, the wee hours of the night. I live in Eastern Standard Time and am online from 11:00pm - 7:00am most nights due to work. This has been somewhat problematic for me and my existing writer friends, as they're into this lame thing called 'sleep' at night. (infantile pouting here) I'm looking for beta readers and sounding boards in general, not for any specific project. People with whom to share discussions about writing as a craft. Basically, I need more writer friends

    I'm 25, female, and wholly nocturnal due to the nature of my job. I'm located in New England, USA. I only speak and write in English, though I have a passing knowledge of French. I write (and prefer to read) speculative fiction, with a definite preference for fantasy. I have a hugely annoying issue finishing what I start. I'm a brutal beta, but I have a quite comprehensive understanding of meter and flow in language, as well as excellent grammar. I'm a BA level psychologist, formerly an English major, and I've done roughly one cubic ass-ton of coursework in sociology and philosophy. I can be very helpful in fleshing out character motivations and sociological themes. I can point out plot flaws in the works of others (though I've been known to miss them in my own works...)

    If any of this interests you at all, I can be contacted via AIM; my screen name is Moniquill, or on MSN Messenger as Dreadfulmoqui .

    You sound like you're filling out an application on E-Harmony or some shit. If I ever have a moment of free time I might look you up.

  4. Because the Japanese approach to nudity, especially in a group bath atmosphere, is something most Americans have never encountered and thus aren't very comfortable with. For all that we are today, we were founded by a bunch of Puritans, and that comes back a lot when things from different cultures get introduced to ours. Interestingly, you tend to see a backlash against the censorship, as people don't want watered down entertainment, they want the original material. So while adults are freaking out over a bare ass on NYPD Blue or a nipple slip in the Superbowl (though admittedly, that had to have been planned, which means they knew they were breaking the rules. Why else the star?) while the younger generation is watching imported animation, which almost always features a group bath scene somewhere along the line. "Sneaking over the girl's side" is the Japanese equivalent of the panty raid, just with bare flesh instead of women's underwear.

    Well this cultural bullshit pisses me off. Fuck culture, I don't subscribe to american, japanese or any fucking dogmatickal bullshit. I approach a situation with rationality and logic, having a certain opinion because it is your "culture" is fucking stupid.

    I swear, humans are such a worthless bunch, not bothering to thing rationally but more comforatable allowing cultural bullshit to think for them.

  5. Psycho Darling, metrics... smetrics it confuses old Americans, beside what I drank was weak rosy- sweet wine coolers and if you think #6 was BS, you didn't read the other numbers they're totally full of #2 as well ^_^ Respectfully, Cal

    Yeah I'm not too keen on liters but I know what a 40oz bottle of malt liquore is like. Wait, ounces aren't metric either are they, eh fuck it.

    Opium, actually. Of the bits I've actually managed to confirm? She met the guy of her life in a bookstore, procceeded to get trained as a bondage slave by him, only for him to die of a heroine overdose, which his parents blamed her for, so she didn't get to attend the funeral. Then met another guy, got engaged to him, got raped by him, broke it off and then proceeded to miscarry the child from the rape. Shortly after this, she managed to graduate highschool. She then proceeded to get engaged again, broke it off because the guy was an ass (this was about the time I met her) and has since gone through a series of "gentlemen" which have so far included: an army recruit who proposed to her in a cleaning solution induced haze, a guy who used her to cheat on his girlfriend, two of her friends whom almost immediately decided they were then going on to a "spirit quest" or somesuch, another guy who was so small she couldn't tell he was in until he started moving only for him to fall out and blame it on her for being "too wet". Next was the guy who blew her off four times and then asked her to wait for him while he got his career off the ground. Then the next guy also asked for time to "find himself." Now she's chasing a guy who goes to school with her best friend, and is supposedly a virgin, which would make him the third of the lot. (Tiny and the second fiancee were also virgins.)

    Her interests include literature, poetry, writing, punk, ska, metal (all varities), tatoos, track marks, knives, being tied up, opium, and brandy, though shots are perfectly fine as well. Anyone willing to date her must first pass the Popeye's test. The test involves attending a show at Popeyes, a local bar which is really more like a small house party, most famous for the holes in the wall where people were forcibly ejected.

    There is a reason we all decided we'd be more active in helping her pick out the next guy.

    You know, I'm not even interested any more, the girl's a fucking train wreck. I want no part of that mess. Next thing you know she'll be pricking holes in my condoms with a needle or some shit.

  6. I remember the medieval years of Cartoon Network when they first started to put out Gundam Wing. No swearing or blood was shone (even if the scene made no bloody sense without the blood). One of the oddest things was that the term 'I will kill you' was censored to 'I will destroy you'. It's a show about war, you have to say 'kill' at some point! Just took the realness out of it for me. At least there wasn't any nudity, so it wasn't like Tenchi Muyo and the painted on bathing suits that you could tell were added in.

    The funniest Gundam Wing censorship moment would have to be when Hilde walks in on Duo in their little house. He's sitting at a table with this big bottle next to him, that he's clearly been drinking out of. Now, anyone capable of common sense knows that it's a bottle of alcohol, but Cartoon Network erased the brand name and replaced it with Tabasco sauce. 0.o So... he's been swilling Tabasco sauce? At least they could claim that it's root beer or something... normal. I don't know if it was the alcohol element, or just the fact that he's fifteen, but it made us crack up every time. Fortunately, we have the uncensored set, all alcohol and swearing kept the way the original creators had intended. ^_^

    Yeah but they did have Gundam Wing Uncensored On Toonami at Midnight. It was bascially a precursor to other animes shown on the adult swim nowadays.

    And whats wrong with nudity in Tenchi? Being ashamed or embarrased about the human body is disgustingly ignorant.

  7. Goddamn. So last night I fell asleep really early, 9PM, after watching Berserk and 5cm Per Second. A strange combination.


    So in my dream, I was browsing the site when my dad decided he wanted to go to the store, so I said I'd go because I wanted to buy some cookies.

    So we got there and I stuffed some cookies in my clothes because I'unno, I guess in my dream I was a klepto. Anyways. We go to pay, and the dumb girl at the register is talking to some conspiracy theorist behind me instead of letting me pay, and he was saying that sugar pills make people comit suicide. So I say "Can I just pay now?" and she gives me a really dirty look and says "Yes" and rolls her eyes. So I give her the money (Even though I previously stole the stuff?) and walk out.

    On the way back to my dad's truck, I decided to stop by the pet store, and this is where it gets messed up.

    When I got inside, I recognized a bunch of people I went to school with, all guys, in the front room. So I went to the back room that said "Dogs" but when I got inside there wasn't any dogs, instead, a bunch of girls I went to school with were tied up in bondage clothes and naked, but they were all smiling. So I turned around to leave but got lost and ended up in another room, this one was the same as before but bigger, and it was really noisy and there was people all over. And once again all of the girls I went to highschool with, and more guys, and some people I don't even remember I think they were just generic background characters.

    So, for some reason I started trying to yell over the people, asking if anybody had a polaroid camera, I guess because I wanted proof of what was going on, so, finally, a guy I've known since elementary school was like "Yeah" and pulled this light down from above one of the girls' cells, since, they were all in like jail cell things. But no doors were on them.

    So after he pulls the light down he grabbed this digital camera from behind a pole, and hands it to me. I go "Thanks" and then start walking back to get a better picture, but I tripped, and fell on my hand and was like "Oh gross I can't believe I touched the ground in here that's disgusting." So I got up and tried to take a picture, but it was really crowded and I got knocked down. So I stood back up and wiped myself off and tried to take a picture again but as soon as I had a clear shot, everybody was dressed again, but I took a picture anyways and it printed out of the camera.

    I gave the camera back to the guy and looked at the picture and it wasn't just one picture,but it changed between a whole scene of pictures like the camera had been going off for a while, so I actually had proof of what was going on.

    So I pushed my way through the crowd and made it back outside, and then when I saw my dad's truck I woke up.



    That was my dream.

    Dude wtf? That is the weirdest shit I have ever heard. If I dreamed that I walked into a room with girls I knew from High School in bondage gear and chained up I'd be like "ITS RAPE TIME BITCH!!" I don't think I've ever had a dream about girls I used to know that didn't end in rape, or at the very least consensual sex(how boring).

    Also, usually in my dreams either something is trying to kill me or I am trying to kill something, its weird.

    I had this recent dream where this horse with a skull head was trying to hurt my cat(who has already died in real life) and I beat the ever living shit out of it and killed it's sorry ass. But my cat had gotten wounded by it and I held her and cried as she died. :( I woke up feeling really depressed after that.

  8. Today I fell asleep in class, and I dreamt I was watching two different sunsets at the same time. One of them was gold and orange like a regular sunset, but the other one was more silver and blue. Strange thing is, I somehow feel it was a really important dream... Anyone want to take a guess at what it might mean?

    Its simple, sunset has always been symbollic in human culture as to and "ending". This dream simply means you have some underlying conflict as to how you should pursue and accomplish a major goal. You can choose the gold and orange ending or the silver and blue one, its all up to you. One may not be better than another, simply diffferent.

  9. Please Add Contact Information:

    Phone Number

    E-mail address

    1) Do you have track marks and/or scars?

    2) Are you currently taking illegal drugs of one form or another?

    3) If so, please list them here:

    4) Do you listen to ska, heavy metal, or punk?

    5) Do you even know what ska is?

    6) Is your liver capable of processing more than three liters of alchohol/hour?

    7) Do you have a problem with homosexuals or bisexuals?


    8) Are you comfortable with blatant racism?

    9) Do you recognize any of the following names: Emile Zola, Tom Robbins, or Edward Rutherford?

    10) Are you lying to us?

    11) Are you comfortable with sadomasochistic acts?

    12) Are you comfortable with watching other people commit sadomasochistic acts on your girlfriend?

    13) Do you have a small penis? (Ignore this if female.)

    14) Are you comfortable with your girlfriend committing random acts of nudity in public?

    15) What nationalities have contributed to your heritage?

    16) Are you comfortable with tattoos and piercings?

    17) Are you comfortable with being called Master?

    18) Are you comfortable with your girlfriend referring to other people as her Master?

    19) Are you comfortable with sharing your girlfriend with several dead people?

    I'll play I don't give a fuck, i'm drunk and board

    Email: turtlehead68w@yahoo.com

    Phone number: I haven't paid my phone bill since October, I'll have to get back to you on that....

    1. Not that I know of

    2. Not at the moment


    4. I listen to metal, typically "melodic death metal", "power metal", and "thrash metal" DARK TRANQUILLITY IS THE SHIT 4 EVAR!

    5. Yeah, but only because a friend of mine played a CD of it when I was riding in his car.

    6. Liver fuck yeah. Brain.......... I'll get back to you on that......

    7. No way, I lived in an apartment with two homosexual guys in San Diego for a while.

    8. Yeah, blantent racism is fucking fine if its a joke but if the person is being serious then fuck them, how stupid can you be. Race doesn't matter, what matters is a person's underlying genetic code. Too bad we can't analize that on an individual level yet. Or I guess we could but it would be time consuming.

    9. I belived that Edward guy gave me a cock massage a while back but other than that no.

    10. No. But, if I'm a liar, maybe this response is a lie....

    11. I am a masochist an a sadist so I guess I would be. Mwhahahahahahahaha.

    12. Oh fuck yeah, abuse the girl till the break of dawn, that would rock.

    13. I have 6 inches of glory, which is 1 inch more than average for those of you keeping score.

    14. Sure, I don't give a fuck what she does, she can rape chickens for all I care.

    15. I am half German and half Swedish. (and Dark Tranquillity is from Sweden, isn't that the shit!?)

    16. Sure, just not on me. Having identifying marks dosen't thrill me cause I may need to do some illegal things at some point, you never know....

    17. I am your Master, never forget that.

    18. Sure, fuck it, I don't give a shit.

    19. Necrophilia is fine, however if its in a state that its illegal, I didn't know about it and didn't participate in it.

  10. And that is a good example of a trollish comment. Not really an opinion, just an offensive comment. What was the point of it besides pissing off someone with religion?

    Hahahaha, that was my point. Or was it? Maybe some people would find what I said humorous, maybe some wouldn't. It all boils down to a matter of opinion. That's what I was trying to illustrate. Or maybe I was just trolling, who knows, its quite the enigma.

  11. I don't know how many offices you've been to. But their security guards normally aren't allowed to carry weapons. They get pepper spray, if that.

    Also the guy might not've had a weapon on him at the moment, but both husband and wife have concealed carry licenses. :| They've always got a gun on them.

    The rest of your post was just calling me gullible.

    I don't see how nodding along at the interesting story makes me gullible. I have no proof they did or didn't do anything. Until I hear one way or another from a third party, it doesn't really matter to me. It makes for an interesting mental image.

    I've seen mall cops with guns. But maybe thats just because i live in Georgia and everyone here is a gun nut. Still, a security guard that isn't armed seems like a waste of money to me.

    Oh and how did the husband conceal a weapon if he was naked? Did he pull a Glock out of his ass and fire shit bullets or something?

    I'm not trying to bust your balls I'm just saying this story reeks of bullshit. Maybe there are parts of it that are true but still, it has to be HIGHLY exagerated.

  12. Hm, violent rape is okay but consensual yaoi isn't that bad either, though for the aggressive Hollows it's frequntly OOC. Anyway... what if Aizen told Ulqi to fuck Orihime? In that case he'd obey orders :rolleyes: After all, he was given the duty of jailing and pacifying her and stuff. It's really only betraying Aizen if Aizen forbays him to do it. Something tells me that between the two in a yaoi situation, Aizen would be the top, so if Ulqi wants to play top sometimes, Orihime is the bicycle for it.

    Well it would be fine in that case, when I think of "pairing" I think of it more in a sense of some love/lust type of deal. If Ulqi raped her that would be fine but massive OOC. But then again, OOC is totally fine in fics. And yeah Ulqi is totally a bottom to Aizen but he's a top to Grimjaw, and since its been revealed he's by far the strongest arrancar in the latest bleach manga issue, he'd be a top to any of the other espada.

  13. The strangest dream I remember was one where some sort of medusa was trying to rape me in the stairs to my grandmother's house. :o

    That's pretty jacked up. I had a series of dreams a while back all in one night that were pretty cool.

    In the first one I had just joined an urban gang and they wanted me to prove my loyalty. So what I did was I went out on to the streets and grabbed this woman and carried her back to the hideout. I then slammed her onto a table and ripped her pants and panties off and was like "Get over here guys and gang rape this bitch!". BUT THEN THE COPS SHOWED UP! We all split up and ran like hell but the cops caught up with one guy and made him suck their dicks! I got scared as hell and ran but there was a fence I couldn't get over and the cops caught me. The fat white cop whipped his huge cock out and tried to make me suck it but I resisted and woke up.

    I fell asleep again and this time I was at a summer camp or some shit. I was in the cabin with a bunch of nerdy virgin guys and I decided to make a man out of them. The girl's shower was some how connected to our cabin so I sneaked into the shower room to look for a suitable girl. I found one girl I knew from high school and she was hot so I busted into her shower and grabbed her! I dragged he back to the cabin and put her on this table and held her legs spread eagle and let every guy in there rape her. After is was over she was sitting in a chair all huddled up and crying. I went over to her and was like "Why are you ashamed of your body?" and then I began feeling her up on every inch of her sexy body but I didn't fuck her for some reason. THEN THE COPS SHOWED UP!! Once again they caught me and tried to make me suck their dicks but I woke up first thankfully.

    I fell asleep again and this time it was weird. I was driving around and reached this place that was like kinda outdoors but kinda indoors. It was kinda like a fast food place but also a caffateria or some shit, it was totally weird. Anyway, I saw these kids eating at a table and one of the girls was kinda hot. So I turned invisible because "I HAD THE MARK OF THE DEVIL"(I don't fully understand what that means but in this dream I had it and it gave me power) and went and began molesting this girl. Since I was invisible she thought it was her boyfriend who was stitting next to her. She then got all turned on and left and went into the shower room which was apart of this place. I followed her and went into the shower room. It was a weird place with large shower stalls for multiple people but had shower curtains around each of them. I heard her say "I bet you won't come in here", from behind one of the curtains but she called me by her boyfriend's name. So I got a great idea and metamorphed into the form of her boyfriend and went into the stall with her to find her completely naked. She was smiling and like "So what do you think?" and I was like "You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." saying some cheesey line like that. We started kissing but unfortunatly I woke up before I could nail her.

    With all those sex dreams in one night I woke up and jacked off. I used a T-Shirt I had near by to catch my sperm so it didnt' stain my bed sheets thankfully.

  14. I've never seen a vending machine with bars...

    Refrigerated vending machines are pretty common, I've seen them a lot in hospitals and other large buildings where people work for long periods of time...

    Her husband's a bit of a jackass.

    And yeah, I don't think forensic scientists come in to work on the case of the stolen sandwiches and unconscious security guard.... :| This isn't TV. It was three stolen sandwiches and an office security guard who probably had a flashlight, radio, and keys.

    Also her husband was walking around naked because... He's a jack ass? Seriously the guy's been pissing me off lately. He also teaches self defense so I'm sure the overweight security guard went down easy.

    Seriously you give security guards too much credit. And watch too many police TV shows too.

    I'm just exploring all possibilities. Pretty much every vending machine I've seen at hotels or offices have bars. And as for the forensics thing, yeah that's a stretch but still a possibility. Also I had many other points that you haven't refuted. It's still bullshit, or at the very least, HIGHLY EXAGGERATED! Seriously, you are pretty gullible if you believe a story like that. You're just believing what you want to believe because you think you're going to get laid.

    Oh and shinigamionich's post made me thing again about how him busting the glass with his bare hand would work. That glass would have cut his hand up pretty damn bad, even to the point of him needing stitches. Have you ever seen someone bust a pane of glass in real life? I have and blood gets all over the place, its not like the movies.

    Also I don't watch TV police shows, they suck. But sometimes on the Discovery Channel or something they have shows about forensics, and trust me, it is nearly impossible to get away with a crime if the forensics team is called in, especially if BLOOD is left at the scene.

    As for giving security guards too much credit................. THEY HAVE GUNS!! The husband didn't! It doesn't take much skill to point and shoot a target at point blank range.

    I'm telling you, these people are having a good laugh at you behind your back at your gullibility.

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