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Posts posted by pittwitch

  1. The only reason the archive administrators here at AFF hide stories is for TOS violations. Once the author brings the posting into compliance and notifies the proper staff members, it will not be hidden anymore.

  2. Adding in a new character is common. Otherwise, we wouldn't have an OC (original character) tag. It is a good bridge to writing completely original fiction. At least it was for me. Are OC's popular? Not so much in some fandoms.

    If you're looking for inspiration, I suggest the Dribs, Drabs prompts. Treat it like an assignment - a challenge to use all three words within the length constraints. They got me back to writing when I had been quite stagnant. Even now, I'm eyeing up: gravid, grandiose and grognard. I am thinking of exactly how I can use those words!

    edited for grammar

  3. For grammar, sentence structure, subject-verb agreement, word usage, etc., by all means, YES, a general composition course will help. As far as creativity, that cannot be taught, only encouraged. Go forth and write - like Bronx said. Although she knows how I feel about that 2,000 words a day deal -- I don't have enough time for 200 words most of the days.

  4. IRL, a long time ago (last year) I held a position wherein witch was the nicest thing I was called. I've since retired.

    Don't stop reviewing, please? Reviews are like crack for the imagination. They're also the reason I revamped my entire style of writing. Yes, that first review stung like hell. After I gave that person's advice careful consideration, I started down the path to becoming a much better writer. So, even if they delete the reviews - the seed has been planted. Don't let them throw you.

    Oddly, I have had many review replies requesting beta services - services which I no longer have the opportunity to provide.

    Review as much as you read. :)

  5. It is only "bad" for those who have no love or care for the craft; those who are only writing and posting for the asspats from their fanpoodles. The rest of us are still willing to withstand the sting.

    Sadly, I tend to stay far, far away from writers who only want the glorification. They're fairly obvious in some fandoms - which is why I check the reviews page before I start an unknown/author story. And, at times, I'm suckered in ... if I leave a concrit review - I've been known to time the speed of the deletion. :)

    I wonder if that's one of the reasons folks call me a witch?

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